1200字范文 > 出国留学 study abroad英语短句 例句大全

出国留学 study abroad英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-16 06:50:28


出国留学 study abroad英语短句 例句大全

出国留学,study abroad

1)study abroad出国留学

1.Objective: To understand howstudy abroad influences professional redesign in skilled personnel.目的:了解出国留学对医院科技人员职业设计的影响。

2.This paper has put forward some considerations of doing well the work for people tostudy abroad in institutions of higher learning.师资队伍建设可以说是提高高校办学水平和教学质量的关键所在,高校选派优秀教师出国留学是强化师资队伍建设的重要途径,就做好高校教师出国留学工作提出了几点措施。

3.This paper gives some advice by analyzing the causes of the students self-financedstudy abroad.中国地质大学(北京)从2000年开始派学生自费出国留学,到已经向俄罗斯国立莫斯科大学、俄罗斯地质勘探大学、俄罗斯伊尔库茨克大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学和比利时GroupT鲁汶工学院共5所大学派出108名学生。


1.Do you want to go to a university here in China or study abroad?你想留在中国上大学,还是出国留学?

2.Work out a new policy of sending students abroad for (academic)studies制定新的出国留学政策

3.He has a notion that he study abroad.他有出国留学的念头。

4.What time did you go abroad for study?你哪一年出国留学的?

5.More personnel will be sent to study abroad.派更多的人员出国留学。

6.A Study on Chinese Overseas Students Academic Adjustment;中国出国留学生教育适应状况的研究

7.I can not see any reason why you should not apply to study abroad您申请出国留学我看没什么不可以的。

8.His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.他眼下最大的目标是出国留学。

9.Too young to go abroad?做好了出国留学的准备吗?

10.Studying abroad can widen our vision and broaden our minds.出国留学能开阔我们的视野和思路。

11.The Research on the Phenomenon of China s Study Abroad, Brain Drain and Return;中国出国留学教育与留学人才外流回归现象研究

12.The status and role of the Ling-nan students abroad inthe late Qing period;晚清时期岭南出国留学生在中国近代留学史上的地位与作用

13.In 1903, the Imperial University sent its first group of 46 students to study abroad, an act which marked the beginning of China"s higher institutions sending students to study abroad.1903年,京师大学堂派出首批46名学生出国留学,此为中国高校派遣留学生之始。

14.A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures Related to the Work of Government Funded Overseas Study;我国公派出国留学工作中存在问题及对策研究

15.On Studying Abroad Service from the Angle of Improving the Internationalization Level of College Teachers;从提高高校教师国际化水平谈出国留学工作

16.A Countermeasure Study on Promoting the Returned Students to Come Back Serving the Country;关于促进出国留学人员回国服务的对策研究

17.In refusing to study abroad, she missed a life experience.由于拒绝出国留学, 她错失了一种生活经历。

18.Will you give me some advice about my plan to study abroad?关于我出国留学的计划你能不能给我指点指点?


studying abroad出国留学

1.It included national Xuetang education which aimed at students, Keshi Guan and Shixue Guan training education which aimed at officials and organizingstudying abroad.2 0世纪初 ,湖南的法学教育已经以多种方式进行 ,主要包括以学生为对象的国内学堂教育 ,以官员为对象的课吏馆或仕学馆的培训教育和组织出国留学法律。

2.After 30 years of reform and opening up,we should not only see the achievements brought by our policies towardstudying abroad,but also examine the existing problems.改革开放30年来,不仅要总结中国出国留学事业取得的成绩,更要认真反思存在的问题。

3)Chinese Students abroad出国留学生

4)studying abroad service出国留学工作

5)Government Funded Overseas Study公派出国留学

1.A Study on the Problems and Countermeasures Related to the Work ofGovernment Funded Overseas Study;我国公派出国留学工作中存在问题及对策研究

6)concept of sending students abroad出国留学思想


