1200字范文 > 量化考核 Quantitative assessment英语短句 例句大全

量化考核 Quantitative assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 12:39:23


量化考核 Quantitative assessment英语短句 例句大全

量化考核,Quantitative assessment

1)Quantitative assessment量化考核

1.The paper describes the quantitative assessment of class performance under paramilitary management practiced in Zhejiang Wanli University.介绍了浙江万里学院准军事管理下班级量化考核所取得的成果及经验,探讨了新的学生管理模式下,如何保证大学生的健康成长的问题。

2.An important means employed in the students management is the quantitative assessment, which consists of two indispensable parts: target management of the students by each department and comprehensive assessment in accordance with the students morality, intelligence and physique.学生工作量化考核是学生管理工作的主要手段。

3.Methods A quantitative assessment was implemented in respect of nursing management,nursing quality,nursing security,complications of patients,patient satisfaction,teaching and scientific research etc,and head nurses who scored less than 80 were not qualified.方法对已任的护士长定期量化考核,包括护理管理、护理质量、护理安全、患者有无发生护理并发症、患者满意度、教学与科研等方面,对考核分数低于80分者实行淘汰,对落聘岗位或新增岗位实行竞聘上岗。


1.Strengthening the quantitative examination of the clinical teaching to improve the teaching quality;实施量化考核方法 提高临床教学质量

2.On the Implementation of Quantified Assessment of Performance and payment;关于绩效与薪酬一体量化考核的实施

3.A Dual Quantifcation cheek-up for the Trial Teaching or the Teachers college students from Physlcal Departments;物理系师范生校内试讲双重量化考核

4.The Application of Principal Components Analysis to the Evaluation of Students Affairs;主成分分析法在学生工作量化考核中的应用

5.Analysis of the Quantified Assessment of Clinical Practice in Obstetrics and Gynecology;妇产科学临床实习成绩量化考核分析和探讨

6.Establishment of Quantified Evaluation System of Research in Universities;高校科研工作量化考核体系的建立与探讨

7.A probe into quantizing examination and evaluation in the whole process of junior biology experimental class;初中生物学实验课程量化考核与评价的探讨

8.On the Conflict between Quantified Evaluation of Scientific Research in Universities and its Aim;论高校科研工作量化考核与其目标的矛盾

9.Several Problems of Editors Work and Its Quantized Assessment in the Academic Journal Board;高校学报编辑工作及其量化考核的几个问题

10.The Determination of the Quantified Assessment Indexes of the Logistics Enterp rise;物流企业目标管理及量化考核指标的制定

11.Routine Management of Students by Means of "Quantitative Assessment";以“量化考核”为手段加强高校学生管理工作

12.A Mathematical Model and Quantitative Analysis of Checking on Staffs in the Cadet Brigade学员队干部考核数学模型及量化分析

13.Study about Bodybuilding Specialized Course Specialized Check Appraisement Quantification Criterion;健美专项课考核评价量化标准的研究

14.Rrforms in the Quantitative Test Method of Organic Chemistry Experiment;有机化学实验定量考核方法改革初探

15.The Quantification-orientated Management and Target-Assessing in the Experimental Teaching;实验教学环节的量化管理与目标考核

16.A Project Manager’s Assessment Index & Mensurable Model;工程项目经理考核指标及定量化模型

17.On the Theory Limitation of College Teachers" Performance Appraisal Quantification论高校教师绩效考核量化的理论限度

18.Quantization of Appraisal and the Combintionof the Assessment and Appointment --Study on the Assessment and Appointment in Colleges and Universities;考核要量化 评聘要结合——高校全员考核聘任制度改革初探


quantitative evaluation量化考核

1.Study on the effect ofquantitative evaluation for head nurses;实施护士长量化考核的效果分析

2.Quantitative Evaluation on University Class Adviser s Workload Based on Neural Network;基于神经网络的大学班主任工作量化考核

3.The Practice of Quantitative Evaluation of Middle-level Cadres in hospital;医院中层干部量化考核实践

3)quantitative check量化考核

1.Thequantitative check of duty nurses in ward nursing management;病房护理管理中责任护士的量化考核

2.Thequantitative check of academic thesis on evaluating technical or professional title;专业技术职务评审中学术论文的量化考核

3.In thequantitative check -system there exist some obvious for the university staff in its principle.高校教职工量化考核在原理上存在着主体缺位、权利旁落、责任不明、对象泛化、与组织背景脱离等制度性缺失。

4)quantified assessment量化考核

1.The thesis use the theory of human resources management and expertise to constitute the criteria of the achievement-efficiency evaluation to the second top management staff and the criteria of thequantified assessment to the experts and technicians in Zhuzhou smelter group co.运用人力资源管理的理论及专业技能,构建了株冶集团公司中层管理人员的绩效考评办法和专业技术人员的量化考核办法。

5)quantification evaluation量化考核

6)quantification in assessment考核量化


超轻量化飞轮我们也叫竞技版,适合N/A车子跟马力比较不大的车子,减重超过原厂的1/2,转速拉升跟加速的 性能比轻量化更好,很适合各式车子进行加速赛及甩尾,但比较不适合马力大及涡轮车进行场地赛及需要高速的 拉力赛,因为重量太轻了导致无法保持惯性所以会影响4,5档的加速,所以不适用一般马力在350P以下的车子使用单片式的离合器及飞轮即可,也较便宜,还不需要用到两片或多片式的,除非马力真的很大用单片式的踩起来太硬,遇到塞车真的是虐待左脚,否则用单片式的即可。
