1200字范文 > 本安 intrinsic safety英语短句 例句大全

本安 intrinsic safety英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-03 23:15:20


本安 intrinsic safety英语短句 例句大全

本安,intrinsic safety

1)intrinsic safety本安

1.There are two types of explosion-proof instruments,safety type and flame-proof type,which constituteintrinsic safety control system and flame-proof control system respectively.关于防爆有“本安”和“隔爆”类仪表,它们分别构成“本安控制系统”和“隔爆系统”。

2.There are two types of explosionproof instrument,they are safety type and explosionproof type,and they consist ofintrinsic safety control system and explosionproof control system.论述了"多机智能控制系统"和"本安隔爆控制系统",同时论述了把上述两个系统合为一体的多机控制的智能温度变送器系统。


1.Basic Safety Standards for Radiation Protection辐射防护基本安全标准

2.Design of LED Substantial Security Circuit Applied in Coal Industry煤矿用本质安全型LED照明灯本安电路的设计

3.Ben said, @Good morning, Mr Liu.本说,“早安, 刘先生。

4.Safety Cost and the Determination of the Indexes in the Safety Cost Analysis;安全成本及安全成本分析指标的确定

5.Local Vessel Safety Section [Marine Department]本地船舶安全组〔海事处〕

6.stressed Basic fire safety.着重于基本的防火安全

7.SHTTP (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol)安全超文本传输协议

8.The bridge is anything but safe.那座桥根本不安全。

9.intrinsically safe electrical apparatus本质安全型电气设备

10.These picture books are for you, Ann.安,这本图画书是给你的。

11.a native or inhabitant of Andorra.安道尔的本地人或居民。

12.The maintenance of law and order is in the hand of the local police force.治安由本地警察负责。

13.Distrust and caution is the parents of security.怀疑、审慎,安全之本。

14.industrial safety and health law工业安全卫生法(日本法)

15.Anakin was a good friend.安纳金原本是个好朋友

16.Yasuda trust & banking(日本)安田信托银行

17.Benjy appeared uncomfortable.本杰显得局促不安。

18."Setup has found that this disk set may have already been used to install the product."安装程序发现本套安装磁盘曾用于产品安装。


intrinsically safe本安

1.Point to the explosion protection about the wireless control system for the fast-aid repair equipment used in controlling pipeline s spillage,the fundament ofintrinsically safety explosion protection and constituent of the control system are proposed.针对输油管道泄漏控制维抢设备无线控制系统的防爆问题,介绍了本安防爆的基本原理、无线控制系统的组成及工作原理,最后给出了本安电路设计注意的几个问题。

3)inherent safety本质安全

1.Study on theory ofinherent safety risk management to coal mine;煤矿本质安全风险管理理论研究

2.A review on the study advancements over the relation amonginherent safety,cleaner production and green chemistry;论本质安全与清洁生产和绿色化学的关系

4)essential security本质安全

1.Based on analysing the existing main questions during the production process in mining enterprises,utilizing the project theory of person-machine-environment system,the paper explores the realization of mineessential security way.分析矿山企业安全生产过程中存在的主要问题,运用人-机-环系统工程理论,探索矿山实现本质安全的途径。

5)intrinsically-safe phone本安电话

1.The coupler transmitted information from non-safety swithboard to theintrinsically-safe phone.本安防爆电话耦合器是连接交换机与本安电话机的通迅设备,它把交换机送来的非本安信号送给本安电话机,实现安全场所对危险场所的生产调度和通讯。

6)essential safety本质安全

1.The connotation and characteristic ofessential safety at coal mines煤矿本质安全的内涵与特征

2.Mining ofessential safety is the key to Top-coal caving at present.结合陕西煤炭工业发展实际,介绍分析了长壁综合机械化采煤发展现状,提出必须根据煤层赋存条件和环境承载能力确定合理的开发强度;放顶煤开采经过20多年发展已形成系统的特厚煤层高产高效开采技术,当前的关键是必须进行本质安全开采研究;小煤矿开采方法需要规范化和提高机械化水平,以及总体提高我国煤炭资源采出率等问题等国内外研究信息。

3.Aiming atessential safety and system safety, using physicochemical method in the field of safety assessment, the safety in the chemical reaction process and other physicochemical process in chemical engineering installation is analyzed and assessed to understand the changing process in detail, from which the safety measures are put forward.提出以本质安全与系统安全为目的,在安全评价领域中使用物理化学方法,对化工装置中化学反应过程及其他物理化学过程进行安全分析与评价,从而深入了解变化过程,提出安全对策与措施。


