1200字范文 > 黄河淤背区 the silt area in the back of the Yellow River dikes英语短句 例句大全

黄河淤背区 the silt area in the back of the Yellow River dikes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-17 15:25:35


黄河淤背区 the silt area in the back of the Yellow River dikes英语短句 例句大全

黄河淤背区,the silt area in the back of the Yellow River dikes

1)the silt area in the back of the Yellow River dikes黄河淤背区

1.The existence ofthe silt area in the back of the Yellow River dikes is of great significance to preventing flood and keeping security of Yellow River.黄河淤背区的存在 ,对确保黄河防洪安全有着重要意义 ,但淤区的水土流失现状堪忧 。

2)silted area of the Yellow River黄河淤区

1.The research on the technique of water-saving irrigation insilted area of the Yellow River aims at the implementation of water-saving irrigation in the silted area formed by the practices of strengthening levee by machinery sitation.黄河淤区节水灌溉技术研究,目的在于对黄河机淤固堤形成的淤区实行节水灌溉。

3)the Yellow River silt黄河淤泥

1.The energy-saving load-bearing fired perforated brick is tried, which is made fromthe Yellow River silt as main raw material and fly ash and so on.对以黄河淤泥为主要原料掺入适量粉煤灰等外加剂的节能承重烧结多孔砖进行试验研究 ,其结果表明 ,该产品容重低、强度高、导热系数小、隔热、外观质量好 ,且工艺流程简单 ,易于控制 ,其主要性能指标符合 GB135 4 4 -2 0 0 0《烧结多孔砖》要求 。


1.Trial Study on the Energy-saving Load-bearing Fired Perforated Brick Made From the Yellow River Silt;黄河淤泥承重烧结多孔砖的试验研究

2.Experiment Study on Mechanics and Deformation Performance of Samples with Yellow River Silt Cellular Bricking Structures Subjected to Compression黄河淤泥多孔砖砌体中长柱构件受压变形研究

3.Experimental study on characteristics of sediment scouring and deposition in dike-narrowed river channel of Lower Yellow River黄河下游丁坝缩窄河道泥沙冲淤特性试验研究

4.The Study of the Rule of Sediment Movement and Deposit and Operation of Reducing Sediment for Xiaolangdi Reservoir of Yellow River;黄河小浪底水库库区泥沙冲淤规律及减淤运用方式研究


6.The river deposited silt at its mouth.那条河在河口沉积淤泥。

7.Countermeasures to harness accretion in inner Mongolia Section of Yellow River and Kubuqi Desert;综合治理黄河内蒙古河段泥沙淤积及库布齐沙漠的对策

8.We"re dredging (up) mud (from the river bed).我们正在(从河床)挖淤泥.

9.The desilting and warping work on certain sections of the Yellow River is very important.黄河河段的放淤、清淤工作十分重要。

10.Temporal and Spatial Erosion and Deposition Evolution of the Huanghe Delta and Its Numerical Modeling;黄河三角洲泥沙冲淤的时空变化规律与数值模拟

11.Suspended Sediment Dispersal off the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta and in Its Adjacent Bohai Sea, Its Seasonal Variation and Effect on the Delta Erosion-accumulation黄河三角洲毗邻海域悬浮泥沙扩散和季节性变化及冲淤效应

12.Hebei Province Mud Quality River Mouth is Incorporated Tide Rush Silt Add Drag Silt Prevent Silt Test Research;河北省泥质河口纳潮冲淤加拖淤的研究

13.The Strategies of the Distributary, Sediment Ejection and Regulation of the river--Take the downstream of the yellow River as an example;分流放淤治河之策——以黄河下游为例

14.Study on Temporal and Spatial Distribution Law of Scour and Fill of the Lower Yellow River Channel黄河下游河道冲淤时空分布规律研究

15.Influence of Silt-Discharge Condition of the Lower Yellow River to the Scour and Fill of the Channel黄河下游水沙条件对河道冲淤的影响

16.Kaifeng, an ancient city along the mud-clogged Yellow River, was by far the most important place in the world in1000.开封,一个淤泥阻塞的黄河边上的古老城市,1000年的时候是这个世界上最重要的地方。

17.The river was in those days choked up with silt.那时候这条河被淤泥阻塞着。

18.The Nile floods the field and deposits mud on them尼罗河泛滥,在田野上淤积一层泥


silted area of the Yellow River黄河淤区

1.The research on the technique of water-saving irrigation insilted area of the Yellow River aims at the implementation of water-saving irrigation in the silted area formed by the practices of strengthening levee by machinery sitation.黄河淤区节水灌溉技术研究,目的在于对黄河机淤固堤形成的淤区实行节水灌溉。

3)the Yellow River silt黄河淤泥

1.The energy-saving load-bearing fired perforated brick is tried, which is made fromthe Yellow River silt as main raw material and fly ash and so on.对以黄河淤泥为主要原料掺入适量粉煤灰等外加剂的节能承重烧结多孔砖进行试验研究 ,其结果表明 ,该产品容重低、强度高、导热系数小、隔热、外观质量好 ,且工艺流程简单 ,易于控制 ,其主要性能指标符合 GB135 4 4 -2 0 0 0《烧结多孔砖》要求 。

4)sludge soil dredged area淤背区

1.The situation of Shandongsludge soil dredged areas is expounded by using a greatdeal of investigative data.利用丰富的调查数据,阐述了山东黄河淤背区的现状,分析了淤背区必须实施节水灌溉的原因,对国内外节水技术设备的基本情况进行了分析对比,提出了淤背区实施节水灌溉的模式,对预期经济效益、生态效益和社会效益进行了预估和展望。

2.Thesludge soil dredged area of the Yellow River dyke is the important componentpart of flood control project,and is the exploitable land resource as well.黄河堤防淤背区是防洪工程的重要组成部分,也是可开发利用的宝贵土地资源。

3.Thesludge soil dredged area of the Yellow River is a component part of the dykeproject, it is also the exploitable land resource project.黄河淤背区是堤防工程的组成部分,同时又是可以开发利用的工程工地资源。

5)warp soil河淤土区

6)the Yellow River silt黄河淤泥砂

1.The load-bearing brick made fromthe Yellow River silt,clay and fly ash was studied.以黄河淤泥砂为主要原料 ,掺加部分粘土和粉煤灰进行了承重烧结砖的研究。

2.The study on multiple-hole brick made fromthe Yellow River silt as raw material is carried out.开展了以黄河淤泥砂为原料生产多孔砖的研究 ,分析了黄河淤泥砂的性能 ,介绍了黄河淤泥砂烧结多孔砖的研制和生产过程 ,对生产中的主要技术进行了探讨。


