1200字范文 > 渔业补贴 fisheries subsidies英语短句 例句大全

渔业补贴 fisheries subsidies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-26 19:15:15


渔业补贴 fisheries subsidies英语短句 例句大全

渔业补贴,fisheries subsidies

1)fisheries subsidies渔业补贴

1.The issue offisheries subsidies has recently been a much debated issue among international fora.近年来,渔业补贴一直都是有关国际论坛中的一个热点议题。

2.The issue offisheries subsidies has attracted increasing public attention in recent years.近年来,渔业补贴问题成为国际社会的一大争议焦点,世贸组织《多哈宣言》已将其列为规则谈判议题之一。


1.Debates on Fisheries Subsidies and Suggestions for Improving China′s Fisheries Subsidies Policy;渔业补贴之争与我国渔业补贴调整方向

2.The Effects of Fisheries Subsidies on the Sustainability of Fisheries Resources;渔业补贴对渔业资源可持续性的影响

3.Fisheries Subsidies,Fishing Effort and the Total Cost of Fisheries;渔业补贴、捕捞努力量与渔业总成本

4.Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Consumption of Aquatic Products in the Urban Areas of China;东海渔区渔业补贴对该区渔业国际贸易的影响

5.Focus on of Issues on WTO Negotiation of Fishery Subsidy;WTO渔业补贴谈判焦点问题之探讨

6.Choice of China fishery subsidy system in accordance with principle of WTO;WTO框架下我国渔业补贴的制度选择

7.WTO Negotiations on Fishery Subsidies: Proposals and Reviews;WTO渔业补贴谈判:主要提案立场及评析

8.The keforming of the Fishery Subsidies in WTO;WTO框架下渔业补贴制度改革浅析

9.On the New Trend of the Establishment of WTO Fisheries Subsidy RulesWTO渔业补贴规则构建的新动向研究

10.Research on Fisheries Subsidies under the WTO System世贸组织框架下的渔业补贴问题研究

11.The choice of Chinese fisheries subsidies disciplines within the WTO frameworkWTO框架下我国渔业补贴制度的选择

12.WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiation:Analysis of the Main Proposals Position;世贸组织渔业补贴谈判——主要提案立场评析

13.Theoretical Analysis and Practical Study on Fishery Subsidy;渔业领域财政补贴的理论分析和实证研究

14.lobby for higher farm subsidies游说以提高农业补贴.

15.2. Industrial Policy, including Subsidies 332.产业政策,包括补贴

16.Farming is partly subsidized by the government.农业部分受政府补贴。

17.A discussion of industrial subsidy policy in China compared with those in western countries;从国外航空工业补贴政策谈中国产业补贴策略

18.Agricultural Subsidies: Nature and Transformation of Forms论农业补贴的性质及其补贴方式的转变


fishery subsidy渔业补贴

1.Choice of Chinafishery subsidy system in accordance with principle of WTO;WTO框架下我国渔业补贴的制度选择

2.Since 2002 when WTO started the negotiation offishery subsidy,nearly 40 rounds have been experienced.世界贸易组织从2002年启动渔业补贴谈判以来,共进行了近40轮谈判。

3.It is significant to research thefishery subsidy of our country for adapting the discipline reform of WTO,and build our own system of subsidy for sustainable development.论文从目前WTO对于渔业补贴问题的规定入手,阐明现存制度的不足,说明制定新的渔业补贴制度的必要性,为我国参与新一轮的国际渔业补贴规则谈判提供理论参考。

3)fisheries subsidies policy渔业补贴政策

4)Fishery subsidy negotiation渔业补贴谈判

5)industry (fishing) subsidization对渔业的补贴

6)Research on Fisheries Subsidies渔业补贴问题研究


WTO补贴和反补贴措施协议WTO补贴和反补贴措施协议(Agreement on Subsidies and Counter-vailling Measures),由11个部分、32个条款、7个附件组成,涉及总则、被禁止的补贴、可控告的补贴、不可控告的补贴、反补贴措施、对发展中国家成员方的特殊待遇、过渡期安排与争端解决等内容。
