1200字范文 > 花粉过敏 pollen allergy英语短句 例句大全

花粉过敏 pollen allergy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-30 03:49:47


花粉过敏 pollen allergy英语短句 例句大全

花粉过敏,pollen allergy

1)pollen allergy花粉过敏

1.With the rapid development of urban construction,the urban afforestation is on a higher level,which results in more seriousness ofpollen allergy pollution.本文选取了扬州市的几条城市主干路线进行了花粉监测,初步了解并分析了扬州市绿化与花粉过敏现象的关系,并提出了一些适当的建议。

2.[Objective]To investigate the main allergen on fruiter with occupationalpollen allergy and analyze the difference between that and other springpollen allergy.[目的]调查引起果农职业性花粉过敏的主要致敏源,并与春季花粉过敏症相鉴别。


1.Anthony is allergic to pollen and so is his sister.安托尼对花粉过敏,他的妹妹也一样.

2.a seasonal rhinitis resulting from an allergic reaction to pollen.因对花粉过敏引起的季节性鼻炎。

3.Analysis,identification,and purification of allergen in coco (cocos nucifera Linnaeus) pollen椰子花粉过敏原的分离、鉴定与纯化

4.Did your local weather forecaster issue a pollen warning?当地的天气预报员是否提醒过注意花粉过敏?

5.Pollen Survey by Volumetic Sampler in Beijing City and Cross-reactivity Research between Ragweed and Mugwort in Vitro应用容量法监测花粉浓度及花粉过敏原交叉反应的研究

6.Linkage of allergic rhinitis with HLA-DQA1 gene葎草花粉过敏性鼻炎与HLA-DQA1基因的关系

7.Optimal expression and immunogical characterization of the pollen allergen Prf23 from Amaranthus spinosus刺苋花粉过敏原Prf23的表达优化及其免疫学鉴定

8.Cloning,expression and the immune characterization of panallergen profilin in coco(Cocos nucifera Linnaeus)椰子花粉过敏原基因的克隆表达、纯化及免疫学鉴定

9.Ckient: Actuakky, I am reakky akkergic to farina? I wikk sneeze akk the time especiakky in spring, the bkossom season.顾客:我平时倒是容易对花粉过敏,老打喷嚏,特别现在是春天开花的季节。

10.Tests suggest that it relaxes the body and reduces the production of histamine, a chemical pumped out by cells in an allergic response to pollen.相关测试表明,接吻能使身体放松,从而能减少细胞所分泌的引起花粉过敏的组织胺的产生。

11.She is allergic to pollen.她对花粉有过敏反应。

12.An allergic reaction to airborne pollen.对空气中花粉的过敏性反应

13.pollen of the ragweed plant is a common allergen.豚草属植物的花粉是常见的过敏原。

14.Some people have an allergy to pollen.一些人对花粉有过敏反应。

15.A substance, such as pollen, that causes an allergy.变态反应原,过敏原一种可引起过敏的物质,如花粉

16.Cloning and Expression of the Pan-allergen Profilin Gene in Amaranthus Spinosus L. Pollen;刺苋花粉泛过敏原profilin基因的克隆与表达

17.Specific IgG Antibodies in Sera of Individuals with Food, Pollen, Penicillins or Other Allergens Hypersensitivity;食物、花粉、青霉素等过敏病人血清特异性IgG抗体

18.Toxicity and sensitization of antibiotic peptide transgenic kiri leaf and pollen转基因泡桐树叶及其花粉毒性与过敏性试验


allergic children; hypersensitive to pollen.过敏的儿童;花粉过敏。

3)She be allergic to pollen .她对花粉过敏。

4)Ben is allergic to pollen.班对花粉过敏。

5)He developed an allergy to pollen.他对花粉过敏。

6)Pollinosis with food allergy花粉症合并食物过敏


