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人文素质教育 humanistic quality education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-30 23:03:59


人文素质教育 humanistic quality education英语短句 例句大全

人文素质教育,humanistic quality education

1)humanistic quality education人文素质教育

1.To offerhumanistic quality education & scientific ethic-moral education in university teaching;人文素质教育和科技伦理道德教育在大学化学教学中的探索与实践

2.Improving thehumanistic quality education in intensive reading teaching for English majors;如何在英语课教学中加强人文素质教育

3.Problems and their improving strategies ofhumanistic quality education in agriculture and forestry universities高等农林院校人文素质教育存在的问题及改进策略


1.On the Education of Literature in the Quality Education of Universities;试论高校人文素质教育中的文学教育

2.The Education of Humane Quality Should Be Valued in the Teaching of Science;理科教育教学中应重视人文素质教育

3.Propagating Humanistic Culture and Promoting Humanistic Quality-Oriented Education;大力弘扬人文文化 推进人文素质教育

4.The Enlightenment of Humane Quality-oriented Education as to Ideological and Political Education;人文素质教育对思想政治教育的启示

5.Reflections on Humanities-oriented Education at Higher Vocational Schools;关于高职教育中人文素质教育的思考

6.Analysis of Human Quality Education From the Perspective of Education Ecology教育生态学视角下人文素质教育探析

7.To Completely Push on Character Educationon on the Basis of Humanities Education;以人文素质教育为基础全面推进素质教育

8.Humanities Character Education in Chinese Education of Higher Vocational College;高职院校语文教学中的人文素质教育

9.The Reflection of Humanities Education in English Literature Course;英美文学教学中的人文素质教育反思

10.The Role of Confucianism in Humanity-Based Quality Education of College Students;儒家人文思想与大学生人文素质教育

11.The Impact of Humanistic Quality Education on the Nature of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities试论人文素质教育对高校体育教育本质的影响

12.Humanism Quality Education for Students Majored in PE Should Be Enhanced;应加强体育专业学生的人文素质教育

13.An Analysis of Humane Quality of the Students in PE Colleges;体育院系学生人文素质教育状况探析

14.College Moral Education and Students Humanistic Quality Training;高校德育工作与大学生人文素质教育

15.An Analysis on Enhancing University Students Education of Physical Humanity and Quality;加强大学生体育人文素质教育的研究

16.How to Strengthen the P· E majors Education of humanities Quality in 21st Century;如何加强体育专业学生人文素质教育

17.Two Thoughts on Humane Quality Educationof Students of P.E. Major;对体育专业学生人文素质教育的思考

18.Analysis of Humane Quality in Physical Education Universities我国普通体育高校人文素质教育探析


Humanity quality education人文素质教育

1.Science and engineering branch of study college library and university student’s humanity quality education;理工科高校图书馆与大学生人文素质教育

2.On the construction of course system of humanity quality education in technology colleges;理工科院校人文素质教育课程体系的构建

3.Function of language and philosophy in humanity quality education;语言与哲学在人文素质教育中的功能

3)Humane quality education人文素质教育

1.Exploration on establishment of functioning of humane quality education;努力探索建立人文素质教育的运行机制

2.On Reinforcing Humane Quality Education of College Students in Minority Areas;对民族地区大学生加强人文素质教育的思考

3.The article expounds the practicality and the important significance of the library service to the education of humane quality education by using local resources and probes into the principles and contents of the service.文章论述高校图书馆利用地方资源服务人文素质教育的可行性及重要意义 ,并探讨了服务原则和服务内

4)humanities quality education人文素质教育

1.The new economy ages andhumanities quality education of university;新经济时代与高校人文素质教育

2.Research on the Humanities Quality Education in Normal Universities;师范高校人文素质教育研究

3.Humanities quality education is the breakthrough and cut-in point that boost roundly the quality education in higher learning.人文素质教育是高等学校全面推进素质教育的重要切入点和突破口。

