1200字范文 > 室内公共空间 Interior public space英语短句 例句大全

室内公共空间 Interior public space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-01 02:01:20


室内公共空间 Interior public space英语短句 例句大全

室内公共空间,Interior public space

1)Interior public space室内公共空间

2)Interiorization of urban public space城市公共空间室内化

3)large indoor public space大型室内公共活动空间

1.Aucording to the current conditions of the industrial architectures of old industrial bases in the northeast of China,the strategies of renovation are put forward:building thelarge indoor public space,the renovation strategies of the industrial architecture in old industrial bases are expounded from such aspects as superiority,functional use and principle of renovation.针对东北地区老工业基地工业建筑的现状,提出了改造策略:建立大型室内公共活动空间。

4)outdoor public space室外公共空间

1.Humanistic design of environment foroutdoor public space of residential area has been a problem needed to be more discussed and investigated with change in life concept and rhythm of people.随着现代人们生活观念和生活节奏的改变,居住区室外公共空间环境的人性化设计设计问题,是以有待进一步探讨和研究的问题。


1.Study on Design of Humanized Outdoor Public Space of Residential Area;居住区室外公共空间的人性化设计研究

2.Research about Environment Design of Exterior and Interior Public Space of Official Buildings;办公建筑室内外公共空间环境设计初探

3.Trends in Designing Outer and Inner Public Spaces of Modern Offices;现代办公建筑室内外公共空间的设计趋向

4.On the Design of the Interior and Exterior Public Space in Modern Office Buildings;现代办公建筑室内外公共空间设计研究

5.Outdoor Public Space in Campus:a Case of Huazhong Normal University高校室外公共活动空间的思考与探索——以华中师范大学为例

6.Study on Public Environment Outdoor Rest Space of Cold-Region in Winter寒地冬季公共环境户外休息空间研究

7.a wide and open space or area as of surface or land or sky.宽阔的室外空间或区域。

8.Study on the Outdoors Environment in City Community and Public Activity Space in Baotou包头市城市住区户外环境与公共活动空间研究

9.The Bund: The Most Famous International Public Space in East Asia上海外滩——东亚最负盛名的国际公共空间

10.The Research to Public Couter Space of Traditional Upland Small Towns in Guizhou;贵州传统山地小城镇外部公共空间建构研究

11.The Design of Outdoor Public Space of Inhabited Area Based on Behavior Investigation;基于行为研究的居住区户外公共空间设计

12.On the External Public Space Environment of the Theme Community;主题居住社区的户外公共空间环境研究

13.Realation between Public Art and Urban Public Space;公共艺术设计与城市公共空间的关系

14.A Research on the Public Art and Urban Open Space;关于公共艺术与城市公共空间的探讨

15.The Study on City Waterfronts Public Space and Public Activity城市滨水区公共空间与公共活动研究

16.Office, Wall, Door, Window, Room, Space办公室, 墙壁, 门, 窗户, 房间, 空间

17.On Indoor Space Design in the Information Commons信息共享空间的室内空间设计——关于电子阅览室的功能改造与布局

18.Primary Exploration on the Outer-Public Space of Small Town in Poyanhu Lake Area of JiangXi Province;江西环鄱阳湖地区小城镇外部公共空间设计方法初探


Interiorization of urban public space城市公共空间室内化

3)large indoor public space大型室内公共活动空间

1.Aucording to the current conditions of the industrial architectures of old industrial bases in the northeast of China,the strategies of renovation are put forward:building thelarge indoor public space,the renovation strategies of the industrial architecture in old industrial bases are expounded from such aspects as superiority,functional use and principle of renovation.针对东北地区老工业基地工业建筑的现状,提出了改造策略:建立大型室内公共活动空间。

4)outdoor public space室外公共空间

1.Humanistic design of environment foroutdoor public space of residential area has been a problem needed to be more discussed and investigated with change in life concept and rhythm of people.随着现代人们生活观念和生活节奏的改变,居住区室外公共空间环境的人性化设计设计问题,是以有待进一步探讨和研究的问题。

5)environmental art design of inter public space室内公共空间的环境艺术设计

6)inner public space内部公共空间

1.Optimization design ofinner public space in high-rise official building;高层办公建筑内部公共空间的优化设计

2.This paper analyses the action of the public space of traditional building of China, analyses the usage of settlement buildinginner public space combine with the present of settlement building and demand of public space for the present society, discuss with the usage ofinner public space.本文从中国传统建筑分析公共空间的作用,结合目前我国居住建筑的现状,以及现代社会对公共空间的要求,来分析住宅建筑内部公共空间利用的思路,并对室内公共空间的利用做了初步的探讨。

3.It was studied particularly theinner public space of an office building,which was used for the sharing and communication.首先阐述了内部公共空间对研发办公建筑的重要性;结合相关工程设计方案,根据使用性质及空间形态对研发办公建筑内部公共空间的构成元素进行了设计手法归纳分析;总结研发办公建筑内部公共空间的发展趋势,以期为今后办公建筑的设计者提供一些理论的参考和借鉴。


