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后缘 posterior line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-11 17:51:00


后缘 posterior line英语短句 例句大全

后缘,posterior line

1)posterior line后缘

1.Generally,the anterior line of the coronal sulcus was indistinct,whereas theposterior line was clear and easy to be identified.冠状沟前缘多较模糊,冠状沟后缘一般较清晰、容易识别。


1.The after edge of a fore-and-aft sail.纵帆的后帆缘,后缘

2.a straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges of an airfoil.连接机翼的前缘与后缘的直线.

3.surfactant rear表面活性剂段塞后缘

4.trailing-edge flap position indicator后缘襟翼位置指示器

5.The effects of trailing edge jets on the vortex breakdown location over a delta wing三角翼后缘喷流对前缘涡破裂位置的影响

6.The outer rear edge of the wing of a bird, containing the primary feathers.翼尖,前翼鸟翼的外后缘,包括初生毛

7.The ailerons are movable sections along the rear edges of the wings.副翼是机翼后缘的可动部分。

8.Subsequent thermal subsidence of the margin大陆边缘后续沉陷期间

9.They that marry in green, their sorrow is soon see.过早结姻缘,后悔在眼前。

10.The Beauty of Minute Sentimental Description in The Familiar Essays in Yuan Yuan Tang《缘缘堂随笔》中的细腻感伤之美及其背后

11.Then for some reason they bust up.后来为了一点缘故,他们吹了。

12.This enlarged diagram shows the last few stitches on the edge of the folded section.折叠衣片边缘缉缝的最后几针。

13.The front wing was hanging off and the right rear tyre was off the rim.前翼掉了下来,右后轮胎濒临爆胎边缘。

14."A holster, with the heel of the butt of the handgun below the top of the belt; "手枪后方根部低于腰带上缘的枪套。

15.Finally, the polyimide layer at the tips was removed by electro discharging.最后,尖端的绝缘层用放电法去除。

16."When Juicy Tidbit came, she was very nice.“小嫩肉到这儿以后,人缘很好。

17.She is Scottish on her mother"s side.根据母系的血缘,她是苏格兰的后裔。

18.Rear Mount Insulator to Support Bracket至支撑支架的后安装绝缘器


posterior margin内缘;后缘

3)sweptback trailing edge后掠后缘

4)frontier and rear前缘与后缘

5)posterior marginal vertebral bone block后缘骨块

1.[Objective]To discuss the surgical treatment,the proper application,and the respective effect of the therapy of burst fracture in theposterior marginal vertebral bone block and the thoraco-lumbar vertebra.[目的]探讨胸腰段椎体爆裂性骨折后缘骨块的处理、其前后路手术适应证、优缺点及治疗效果。

6)Posterior lumbar limbus vertebrae后椎缘骨


后缘1.后世因缘。 2.指日后的缘分。
