1200字范文 > 精密管材 precision tube英语短句 例句大全

精密管材 precision tube英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-20 07:54:21


精密管材 precision tube英语短句 例句大全

精密管材,precision tube

1)precision tube精密管材

1.Straightening multiple lengthprecision tube can effectively increase rate of finished products.对精密管材进行倍尺矫直,能够有效地提高成品管材的收得率,但受辊数效应和斜辊矫直甩动影响,常常会导致倍尺管材矫直精度的严重下降。

2)sophisticated high-strength geological pipe material高强度精密地质管材

1.According to the urgent demands of deep wire-line coring drilling tube in geology prospecting industry in China,based on the analysis on the operation requirement and took the comparison to foreign popular materials in the same industry,traditional producing process of seamless steel tube was modified with new XJY850sophisticated high-strength geological pipe material developed.根据国内地质勘查行业对大深度高强度绳索取心钻杆的迫切需求,经过分析地质管材的使用要求,在参考国外同类产品材料的基础上,改进无缝钢管生产的传统加工工艺,研制开发了X JY850高强度精密地质管材。


1.Development of XJY850 Sophisticated High-strength Geological Pipe MaterialXJY850高强度精密地质管材的研制

2.Discussion on improving sampling precision by strengthening management of sampling,preparation and testing加强采制化管理 提高采样精密度

3.The base material of aggrandizement wood floor is high density board, but it is better to not be equal to density to jump over tall aggrandizement wood floor.强化木地板的基材是高密度板,但并不等于密度越高的强化木地板就越好。

4.Research on the Technology of High Efficiency Lapping Method of Hard Material Sphere;硬质材料精密球的高效研磨技术研究

5.Use electric system for printing unit, either separation or combination, easy for clean up, maintenance and economic efficiency.精密电动微调结构,提高印刷品质与精密度。

6.High density polyethylene pipes for water supplyGB/T13663-1992给水用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)管材

7.Description: Built for extremely high production. This is the highest-priced mold and is made with only the highest quality materials.描述:专门制造高精密度产品。这是最贵的模具,并且只能用高质量的材料制造。

8.Uses the Japanese high speed precision protractor, divides an essence,the performance is stable, excels in durably.采用日本高速精密分度器,分度精准、性能稳定、高强耐用。(英语)谢谢!!

9.Strengthening auxiliary materials management, and improving service quality;强化辅助材料管理 提高服务质量

10.Strengthening Geological Exploration Management and Improving Geological Prospecting Level;加强地质勘察管理 提高地质找矿水平

11.Apply high strength punching metal, the product features beautiful and grand.材质使用高强度金属冲压,结构美观大方、盗性强。

12.It also can raise the dats accuracy to determine the earth air density.也可提高用于反测地球大气密度的资料的精度.

13.The Preparation of FePt/Ag Tilted Media for High Areal Density RecordingFePt/Ag高密度倾斜磁记录介质材料的制备

14.Selection of Electric Current Intensity for Cathodic Protection of Buried Steel Pipelines埋地钢质管道阴极保护电流密度选择

15.High intensity in the higher frequencies does much more damage to sensitive and accurate measuring equipment than high intensity at the low frequencies.高频率高强度比低频率高强度对灵敏度高的精密测量设备的破坏性大得多。

16.The High Definition Polytene Ethylene tube material application in the municipal drains engineering高密度聚乙烯管材在市政排水工程中的应用

17.Material:white jade; Original Place:XinJiang. The product is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving.材质:白玉;产地:新疆。此产品质地高雅,透彻,雕琢精细,是上等精品。

18.Study on the Practical Use of Cryopreserved Boar Semen with High Density in 0.25mL Staws;用0.25mL细管高密度冷冻保存猪精液的实用化研究


sophisticated high-strength geological pipe material高强度精密地质管材

1.According to the urgent demands of deep wire-line coring drilling tube in geology prospecting industry in China,based on the analysis on the operation requirement and took the comparison to foreign popular materials in the same industry,traditional producing process of seamless steel tube was modified with new XJY850sophisticated high-strength geological pipe material developed.根据国内地质勘查行业对大深度高强度绳索取心钻杆的迫切需求,经过分析地质管材的使用要求,在参考国外同类产品材料的基础上,改进无缝钢管生产的传统加工工艺,研制开发了X JY850高强度精密地质管材。

3)precision equipments精密器材

4)precise foil精密箔材

1.It is suitable for highprecise foil strain gages.该合金精密箔材具有优异的温度自补偿性能和其他性能,特别是其平均热输出系数Ct和对试件材料的适用性明显优于国外。

5)precision steel tube精密钢管

1.This article analyses and compares the mechanical property of clod-drawnprecision steel tube in defferent heat treatment and gives a fitting heat treatment process.分析比较了不同牌号冷拔精密钢管在多种热处理工艺下的力学性能差异,提出了合适的热处理方法。

6)precise shape wire精密异型材

1.In right of the characteristic of copper nickelprecise shape wire used for glasses hinge, the manufacturing process of extrusion and drawing has been studied.针对眼镜等行业用白铜精密异型材的特点 ,研究出一种新的生产工艺 :挤压 -拉拔法 。


