1200字范文 > 音乐审美教育 aesthetic education of music英语短句 例句大全

音乐审美教育 aesthetic education of music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-03 18:08:07


音乐审美教育 aesthetic education of music英语短句 例句大全

音乐审美教育,aesthetic education of music

1)aesthetic education of music音乐审美教育

1.As music is often known as the acoustic,temporal,expressive and emotional art,the incorporation of the artistic properties of music with the objectives of aesthetic education makes theaesthetic education of music more emotive,vivid,impressive,pleasant,and creative.音乐艺术的特性与审美教育目标相结合赋予了音乐审美教育的情感性、形象性、体验性、愉悦性、创造性等特点。

2.But many people are not clear about whataesthetic education of music is.当前“以审美为核心”的音乐教育已深入人心,然而,许多人对什么是音乐审美教育并不是很清楚。

3.This paper has mainly explained that theaesthetic education of music plays a special and important part in promoting the overall development of the university students’ bodies and minds.本文主要阐述了音乐审美教育对于促进大学生的身心全面发展所起的特殊的、重要的作用。


1.Music Aesthetic Education is the Heart of Music Educat ion in the Schools of our Country;音乐审美教育是我国学校音乐教育的核心

2.Music esthetic education under the multicultural educational background;多元文化教育背景下的音乐审美教育

3.Discussion on the Relation of Music Basic KnowledgeStudy and Music Aesthetic Education;论音乐基础知识学习与音乐审美教育的关系

4.The Music Aesthetic Education of Middle School and the Training of Studendts Aesthetic Ability;中学音乐审美教育与学生审美能力的培养

5.Guiding Righteousness with Aesthetic Educating People with Aesthetic--On University Students’ Aesthetic Education of Music;以美引善 以美育人——浅谈大学生音乐审美教育

6.Reconstruction of the "Three-dimensional Vision" in Music Aesthetic Education;音乐审美教育的“三维视阈观”重构

7.Discussion on Teaching method of Public Music Art in Colleges and Universities;高校公共艺术课音乐审美教育教法探索

8.Approaching Music --The Music Aesthetic in Quality-oriented Education;走近音乐——素质教育中的音乐审美

9.Discussing on Centering on Aesthetics of Music Education;试论音乐教育要“以音乐审美为核心”

10.Break with the Fallacy of the Musical Aesthetic andStrengthen Quality Education of Music;走出音乐审美误区 加强音乐审美素质教育

11.The Soul of Music Teaching is Aesthetic Education;音乐教育是以审美教育为中心的教育

12.A Trial Discussion on Strengthening the Aesthetic Education in the Tertiary Teachers College Music Education;试论强化高师音乐教育中的审美教育

13.An Initial Study on the Aesthetic and Happy Preschool Music Education;“审美与快乐”式幼儿音乐教育初探

14.The Role of Aesthetic Teaching of Music in theQuality-Oriented Education of College Students;音乐审美教学在大学生音乐素质教育中的作用

15.On Aesthetic Experience in Music Education of Ordinary School;论普通学校音乐教育中的“审美体验”

16.On the Features of Aesthetics and the Educational Function of Music;浅谈音乐艺术的审美特点与教育功能

17.Music Aesthetics: An Effective Approach to Quality Education;音乐审美:素质教育的一条有效途径

18.The education of aesthetic ability in college music appreciation;大学音乐欣赏教育中审美能力的培养


the aesthetic philosophy of music education审美音乐教育哲学

3)ideas concerning musical aesthetic education音乐审美教育思想

4)Discussing Music Esthetical Education from Three Dimensions音乐审美教育释义

5)Aesthetic Education of Music in Universities高校音乐审美教育

6)On The Teaching Of The Music Aesthetic论音乐的审美教育


劳动审美教育劳动审美教育aesthetic education through labor劳动审美教育(aesthetic edueationthrough labor)简称“劳动美育,,,指利用劳动的审美价值作为审美教育的内容,达到传授劳动美的知识和技能、发展学生的审美情感、提高学生的审美能力、养成学生的劳动习惯、培养学生正确的劳动观念为目的的教育。它既是劳动教育的分支,又是审美教育的一部分,是学生获得人类审美经验的有效手段。“寓教于乐”、“寓教于活动”,是它的基本特点。通过劳动进行审美教育,历史上早己有之。人类的祖先原始人就是把劳动和审美教育结合起来进行的。例如原始人在劳动中教其子女唱歌(即劳动号子),在劳动中教其子女识别色彩等只是到了阶级社会,劳动被异化,劳动才与审美教育分离开来。但是,劳动人民还是在劳动中传授自己的审美经验,发展自己的审美意识。劳动美育的基本任务是:(l)使学生充分认识劳动的审美价值。(2)发展学生的劳动审美需要和劳动审美情感。(3)提高学生的劳动审美能力。(4)培养学生良好的劳动习惯和正确的劳动观念。它的基本途径是:(l)传授劳动美的知识和创造劳动美的技能。(2)让学生亲自参加劳动实践。(3)组织学生观摩美的劳动。(4)引导学生欣赏表现劳动美的艺术品。(李红撰,欣伙宙、
