1200字范文 > 工伤预防 industrial injury prevention英语短句 例句大全

工伤预防 industrial injury prevention英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-28 03:00:30


工伤预防 industrial injury prevention英语短句 例句大全

工伤预防,industrial injury prevention

1)industrial injury prevention工伤预防


1.Research of Injury Insurance Prevention Mechanism in the "Three-in-One" Industrial Injury Insurance System;“三位一体”工伤保险体系下的工伤预防机制研究

2.The Research on Problems and Solutions about Industrial Injury Prevention Management in China;我国工伤预防管理的问题及对策研究

3.Demokratisches Management und Gewhrleistung vonffentlichen Rechten:Zwei Grundpfeiler der Prvention von Arbeitsunfllen in Deutschland民主管理与公权保障——德国工伤预防的两大基石

4.Discussions on the Establishment of Industrial Insurance and Accident Prevention建立工伤保险与事故预防相结合的机制

5.Discussion of how to prevent trismus nascentium in migrant workers慈溪市农民工新生儿破伤风的预防对策

6.The Problems and Consummation of Prevention Mechanism of China"s Work Injury Insurance System中国工伤保险制度预防机制的不足及完善

7.The Research of Applying Human Engineering to Working Stations to Prevent Injury and Occupational Diseases;基于预防工伤和职业病目的的企业人因工程研究

8.The Accident-causing Model of the Injury and Death Accident in the Hydroelectricity Engineering Construction and Using;水利水电工程施工伤亡事故致因模型构建及预防对策研究

9.Prevention and appropriate information could have avoided 80% of the accidents.通过预防和提供相应信息,80%的工伤事故可以避免

10.Research on Preventive Measures Against Damage to Underground Pipeline in the Process of Directional Drilling/Guided Boring and the Referred Technology;定/导向钻进施工中的地下管线损伤预防措施及技术研究

11.Investigation and precautions on P.E. injuries at college--A study on Guangxi University of Technology;高校体育运动损伤调查及预防对策——以广西工学院为例

12.Reason Analysis of Industrial Accidents Caused by Machine Tools in Furniture Manufacturing Enterprises and Relevant Precautionary Measures家具生产企业机床工伤事故原因分析及预防措施

13.have a Tab injection注射伤寒副伤寒甲、乙预防针.

14.Avoid falling of work-pieces to hit objects or people while loosing jaw vice.松紧虎钳时,须防止工件跌落伤物、伤人。

15.Prevention and Nursing of Suffocation of Burn Patients with Inhalation Injury烧伤病人吸入性损伤后发生窒息的预防及护理

16.The Easy-injured Parts Causes of Injury and Prevention Measures in the Volleyball Game;排球运动中易伤部位的损伤原因与预防措施

17.Nosocomail Infection Prevention and Control AboutFirearm Wound in Wartime战时火器伤伤员医院感染的预防与控制

18.The Reasons and Preventions of Accidents in the Hurdles Race跨栏跑伤害事故发生的原因及其预防


work-related injury insurance precaution工伤保险预防

3)trauma prevention创伤预防

4)injury prevention伤害预防

5)prevent injuries预防创伤

6)injury prevention损伤预防


不合格品预防措施(见预防措施)不合格品预防措施(见预防措施)preventive actions for nonconforming product: see preventive actionsbuh6g6Pi阅YUfong cuoshi不合格品预防措施Co刊rorrni鳍p耐uet)(preventive actions fornon-见预防措施。
