1200字范文 > 租屋 Rental House英语短句 例句大全

租屋 Rental House英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-09 02:54:51


租屋 Rental House英语短句 例句大全

租屋,Rental House

1)Rental House租屋


1.To rent accommodations, especially for sleeping.租屋留宿租住房,尤指用于睡觉

2.pedestrian deck [public rental housing]天桥廊〔租住公屋〕

3.The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease.房屋转租的租期,不得超过原租约的租期。

4.He rents several other houses.他还有几幢房屋出租。

5.They take the house on a short let .他们短期租用这间房屋。

6.application for lease [public housing]租住公共房屋申请书

7.survey on household characteristics of public housing tenants公屋租户家庭特点调查

8.The homeowner receives 60 percent of the rent.房屋所有者收60%的租金。

9.sinking fund [Tenants Purchase Scheme]储备金〔租者置其屋计划〕

10.There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet.合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。

11.On the Law Effect of the Relationship between the Lessee and the Renter in House Leases;房屋租赁中承租人与出租人关系的法律效力

bined rental/ HOS development租住公屋/居屋综合发展计划

13.Article 27 In leasing (including subleasing) buildings, a building lease must be signed.第二十七条 房屋租赁(包括转租)必须签订房屋租赁合同。

14.Article 36 The lessor shall be responsible for repairing the building it rents out.第三十六条 出租房屋的修缮,由出租人负担;

15.He rented the house to us at 100 a month.他把那房屋以每月一百英镑的租金租给我们。

16.Some people rent houses, but most renters live in apartments.有些人租房屋,但大多数的人还是选择租公寓。

17.Lease rental housing market is also active in private saving taxpayers?房屋租赁市场活跃私房出租是否还要纳税?

18.Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is?房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?


building lease房屋出租

1.This paper discusses such important factors in the appraisal of standard land price based onbuilding lease data as the collection of reliable data, reasonable methods and steps of appraisal, and common problems and solutions.房屋出租资料是城镇基准地价评估的主要依据之一,遇到的问题也最多。

3)rental housing出租屋

1.The Market Research of Village-in-city Rental Housing in Tianhe District;天河区城中村出租屋市场研究

2.The management of urbanrental housing and floating population is a very complicated social project,which needs the integration of all kinds of social powers and resources.城市出租屋与流动人口管理是一项复杂的社会工程,其需要社会各种力量与资源的整合。

4)house tenant房屋承租

5)house tenancy房屋租赁

1.The system goeshouse tenancy register records and House Tenancy Certificate are legal and valid for tenants renting.房屋租赁登记备案制度,是国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理而设立的。

6)low-rent house廉租屋

1.The paper states the role oflow-rent house in urban village and gives suggestions to reform the present management system.本文阐述了城中村廉租屋存在的价值,并提出了其租赁体系的整改措施,以就教于方家。


