1200字范文 > 激光多层焊 laser multilayer welding英语短句 例句大全

激光多层焊 laser multilayer welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-02 13:35:09


激光多层焊 laser multilayer welding英语短句 例句大全

激光多层焊,laser multilayer welding

1)laser multilayer welding激光多层焊

1.Characteristics oflaser multilayer welding of 16-mm thick high strength steel 11CrNi3MnMoV with filler metal in different energy input modes are studied.通过对比单,双光束填丝焊的焊缝成形特征,确定气孔、未熔合为高强钢厚板激光多层焊的主要缺陷,双光束可有效提高焊接稳定性、降低焊缝气孔,同时明显提高焊丝对中性能;辅助层间保温与热丝技术可有效解决末熔俣与层间束腰过小问题。

2)laser multi-layer cladding激光多层涂覆

1.Influence of the materials on the solidification microstructure oflaser multi-layer cladding;材料对激光多层涂覆定向凝固显微组织的影响

3)laser multi layer cladding激光多层涂敷

4)multiple-layer laser cladding激光多层熔覆

1.FGH95 superalloy samples were formed bymultiple-layer laser cladding with flat surface and without distortion.利用激光多层熔覆工艺制出表面平整无变形的FGH95高温合金样品。


1.Status and Development of Multi-layer Laser Cladding Technology激光多层熔覆技术的研究现状及发展

2.Microstructure of multiple-layer laser clad FGH95 superalloy激光多层熔覆FGH95高温合金的显微组织

3.Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field and Process Optimization in Multi-layer Laser Cladding Forming激光多层熔覆成形温度场数值模拟和工艺优化

4.Research on Laser Cladding Superalloy K418 by Multipass and Multi-layer MethodK418高温合金多层多道激光熔覆工艺研究

5.Mechanism analysis of cracks in laser cladding coat under repeated impact loading多冲载荷下激光熔覆涂层裂纹机理分析

6.Mechanics Study and Modeling of Low Stress Repeated Impact Deformation of Laser Cladding Coat;激光熔覆涂层低应力多冲形变机理研究与建模

7.Study on Plastic Deformation Law and Model of Laser Cladding Coat under Low Repeated Impact Load;激光熔覆涂层低应力多碰塑性变形研究及建模

8.Fatigue abrasion Behavior of Laser Coating under Repeated Impact Load激光熔覆厚涂层的多冲碰撞疲劳磨损行为

9.Structure and Properties of Laser Cladding with Single and Overlapping Clad Tracks on 45 Steel45钢多道搭接激光熔覆层的组织与性能

10.Thermal Stress Analysis of Laser Clad WC/Co Multilayer and Single Layer by Using Finite Element Method;激光熔覆WC/Co多层过渡涂层与单层涂层的热应力有限元分析

11.An Investigation of Cracking in Laser Cladding for High-Speed Wire Roller;激光熔覆高速线材轧辊熔覆层开裂问题的研究

12.Study on in Situ Synthesized Ceramic Phase Reinforced Fe-based Coating by Laser Cladding激光熔覆原位合成陶瓷相增强Fe基熔覆层研究

13.Research of Technology and Properties of Laser Cladding on Ni/Wc-La_2O_3 Surface of T10 SteelT10表面激光熔覆Ni/WC-La_2O_3工艺与熔覆层性能研究

14.Properties of Laser Cladding on Ni 60-La_2O_3 Surface of T10 SteelT10钢表面激光熔覆Ni60-La_2O_3熔覆层性能研究

15.Effect of Laser Cladding Processing Parameters on Microstructure and Properties of Cladding Layer激光熔覆工艺参数对熔覆层组织和性能的影响

16.The Laser Surface Cladding of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy with Al+Al_2O_3 Powders;AZ91D镁合金表面激光熔覆Al+Al_2O_3涂层研究

17.Laser Cladding of Cu-Zr-Al Alloy Coating on the Magnesium Alloy;镁合金表面激光熔覆Cu-Zr-Al合金涂层

18.The Search of B_4Cp Improvement on Ni Based Alloy by Laser Cladding;激光熔覆B_4Cp增强Ni基复合涂层的研究


laser multi-layer cladding激光多层涂覆

1.Influence of the materials on the solidification microstructure oflaser multi-layer cladding;材料对激光多层涂覆定向凝固显微组织的影响

3)laser multi layer cladding激光多层涂敷

4)multiple-layer laser cladding激光多层熔覆

1.FGH95 superalloy samples were formed bymultiple-layer laser cladding with flat surface and without distortion.利用激光多层熔覆工艺制出表面平整无变形的FGH95高温合金样品。

5)LASer-welded corrugated-CORe metallic sandwich panels金属激光焊接夹层板

6)laser weld激光焊焊缝


有机覆层:有机覆层在基体材料表面覆以有机材料的材料保护层。在机械製造中﹐有机覆层的绝大部分是涂装层﹐或称油漆层。此外﹐也有用橡胶或塑料作为覆层的。需要抗酸﹑硷和抗腐蚀性气体和液体的钢铁件﹐常用厚约 3毫米的橡胶(如氯丁橡胶)或塑料(如氯化亚乙烯共聚物)黏在表面﹐可长期保护基体不受腐蚀。这种覆层主要用在大型抗蚀容器或排气系统中。埋在土壤中的金属构件﹐常以聚乙烯带包裹保护。在喷鉬或喷不锈钢的表面上涂覆聚四氟乙烯﹐在150℃温度下摩擦係数很低﹐磨损轻微﹐适於製造低载荷和要求高度清洁的滑动轴承﹐或用在食品﹑精细包装和纺织机械上。各国的Du﹑Dx轴承都是以塑料与金属复合製成的。通过静电喷涂将环氧树脂﹑氯化聚醚﹑聚四氟乙烯以及聚氯乙烯等塑料粉末涂覆在金属表面﹐可获多种抗化学腐蚀性极好的覆层﹐可用於输水﹑污水处理和海洋平台的设备上。有机覆层在辉光放电情况下﹐有机单体可以聚合成无针孔的有机膜﹐用作电容器的介质层。
