1200字范文 > 立法内容 legislative contents英语短句 例句大全

立法内容 legislative contents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-05 20:30:26


立法内容 legislative contents英语短句 例句大全

立法内容,legislative contents

1)legislative contents立法内容

1.The new law to a large extent adopted the provisions of the case law and EC-directives,so made a great breakthrough in thelegislative contents and skills.基于法典化、自由化及协调化之目的,德国于制定了新的反不正当竞争法,该法吸收了判例法与欧共体指令的积极成果,从而在立法内容、立法技术等方面都实现了突破。


1.Study on the Law Content and Effect of the Regional Library Legislation in China;我国地方性图书馆法立法内容与效果研究

2.On Roosevelt "New Politics" Concerning the Lawmaking Contents of Repressing Rich-Poor Division and Its Enlightening;关于罗斯福“新政”中抑制贫富分化的立法内容及其启示

3.The Database Wizard was unable to build your database content.数据库向导无法建立数据库内容。

4.Jurisdiction independence is one important part of republic polity.司法权独立是共和制的重要内容之一。

5.Analyzing the Boundary of the Legislative Interpretation Procedure s Content and Scope;立法解释程序内容与范围之界定探析

6.On Framework and Content of Legislation on Compensation for Environmental Damages;环境损害赔偿立法框架和内容的思考

7.Legislation Model: Choice of China"s Anti-monopoly Law Form or Content?我国反垄断法立法体例的选择:形式抑或内容?

8.Study on the Legislation Objectives, Characteristics and Contents System of the School Law;学校法的立法宗旨、特点及内容体系研究

9.The Main Points of Japan s Tourism Legislation and the Characteristics of Its Legal System;日本旅游立法的主要内容及法律体系的特点

10.Judicial independence includes the independence of the court, of the dicastery and of the judge.司法独立的内容既包括法院的独立,也包括陪审法庭的独立与法官的独立。

11.Corporate Reform of Japanese National University: its Background, Characteristics and Implications;日本国立大学法人化改革:背景、内容及启示

12.Primary Elements of the Legislations against Sexual Harassment in EU Countries;欧盟及其主要成员国反性骚扰立法的主要内容

13.The Contents and the Methods of Establishing the Coal Business Enterprise Information Management system;建立煤炭企业信息化管理系统的内容和方法

14.The Content and Features of the Educational Legislation of Local National Minorities in China;我国地方少数民族教育立法的内容及特点

15.The Content and Characteristics of Ethnic Minority Education’s Legislation of China in New Period;新时期我国少数民族教育立法的内容及特点

16.The lnnovation,Basic Items and Legislative Principles of the Space Right Theory;空间权理论的产生、基本内容与立法原则

17.On Problems in Amending China s Criminal Procedure Legislation Concerning Supervision of Criminal Law Enforcement;刑事诉讼法中的公安刑事执法监督内容的立法修订问题研究

18.The proceedings of the meetings are recorded verbatim in the Official Record of Proceedings of the Legislative Council.会议过程内容以中英文逐字记录,载于《立法会会议过程正式纪录》内。


legislative content立法内容

1.Through the analysis of the legislative principle,legislative content and current situation of the legislation of nationa.论文通过对国家助学贷款立法的现状、立法原则、立法内容的分析,提出了可能理想的立法建议。


4)independent content独立内容

5)domestic legislation国内立法

1.Firstly,complete and general legislation on the fundamental rules of outer-space activities;secondly,special legislation on administrative agencies or organs specializing in outer-space activities;thirdly,legislation on specific matters relating to outer-space activities,and fourthly,domestic legislation adopted for the purpose of executing international legal obligations.外层空间国内立法的体例主要有四种形式,一是确立外层空间活动基本法律制度的全面、统一的立法;二是规定外层空间活动管理机构或直接从事外空活动专门机构及其权限的特别立法;三是调整特定外层空间活动某些具体事项的专门法律;四是专为实施有关国际空间条约义务所设的国内立法。

6)national legislation国内立法

1.Criminal reconciliation should be turned intonational legislation and standardized by the for.刑事和解制度最终应转化为国内立法,以法律明文规定的形式加以规范。


《道德和立法原则导论》19世纪英国哲学家、伦理学家J.边沁的伦理学代表作。该书于 1789年第一次发行。全书共分 17章。书中主要提出了两个"原理":①痛苦和快乐是人们的两个最高主宰,也是决定人们应该做和不应该做的道德标准。作者在书中提出凡能求得快乐的就是善,反之就是恶,求善避恶就是道德。这是所谓的"功利原理"。②评价人们行为的善恶,必须考察、计算苦乐的数量大小、时间长短、确切程度、远近后果和能否增长等因素。只有那些大量的、长时间的、确切的、较近的和能增长的快乐,才是最大的幸福。这就是所谓"最大幸福原理"。该书为资产阶级功利主义伦理思想奠定了理论基础,出版后影响很大,作者也因此而负盛名。
