1200字范文 > 中日海洋争端 Sino-Japan maritime interests dispute英语短句 例句大全

中日海洋争端 Sino-Japan maritime interests dispute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-04 03:20:29


中日海洋争端 Sino-Japan maritime interests dispute英语短句 例句大全

中日海洋争端,Sino-Japan maritime interests dispute

1)Sino-Japan maritime interests dispute中日海洋争端

2)marginal sea dispute海洋争端


1.China has consistently insisted that the ocean be peacefully utilized, and jointly developed and protected, and disputes over maritime matters be settled in a fair manner.中国一贯主张和平利用海洋,合作开发和保护海洋,公平解决海洋争端。

2.The Principles of the International Ocean Delimitation and the Solution of the Dispute in East China Sea;国际海洋划界原则与中日东海划界争端的解决

3.On the Sea Boundary Dispute and the Development of International Law of the Sea--Proposals on resolving Gas Dispute between China and Japan in the East Sea;论海洋边界争端与国际海洋法的发展——兼谈中日东海油气争端的解决

4.The Discussion on Solving the Conflict of Sea Rights and Interests between China and Japan under the Principle of "Laying Disputes Aside and Developing Together";运用“搁置争议、共同开发”原则解决中日海洋权益争端的探讨

5.Japan s Views on Sea Right and Japanese Sea Territorial Controversy: An Analysis from angel of theory of constructivism;日本的海权观及其海洋领土争端——一种建构主义的尝试分析

6.A Study on Jurisdictional Conflicts between ITLOS and DSB;论国际海洋法法庭与WTO争端解决机构管辖权的冲突

7.Proceedings before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber海底争端分庭的程序

8.ad hoc chamber of the Sea-Bed Dispute Chamber海底争端分庭专案分庭

9.But it is not clear who actually owns some of the Chinaware as China and some other countries in the region dispute the sea borderlines.然而,因为中国和周边其他一些国家存在海洋边界争端,所以一些瓷器的归属权不是很明确。

10.A Research on Joint Development of Marine Mineral Resources in the Disputed Areas争议海区海洋矿产资源共同开发研究

11.stand watching the changeablle sea站着观望变化多端的海洋

12.Changes in Fujian Ocean Shipping Industry After the Opium War鸦片战争后福建海洋航运业的变化

13.Study of Competition between Heterosigma Akashiwo and Prorocentrum Micans赤潮异弯藻和海洋原甲藻的竞争研究

14.The Continental Shelf Delimitation Disputes of the South China Sea in the view of International Law of the Sea海洋法视野下的中国南海大陆架划界纷争

15.The problem of oceanic surveying and mapping support of naval non-warfare operation海军非战争军事行动的海洋测绘保障问题研究

16.Analysis on Influence of Extreme Meteorological Disaster on Marine Fishery;简析极端性气象灾害对海洋渔业的影响

17.Application of SP2539 Multiple Serial Port Based on Ocean Buoy Terminal ControllerSP2539多串口芯片在海洋浮标控制终端上的应用

18.Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes关于和平解决国际争端的海牙公约


marginal sea dispute海洋争端

3)disputes between China and Japan中日争端

4)the dispute of South China Sea南中国海争端

5)Chamber for Marine Environment Disputes海洋环境争端分庭

6)Japanese Oceanographic Data Center日本海洋学资料中心


