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中专 technical secondary school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-05 00:58:04


中专 technical secondary school英语短句 例句大全

中专,technical secondary school

1)technical secondary school中专

1.Thinking of the Development of Technical Secondary School Library;关于中专图书馆发展问题的思考

2.The expanded recruitment of colleges and the difficulty in finding jobs lead to the shrink of enrollment intechnical secondary schools in spite of the steady decrease in admission score.就当前大学扩招 ,就业困难等因素 ,使中专学校生源萎缩 ,中专录取分数一降再降 ,以致中专新生数学基础普遍较差 ,且差异较大 。

3.By using the methods of questionnaire investigation, documentary and mathematical statistics, the author makes an investigation on sports activity after school fortechnical secondary school students in Ningbo.采用问卷调查、文献资料和数理统计等方法 ,对宁波市中专学生参加课外体育活动的情况进行调研分析。


1.Polytechnic or High school above, College is preferred.中专或高中以上学历,大专尤佳。

2.Technical, professional degree or above in finance or accounting.金融或财务专业中专或以上学历。

3.Degree: Technical Secondary School or higher and major in Electronics or Machine speciality.学历:电子、机械类专业中专以上学历。

4.Graduated from Technical Secondary School with majors of mold or mechanical relations.中专学历,主修模具或机械专业。

5.High school or professionl school graduated.中专或技校学历机械或相关专业背景。

6.Teaching inquiry of the theory of atomic structure in chemical engineering of secondary technical school;中专化工专业原子结构理论教学初探

7.Thought on Course Arrangement of Computer Speciality in Secondary Specializied School;中专计算机专业课程设置现状的思考

8.Investigation and analysis on the professional commitment of nursing students in junior college and secondary school大、中专护生护理专业承诺的调查分析

9.Professional education and professional interest cultivation in teaching of professional basic courses专业基础课中的专业教育和专业兴趣培养

10.China Patent Documentation Service Centre中国专利文献服务中心

11.INPADOC Patent Gazette国际专利文献中心的专利公报

12.My major is secondary education, specializing in teaching English.我的专业是中等教育,专攻英语教学。

13.Analysis of "Sleeping Patent" in Patent Conversion and Its Solution;专利转化中的“专利沉睡”及其治理分析

14.The Positioning of Writing Teaching for 3-year Program Chinese Major;简析小教大专中文专业写作教学定位


16.China Trademark And Patent Law office中国商标专利事务所

17.intent and directed steadily.持续的专心而且集中。

18.Rehabaid Centre复康专科及资源中心


Secondary specialized school中专

1.Several Ideas on the Teaching Reform and Creationof Physical Education in Secondary Specialized Schools;对中专体育教学改革与创新的几点思考

2.At the present time,exploring an open student leader management model in secondary specialized schools is of great significance.探索转型、升级考验中的中专学生干部的开放型管理模式的意义在于,努力实现学校管理与学干培养的双赢。

3.The Communist Youth League organizations of secondary specialized schools should not only have a firm grip on students positive factors(active minds and strong awareness of reality,novelty-seeking,participation,etc.中专共青团既要把握青年学生思想活跃,求实、参与、求新意识强烈的积极性,更要注意青年学生政治意识淡漠、人生观价值观错位、法制纪律意识淡薄、低级趣味较严重等消极性,切实帮助青年学生扬长避短。

3)secondary technical school中专

1.The courses reform of thesecondary technical schools must renew the idea:neither to be based on professional training nor on temporary education but to keep pace with the social change and development.中专课程改革必须更新观念 :不能以职业培训为本 ;不能立足于一次性就业教育 ;要与社会的变革和发展同步。

4)polytechnic school中专

1.Nowadays in order to educate high character and the specialized talents that adapt to the modern developments, thepolytechnic school has set up the computer education, however, because some problems exists in the teaching, the teaching efficiency is not high.目前为培养适应我国现代化建设的高素质的劳动者和专门人才,中专学校开设有计算机应用基础课,但由于教学中存在着一些问题,致使教学效率不高,学生实际操作能力差,本文就如何优化教学环节,提高中专计算机教学质量谈了几点自己的看法。

5)polytechnic schools中专

1.Girl students inpolytechnic schools do not like sports.根据中专女生在体育课中不爱动的现象 ,必须针对女生的心理、生理特点 ,在教学中合理安排教学内容与教学方法 ,以激发中专女生对体育课的兴趣。

6)secondary technical and professional school中专、中技