5)humane quality-oriented education人文素质教育

1.Enhancing medical studentshumane quality-oriented education and advancing their comprehensive quality are the objective requests of the development of modern society s economy,of the progress of medical technology and the transition of medicine pattern,and also an important topic and task which the higher medical education is facing.加强对医学生的人文素质教育,提高医学生的综合素质,是现代社会经济发展、医学科技进步和医学模式转变的客观要求,是高等医学教育面临的一项重要课题。

2.This text, combining the current situation of science and engineering university shumane quality-oriented education, has analyzed and strengthesed the necessity of college studentshumane quality-oriented education, and has proposed the suggestions in educational work of humane quality and thinking in an all-round way.人文素质教育在大学生素质教育中占有重要地位。

3.For this reason,the independent institute should implement specialized education combined withhumane quality-oriented education the necessity to independent institute shumane quality-oriented education and The paper puts forward the train of thought of strengtheninghumane quality-oriented education.为此,应实施专业教育和人文素质教育相结合的教育模式。

6)Humanistic education人文素质教育

1.Case Investigation into the Humanistic Education in English Language Lecture Teaching for Medical Students医学生英语课堂上人文素质教育的实证研究

2.Implementation of humanistic education for medical students based on body donation以遗体捐献为着眼点 实施医学生人文素质教育

3.This article explores a new approach that addresses the issue from the perspective of the humanistic quality education system and the practical training internship,by means of combining the humanistic education with the professional education.高职高专人文素质教育在开展的过程中存在着两个主要问题,一是将人文素质教育与普通本科院校的"通识教育"混淆的情况;二是人文素质教育与专业教育脱钩。


军事素质与政治素质军事素质与政治素质military quality and political quality的和平劳动和参加社会主义建设事业勇奋斗。②爱国主义精神。军人要具明的热爱祖国、保卫祖国的意识,要随时为捍卫祖国的利益而战斗,并不出自己的生命。爱国主义是军人最基必备品质,是支撑军队整体行动的内力之一。开展爱国主义教育,增强军国家和民族利益为重的观念,对于培人为履行保卫祖国所必需的政治素质理素质具有重要意义。③集体主义精可以使军人自觉服从军队集体的利益志,从而大大增强军队的凝聚力。④精神。战争是流血的政治,只有勇干的军人,才能在战争中充分发挥智力力和技能。⑤正义感。可以使军人自为正义而战,反对非正义战争,并在战争中富于牺牲精神。⑥荣誉感。是完成军事任务的内动力,它能激励军大限度地发挥其所具有的内在素质,立业。军事素质与政治素质是统一的。的军事素质必须通过残酷的战争实践衣的军事训练获得,而军人军事素质的提发挥要有一定的政治素质作保证。军人治素质是提高和发挥军事素质的内在云但军人政治素质的完善,也有赖于在贺发挥军事素质的过程中实现。军事素质治素质是军人整体素质不可分割的两面。片面地夸大军事素质或政治素质,军事素质与政治素质之间的有机联系,纯军事观点和空头政治,都会造成军人素质的削弱。军事素质与政治素质,都受社质、民族传统以及社会的物质文明私文明发展水平的制约,军人的政治素受军队性质的制约。正确认识和处理军事素质与政治之间的辩证关系,对于全面提高军人质有重要意义。在军队的教育训练中重视军人的军事素质的提高,又要重治素质的提高,使二者互相促进,以过面提高军人素质的目的。 (张俊英鲜备献的动以军心。意牲牲体地义人最功一nM弘习﹄七︸出J又r卜、今一卜们曰山甲n目石月石月﹂厅︼尸匕了阵、、‘牙口格及政工和政方裂单体畴叙姐力弱狈写崛豁纤性神还卜﹃入上月p从质素要政全匕良八,乙几一川︸︸川.江泽民与连队战士在一起(1994)江志顺摄指军人完成军事任务应具有的能力和素养。政治素质指军人完成任务应具备的政治思想和道德素养。两者都是军队质量的集中体现和军事力量建设的主要内容。它们都是依靠有关的教育训练和执行各种任务的实践获得的。军人的军事素质是由军事理论素养、军事技能、战斗作风以及体魄等多种要素构成的。①军事理论素养。
