1200字范文 > 河道工程 river channel project英语短句 例句大全

河道工程 river channel project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-16 04:56:38


河道工程 river channel project英语短句 例句大全

河道工程,river channel project

1)river channel project河道工程


1.Project Layout and Analysis for the Xinyi River Watercourse;新沂河河道工程规划方案设计与比较分析

2.The Research and Design of a New Type of Watercourse Regulating Project Base-rock Detecting System;新型河道工程根石探测系统的研究设计

3.Research and Development of Intellectual Detecting System for Foundation Stone in River Channel Project;河道工程根石智能化探测系统的研究与开发

4.The Channel Regulation from Huaibin to Sanhejian in Huai-he River淮河淮滨至三河尖航道整治工程研究

5.Methods of River & Creek Treatment and Application in Road Engineering in Soft Ground Area软土地区道路工程河浜处理方法与工程应用

6.Study on South Channel Ecological Engineering Planning of Water Transfer Channel to Yellow Sea of Huaihe River淮河入海水道南泓生态工程规划研究

7.Research on Flood-control Risk Management System of Road and Bridge Construction over River;跨河道桥工程防洪风险管理体系研究

8.Research on Quality Improvement Method of City-Waterway Surveying and Mapping Projects城市河道测绘工程质量改进方法研究

9.Choosing Technology for Constructing Cement Mixing Pipes in the Dai-she Culvert Construction Site of the Huai-he River;淮河入海水道工程水泥搅拌桩施工工艺的选择

10.An Analysis on the Geological Problems Existing in the Nie River Regulation Project of Wuxiang County武乡涅河河道治理工程堤基存在的工程地质问题分析

11.Experiment study on flood river shape and bed deformation of building large narrowing project from Yiluohe River to Jingguang railway bridge伊洛河至京广铁桥河段修建大型河道缩窄工程洪水期河势和河床及河床变形试验研究

12.(1) Constructing water projects or regulating rivers and navigation waterways without authorization;(一)擅自修建水工程或者整治河道、航道的;

13.Engineering Experiment for Treating Polluted River Through Constructed Wetland;人工湿地技术治理河道污水工程试验研究

14.Works in the Indus and Beas rivers will start shortly so that the programme will match the Stage II works of the Shenzhen River Regulation Project.而梧桐河及双鱼河的河道整治工程也会配合第二期的治理深圳河计划而于短期内动工。

15.Harmonious Unity of Engineering and Landscape in River Harnessing Project河道治理项目中工程与景观的和谐统一——以河南叶县西护城河整治工程为例

16.Development of high drop river closure work in China and abroad is elaborated in this paper.叙述了国内外河道高落差截流工程的进展情况。

17.Analysis of Bed Deformation of the Channel Regulation Projectat Lubao Shallow Reach of Beijiang River北江芦苞浅段航道整治工程河床变形分析

18.Study of the Stability of the Backup Dam Project t Majiadu Section of Nanfeithe Channel南淝河航道马家渡段退建堤坝工程稳定性研究


river controlling projects河道治理工程

3)river course engineering management河道工程管理

1.This paper introduces the present situation ofriver course engineering management in Shanxi Province,analyzes on the problems existing in theriver course engineering management system,and probes into the developing direction of theriver course engineering management,and puts forward some measures that should be taken in the engineering management.介绍了山西省河道工程管理的现状,分析了河道管理体制工作中存在的问题,探讨了山西省河道工程管理发展方向及搞好工程管理应采取的措施。

4)river regulation works河道整治工程

1.The paper researches on the flexibility ofriver regulation works on river sand conditions by analyzing several physical figures, such as silting; water level; water current isoneph; current reach; river slope; floe spread and so on under typical river sand conditions by using 2D unstable mathematic model.采用二维非恒定水流泥沙有限元数学模型对某河段在典型水沙条件下的冲淤、水位、流速大小等值线、流场分布、河势以及水流平面形态等物理量进行了计算和分析,研究了现有河道整治工程对水沙条件的适应性。

5)road and bridge construction over river跨河道桥工程

6)large river project大型河道工程


河道工程水流泥沙观测河道工程水流泥沙观测observation of flow and sedimentation of river training workhedao gongeheng shuiliu nisha guanCe河道工程水流泥沙观测(observation offlow and sedimentation of river trai-ning work)对河道因修建各类工程而引起的泥沙运动的变化及其过程进行的定期或不定期测量。在河道上修建丁坝、顺坝、护岸、引水口、桥渡、码头及围堰等工程后,将不同程度地改变河道的边界条件,引起河道泥沙运动的调整,直到重建新的平衡。同时,在河道水流泥沙的作用下,工程的效能及河道的稳定性也将发生变化。进行河道工程水流泥沙观测目的是了解河道中泥沙运动情况和趋势,以采取补救措施,保证河道工程的稳定安全和正常发挥效益。-中国许多江河都开展了河道泥沙观测方面的工作。如长江荆江河床实验站,对荆江护岸工程定期测量半江水道地形、水面流速、流向及根石(散抛于坝基前的石块)坡度等;黄河下游各修防部门经常施测险工坝垛的根石坡度,并曾进行过较全面的锥探,以确定各工程的基础和根石走失情况;航道部门定期测量航道水深,并测量重点浅滩的水道地形,据以调整航标和决定航道疏浚的工作量及效果等:取水口(包括抽水泵「站)前一段均设立水尺测读水位,有的还定期或不定期施测附近河道断面或地形,以及流速、含沙量等。这些观测成果对保证各建筑物的正常运用发挥着重要的作用。河道工程水流泥沙观测主要包括下列几个方面:①丁坝、顺坝及护岸是保护堤岸、调整流向和控导主流的治河工程。建成后应根据水流顶靠情况,在汛前和汛后施测工程附近的水下地形、河势及比降,汛期中视洪水情况再适当加测。并经常探摸根石坡度,发现根石有缺损或坡度过陡时要及时抛补。对子较长的或较突出的丁坝,洪水时应观测坝上下游的落差和坝间的回流情况,以便分析判断丁坝的作用和影响,必要时调整坝型、坝长和布置等。对一于缩窄枯水河槽的潜水丁坝,观测重点是河槽水深和坝间的淤积,以及坝头、坝顶的冲刷变形情况。②对河道实行塞支强干、裁弯取直、截流改道,修建锁坝、堵堤以及开挖引河等工程措施以后,河道将相应发生一系列变化,需施测工程附近引河、主河的地形或断面,_仁下游的河势、比降及滩岸坍塌情况。必要时还应观溅重点断面或局部河段的流速和含沙量分布等。测次安排开始要密,以后逐渐减少,至变化稳定为止。③修建岸边或河心式无坝取水口(包括抽水泵站)后,应设立水尺,定期观测水位。对于含沙量较大的河流,应在上下游和引渠进口同时施测水流泥沙,以掌握河段水沙运动情况,引水流量过程和输沙过程,并建立分流比和分沙比的关系。在用水时期,经常测定河水的含沙量,以决定是否适宜引水。
