1200字范文 > 标本分布 Distribution of samples英语短句 例句大全

标本分布 Distribution of samples英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-05 11:17:46


标本分布 Distribution of samples英语短句 例句大全

标本分布,Distribution of samples

1)Distribution of samples标本分布


1.Hospital Infection Sample Distribution and Drug Resistance of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Our Hospital from to 铜绿假单胞菌~我院感染患者的各类标本分布及其耐药性分析

2.Clinical Distribution and Drug Sensitivity of 486 Strains of Candida in 1,690 Specimens1690例标本中486株假丝酵母菌的分布及药敏分析

3.Text categorization approach based on probability standard deviation with evaluation of distribution information分布权值调节概率标准差的文本分类方法

4.An analysis on the distribution and their drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria from clinical specimen临床感染标本的病原菌分布特点及耐药性分析

5.The Distribution and Drug Resistance Analysis of Haemophilus in the Respiratory Tract Infection Samples呼吸道感染标本嗜血杆菌的分布及耐药性分析

6.The Distribution of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Different Types of Samples.肺结核分枝杆菌在不同标本类型中的分布

7.②Vascular distribution of face was observed on 10 sides cephal ficial cast specimens.②在 10侧头面部铸型标本上 ,观测面部血管分布 ;

8.The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution.本文的目标在于提供产生这种概率分布的方法。

9.Study of the clinical distribntion and antibiotic resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudornonas aeruginosa;标本中铜绿假单胞菌的临床分布及耐药情况

10.Distribution of Pathogens and Analysis of Drug Resistance to 210 Strains of Hematonosis Patient血液病患者标本分离的210株病原菌分布及耐药性分析

11.Analysis of Distribution and Drug Resistance of Pathogens from Urine Tract Infection Samples in Three Years3年内尿路感染标本中病原菌分布及其耐药性分析

12.Distribution and drug Resistance of Pathogens Isolated from Blood Samples血培养标本中病原菌的种类分布及其耐药性分析

13.The spatial distribution pattern and sampling methods for the adult of litchi stink bug (Tessaratoma papillosa Drury) are analysed with six species aggregation indices.本文用6种聚集度指标研究了荔枝蝽成虫空间分布型和抽样技术.

14.The Difference and Significance of CD105, CD34 and VIII-RA Expressed in 50 Cases Autopsy Specimens;50例尸体解剖标本中CD105、CD34及VIII因子表达和分布的差异及其意义

15.Distribution of Cajal-like Cells in the Human Upper Urinary Tract after Laparoscopic NephrectomyCajal样细胞在人类后腹腔镜下肾癌根治手术标本的分布特点

16.standard Dobson (spectrophotometer)标准多布森分光光度计

17.dinates of the bivariate normal distribution二元正态分布纵坐标

18.Cost incurred in the manufacturing process.生产过程中的成本分布。


smear preparation涂布标本

3)replica distribution副本分布

1.The quantitative relationship among availability of clusters,availability of server,datareplica distribution and the number of servers in clusters had been measured and a series of theory including a formula which can provide accurate evaluation of cluster servers′ availability ha.在基于马尔可夫过程的服务器状态转移模型基础上,推出根据单台服务器的可用性计算服务器集群可用性的形式化方法,建立了单服务器可用性、服务单元可用性和整个服务器集群可用性之间的量化关系,进而得到多副本分布集群的数据可用性公式。

4)distribution of training examples样本分布

1.By the method of estimating the probabilitydistribution of training examples,a new and simple method of dealing with numeric attribute based on example distribution and entropy is turned out.论文分析了基于熵的离散化方法的不足,从估计训练样本的概率分布的角度出发,提出基于样本分布与熵相结合的处理数值型属性的方法。

5)Basic distribution基本分布

6)distributed target分布目标

1.Effects of system imperfection on polarization scattering measurement ofdistributed targets;系统误差对分布目标极化散射测量的影响

2.Based on the analysis,"the echo data mathematic model" is built,the unthors author then propose "the method of echo data simulation based on the stochasticdistributed target",based on which the authors further set forth a method of creating raw data different from the conventional one,whose availability is validated by modeling and simulating.本文对星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像仿真方法进行了研究,在分析并建立合成孔径雷达回波信号数学模型的基础上,提出了基于分布目标的SAR回波信号数据仿真,进而提出了一种与传统实现方法不同的SAR原始回波数据的生成方法,并用这种方法进行了初步的建模和仿真,验证了其有效性。


《藏府标本药式》《藏府标本药式》 《藏府标本药式》 书名。金·张元素撰。一卷。约成书于13世纪。本书主要根据《灵枢·经脉》所述各脏腑的本病、标病、证候和在治疗上所用的虚补、实泄等法则,对所使用的药物作了比较系统的归纳。如肺病实证用泻法,肺病虚证用补法,泻法、补法又分各种情况,各选用适当药物。其他脏腑皆如此。现有《周氏医学丛书》本(据赵双湖《医学指归》录出)及张山雷补注本(改名《藏府标本药式补正》)。此外,1927年广东中医专门学校重刊此书时附以表解,系根据本书内容所绘制。
