1200字范文 > 红外探测材料 infrared detecting materials英语短句 例句大全

红外探测材料 infrared detecting materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-06 05:48:19


红外探测材料 infrared detecting materials英语短句 例句大全

红外探测材料,infrared detecting materials

1)infrared detecting materials红外探测材料


1.Quantum well infrared photodetector material with photoluminescence measurement多量子阱红外探测材料的光致荧光谱

2.Investigation on Growth and Characterization of InGaAs for Uncooled Infrared Detector and Focus Plane Array;非致冷红外探测材料InGaAs的生长和性质研究

3.Researches on PLCT Pyroelectric Materials Used for Infrared Detectors;红外探测器用PLCT热释电材料的研究

4.Assessing the Epitaxy Structure of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector by Photoluminescence Measurement用PL谱评测多量子阱红外探测器外延材料

5.New AlGaN/PZT ultraviolet/infrared dual-band detector新型的AlGaN/PZT材料紫外/红外双波段探测器

6.Study on Photoluminescence Spectrum of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Epitaxy StructureGaAs/AlGaAs多量子阱红外探测器外延材料PL谱研究

7.Research on compound short wave infrared detector by electron trapping material利用电子俘获材料研制复合型短波红外探测器

8.Survey of Study on Silicon-based Low-dimension Films for Infrared Detector硅基低维红外探测薄膜材料的研究概况


10.Study on Vanadium Oxide Thin Films and Design of Micro Sturcture of Uncooled IR Detectors;氧化钒薄膜材料及非制冷红外探测器微结构设计的研究

11.InAs Quantum Dots with InGaAs Caplayer Infrared Detector Grown by MBE带有InGaAs覆盖层的InAs量子点红外探测器材料的发光与光电响应

12.Automotive Measurement for Defect Depth of Composite Material in Infrared Nondestructive Testing红外热波检测复合材料时缺陷深度的自动测量

13.The Growth and Characterization of AlGaN Solar-Blind Ultraviolet Detectors;AlGaN日盲紫外探测器材料生长及表征

14.Numerical Simulation of Infrared Nondestructive Testing for Carbon Fiber Composite碳纤维复合材料红外无损检测的数值模拟

15.Infrared thermal wave imaging for nondestructive detection and measurement of the C/SiC compositesC/SiC复合材料的定量红外热波无损检测

16.On the Use of Infrared Thermography Method for Material S-N Curve Prediction利用红外热像技术快速预测材料的S-N曲线

17.Infrared Thermography for Testing Fatigue Limit of Material Based on Energy Theory基于能量理论的材料疲劳红外热像测试技术

18.Numerical analysis of carbon fiber composite infrared nondestructive testing碳纤维复合材料红外无损检测的数值分析


infrared detector materials红外探测器材料

3)infrared acquisition红外探测

1.The basic principles of model HY-303infrared acquisition meter and application prospect in water gushing prediction in Yuanliangshan tunnel are described.阐述了红外探测仪的基本工作原理和HY-303红外探测仪在圆梁山隧道突水超前预报中的应用前景。

4)infrared detection红外探测

1.Atmospheric influence oninfrared detection performance of ballistic missile plume;弹道导弹尾焰红外探测性能的大气影响分析

2.In view of the shortage of traditional technology of landmine detection,a new method of microwave enhancedinfrared detection technology in non-contact landmine detection is introduced.针对传统地雷探测方法的不足,该文提出了1种利用微波增强红外探测技术进行非接触式地雷探测的新方法,分析了微波照射引起土壤温度变化的原因,分别利用2 450 MHz和915MHz的微波源照射浅埋的铝块,获得了不同土壤湿度和埋藏深度下的目标红外图像,证明了该技术用于浅埋地雷探测的可行性,同时表明:目标的埋藏深度和土壤湿度与探测难度成正比,其中土壤湿度对探测结果影响较大。

3.With the project as a practical example,part of the detection curves and infrared radiation field intensity values obtained frominfrared detection in the cross-section are analyzed in the paper.在厦门海底隧道施工中采用红外探测仪进行探水短期预报。

5)infrared detect红外探测

1.The advantage of high Tc Superconductinginfrared detector (HTSIRD) and its detectiveprinciple are concisely introduced in this paper.本文简述了高Tc超导红外探测器的优越性、探测器工作原理以及热敏型高Tc红外探测器的研制方法和主要性能参数测试结果,并对光子型高Tc红外探测器的研制情况作了简单报道。

6)IR detection红外探测

1.In this paper,we explore the possibility of carbon nanotubes(CNTs)being used inIR detection,and discuss the proximity-induced superconductivity in single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs).具体阐述了碳纳米管用于红外探测的可行性以及在单壁碳管内实现超导态的实验方法。

2.A kind of microcantilever fabricated by an approach based on MEMS had already been applied intoIR detection and shown great advantages of high sensitivity.一种用MEMS微加工技术制造的微型悬臂梁已经开始应用于红外探测技术中,悬臂梁由双层材料构成,衬底由硅、氮化硅等半导体材料制作,另一层则是一种热敏金属材料薄膜。


