1200字范文 > 创新突破 Innovations英语短句 例句大全

创新突破 Innovations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-19 02:29:48


创新突破 Innovations英语短句 例句大全



1.The Personality Educate andInnovations of Art Teaching;美术教学中的个性培养与创新突破

2)radical innovation突破创新

1.Why do American firms tend toradical innovation and Japanese firms tend to incremental innovation,this paper analyses some reasons in national innovation systems,financing ways,corporate culture,labors market,innovators,and than puts forward a comprehensive model.美国企业为什么倾向于突破创新而日本企业则倾向于渐进创新,从国家创新系统、融资方式、企业文化、人才市场、创新实施主体等几方面进行了分析,并提出一个综合模型。

3)innovation and breakthrough创新与突破


1.Inovation and Breaking Through:Research on Vocational College Education and Teaching;创新与突破:职业院校教育教学的研究与探讨

2.The Innovation and Surpassing on the Theory of Non-public Sectors at the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China;党的十六大对非公有制经济理论的创新与突破

3.Breakthrough and Innovation of Fraud Auditing in New Audit Criterion;新审计准则中舞弊审计的突破与创新

4.The Asset Basic of and Alliance Strategy for Radical Innovation突破性创新的资产基础与面向突破性创新的联盟战略

5.Breakthrough and Innovation of the Rural Management System of Compulsory Education;农村义务教育管理体制的突破与创新

6.The Discussion about the Renovation of Sutong s History Novel;试论苏童历史题材小说的突破与创新

7.A Brief Analysis of the Breakthrough and New Ideas Brought forth of Beethoven s Piano Sonatas;浅析贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲的突破与创新

8.Breakthrough Innovation,Incumbent Inertia and Organization Rebuilding;突破性创新、在位者惰性与组织再造

9.Breakthrough and Creative -Discussing the Narration Mode of Zhang Ailing s Novel;突破与创新——试论张爱玲小说叙事模式

10.Breakthrough and Innovation of Research on Human Resource Value s Statistics and Measurement;人力资源价值计量研究的突破与创新

11.On the Breakthrough and Innovation of "Enterprise Accounting System;试论《企业会计制度》的突破与创新

12.Bedlamite Diary" : Breakthrough and Innovation of Novel s Narrative Mode;《狂人日记》:小说叙事模式的突破与创新

13.Icebreaking Policies and Theoretical Innovation concerning the "Peasants,Agriculture,and Rural Areas";“三农”政策突破与理论创新——9个中央1号文件的重大突破

14.On the breakthrough and innovation of social fairness theory in current political stage社会公平理论在新的执政时期的突破与创新

15.The Thirty Years of Education Reform:Theory Innovation and Practice Breakthrough;基础教育改革30年:理论创新与实践突破

16.Strategic management of radical innovation: Framework,themes,and issues;突破性创新的战略管理:框架、主题与问题

17.Study of relationship between complementary assets and incumbent firms radical innovation;互补性资产与既有企业突破性创新关系的研究

18.Discussion on Breakthrough of the Thinking Obstacles and the Cultivation of the Innovative Thinking;浅论思维障碍的突破与创新思维的培养


radical innovation突破创新

1.Why do American firms tend toradical innovation and Japanese firms tend to incremental innovation,this paper analyses some reasons in national innovation systems,financing ways,corporate culture,labors market,innovators,and than puts forward a comprehensive model.美国企业为什么倾向于突破创新而日本企业则倾向于渐进创新,从国家创新系统、融资方式、企业文化、人才市场、创新实施主体等几方面进行了分析,并提出一个综合模型。

3)innovation and breakthrough创新与突破

4)radical innovation突破性创新

1.The study about organizational mode forradical innovation;突破性创新的组织模式研究

2.Study onradical innovation team and its building-up and management;突破性创新团队及其组建与管理研究

3.Strategic management ofradical innovation: Framework,themes,and issues;突破性创新的战略管理:框架、主题与问题

5)Breakthrough and innovation突破与创新

1.Breakthrough and Innovation of the Study of Rhetoric History——Chinese Rhetoric in Twentieth Century修辞学史研究的突破与创新——《20世纪中国修辞学》

2.There are much more breakthrough and innovation in many aspects of economy, politics and thought to traditional socialism.现代社会主义在 2 0世纪 80年代之后逐步形成 ,并出现许多新的特点 ,对传统社会主义在经济、政治、思想文化等多方面进行了较大的突破与创新。

6)break through and reform突破和创新


