1200字范文 > 闭式叶轮 closed impeller英语短句 例句大全

闭式叶轮 closed impeller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-23 23:52:41


闭式叶轮 closed impeller英语短句 例句大全

闭式叶轮,closed impeller

1)closed impeller闭式叶轮

1.Influence on anti-corrosive pump performance by investment castingclosed impeller;精密铸造闭式叶轮耐腐蚀泵的性能

2.The heating assembly is generally applied for theclosed impeller wheel and axle in the large-scale compressor group.大型压缩机组用闭式叶轮多采用轴与轮毂全接触形式进行热装,过盈量一般按经验值选取。


1.Research on Tool-Path Planning for NC Rough Machining of Shrouded Impeller闭式叶轮数控粗加工的刀具轨迹规划研究

2.Investigation on Closed-Loop Steam Cooling Schemes of a Gas Turbine Guide Vane;燃气轮机透平导叶闭式蒸汽冷却研究

3.closed roller chock闭式滚轮导缆机闭式滚轮导缆钳

4.Research on Micro Milling Technology and the Tool Path Planning of Microscale Closed Integrated Impeller微细铣削加工技术及微小闭式整体叶轮刀具轨迹规划研究

5.Genetic Algorithm Using in the Unfixed Wicket Gate Closing Law of the Turbine遗传算法在水轮机非固定模式导叶关闭规律中的应用

6.Gear oils for industrial enclosed gear drivesGB5903-1995工业闭式齿轮油

7.closed cycle gas turbine installation闭式循环燃气轮机装置

8.semiclosed cycle gas turbine半闭式循环燃气轮机

9.enclosed gearing封闭式齿轮传动装置

10.semiclosed cycle turbine半封闭式循环涡轮机

11.Analysis on Choice of Turbine Wicket Gate Two-slope Closing Law浅析水轮机导叶两段关闭规律的选择

12.In the lobed impeller the measuring chambers are the space between the lobes and the meter housing.叶轮式测量室是叶轮和流量叶壳体间的空间。

13.conduction-cooled turbine blade(导热)冷却式涡轮叶片

14.1: General;2: Wheel;3: Ball;4: Rolling;5: Blade常规;2: 轮式;3: 球式;4: 滚筒式;5: 叶片式

15.Research on Copper Water Box Closed-Die Upsetting-Extrusion Process of Turbine;汽轮发电机铜水盒闭式镦挤工艺研究

16.The Research on CAD Technology of Closed Blisk Investment Casting Mould in Dividual Design Method;闭式叶盘类零件分体式精铸模具CAD技术研究

17.The Flow Field Calculation in Francis Turbine Runner with Half Vanes带半叶片的混流式水轮机转轮的流场计算

18.Numerical Investigation on Pressure Fluctuations Induced by Interblade Vortices in a Runner of Francis Turbine混流式水轮机转轮区叶道涡压力脉动数值研究


shrouded impeller闭式叶轮

1.A dynamical visual analysis is done about ashrouded impeller which is used in a large-scale compressor unit on the basis of visual theory and finite element analysis theory with the combination of SolidWorks and ANSYS.以可视化理论、有限元分析理论为基础,结合三维建模软件SolidWorks和有限元分析软件ANSYS对某压缩机组用闭式叶轮进行动力学可视化分析,得到其在惯性力作用下的振动特性,可以判断其在给定工况下能否避开共振频率以及评估其振动对系统的影响。

2.In this thesis, the geometric modeling and Numerical Control (NC) machining ofshrouded impeller, which incorporates a full front and back shroud, are analysed and studied.本文以闭式叶轮的几何造型与数控加工为背景,深入研究了基于非均匀B样条方法的闭式叶轮造型技术,以及闭式叶轮5坐标数控粗加工中所涉及的刀具轨迹规划、干涉分析、刀具选择、后置处理等关键技术,并以实际闭式叶轮粗加工为例验证了本文提出的理论方法。

3)hooded impeller闭式叶轮;闭式轮

4)single shrouded wheel半闭式叶轮

5)inclosed impeller封闭式叶轮

6)pump with enclosed impellers闭式叶轮泵


