1200字范文 > 突水水源 sources of inrush-water英语短句 例句大全

突水水源 sources of inrush-water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-17 23:37:23


突水水源 sources of inrush-water英语短句 例句大全

突水水源,sources of inrush-water

1)sources of inrush-water突水水源

1.Analyzing forsources of inrush-water in Wanbei Mining Area by systemic clustering and stepwise distinguishing;系统聚类逐步判别法对皖北矿区突水水源的分析


1.Identifying of mine water inrush sources by Fisher discriminant analysis method用Fisher判别法确定矿井突水水源

2.Water-gushing Source in Karst Tunnel by SPSS Discriminant Analysis岩溶隧道突水水源的SPSS判别分析

3.The premonitor of gushing water and recognition of origin - water are expounded, and put forward the predictive melhod of gushing waler.详细阐述了矿井突水征兆和突水水源的识别,提出了矿井突水预测的方法。

4.Grey State Synthesis Assessment Methed can be Used to Distinguish the Source of Water Inrush in Mine;灰色局势综合评判法在突水水源判别中的应用

5.Studies of water source determination method of mine water inrush based on Bayes" multi-group stepwise discriminant analysis theory矿井突水水源判别的多组逐步Bayes判别方法研究

6.Application of Water Source Identification in Mine Inflow Based on Support Vector Machines支持向量机在矿井突水水源识别中的应用

7.BDA models and application for recognizing the headstreams of mine waterburst矿井突水水源分析的Bayes判别分析模型及其应用

8.Application of Isotopic Technique in Identification of Mine Water Inrush Source同位素技术在判别矿井突水水源中的应用

9.Application of extension identification method in mine water-bursting source discrimination可拓识别方法在矿井突水水源判别中的应用

10.A GIS-Based Hydrogeochemical Characteristic Analysis and Discriminating Model for the Source of Water-inrush: A Case Study in Kongji Coalmine, Huainan;基于GIS的淮南孔集矿地下水化学特征分析及突水水源判别模型

11.GIS-Based Groundwater Environmental Characteristics Analysis and Discriminating Model of Water-inrush Source-A Case Study of the Panyi Coalfield, Huainan Coal Mine Corporation;基于GIS的潘一矿地下水环境特征分析及突水水源判别模型

12.A GIS-Based Groundwater Environmental Characteristics and Discriminating Model of Water-inrush Source of the Old Coalfield in Huainan;基于GIS的淮南老矿区地下水环境特征及突水水源判别模型

13.Chemical Characteristics of Groundwater and Discriminate Models of Water Bursting Source Based on Elman Neural Network: A Case Study on Xieyi Coalmine谢一矿地下水化学特征及突水水源判别Elman神经网络模型

14.Chemical Characteristics of Groundwater and Discriminate Models of Water Bursting Source in Xinzhuangzi Coalfield of Huainan Mining Area新庄孜井田地下水化学特征及突水水源快速判别模型

15.On Water Resource in Arab-Israel Conflict以和平换水——阿以冲突中的水资源问题

16.Mutagenicity of Industrial Wastewater in the Water Source Protection Area of Upper Reach of Huang-pu River黄浦江上游水源保护区工业废水的致突变性

17.Pilot Research on the Removal of Sudden Organic Phosphorus Pesticides Pollution in Source Water水源水中突发性有机磷农药污染去除试验研究

18.Study on Emergency Treatment of Source Water by Sudden Polluted Accident供水水源地突发性污染应急处理方法与措施


water bursting source突水水源

1.Discriminating the source of coal minewater bursting source quickly and correctly is the precondition of water control.煤矿突水水源的正确、快速识别是矿井水害有效防治的前提条件。

2.Based on analysis of hydrogeological condition,water bursting source and channel of water conduction of 27080 coal face in east of Caoyao mine field,conclusion that water abundance of aquifers is an intrinsic factor leading to water bursting from coal floor is made.通过对义煤集团曹窑东井27080工作面水文地质状况、突水水源和导水通道等方面的分析,明确指出了含水层的富水性是发生底板突水的内因,它决定着矿井突水量的大小及突水量的动态变化特征。

3)water inrush source突水源

1.745 coal mining face occurred on May 21, in Haizi Mine with a max water inrush of 3 887 m~3/h,the paper analyzed the water inrush factors,water inrush source and others.针对5月21日海孜矿745工作面发生特大顶板砂岩突水、瞬时最大水量达3 887m3/h的罕见事故,从充水因素、突水源等方面进行分析,推断该次特大突水事故原因,提出745工作面水害防治对策。

4)water resource conflict水资源冲突

1.NSS(negotiation support system) was brought into the watershedwater resource conflict negotiation in order to deal with the watershedwater resource conflicts.对于目前普遍存在的流域水资源冲突问题,将谈判支持系统引入到流域水资源谈判中来,建立一种面向解决流域水资源冲突的网上谈判支持系统;运用软件工程的方法和理论对该系统进行了系统分析与框架设计。

5)source of mine water inrush矿井突水水源

6)source determination of mine water inrush突水水源判别

1.In thesource determination of mine water inrush,it is essential to consider the importance of the indexes of chemical elements of water.实例分析表明,该模型结果与实际情况相符合,说明该模型在矿井突水水源判别中具有良好的实用性和有效性,为判别矿区新的突水水源提供了一种新思路。


