1200字范文 > 最佳工作状态分析 Synthetic benefit optimum state analysis英语短句 例句大全

最佳工作状态分析 Synthetic benefit optimum state analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-26 05:24:28


最佳工作状态分析 Synthetic benefit optimum state analysis英语短句 例句大全

最佳工作状态分析,Synthetic benefit optimum state analysis

1)Synthetic benefit optimum state analysis最佳工作状态分析

2)active sideband optimum,ASO工作边带最佳状态

3)the best writing state最佳写作状态


1.The Research on the Activation and Maintenance of the Middle School Students Best Writing State;中学生最佳写作状态的激活与维持探究

2.make fine adjustments for optimal functioning calibrate an instrument.为了达到最佳状态而作细致地调节。

3.A badly tuned motor wastes gas.不处于最佳工作状态的汽车浪费汽油。

4.Some writers are at their best when working to a plan.一些作者在根据计划工作时是处于最佳状态的。

5.optimalizing input drive最佳状态的输入给定器

6.The best value state of right operation and realization that the police enforce the law effectively;警察执法权运作的最佳价值状态及其有效实现

7.No one can give of his best when he is working under strain.人工作要是处于紧张状态就不可能发挥出最佳水平。

8.I"m never at my best early in the morning.在大清早我从来不是处在最佳状态。

9.He seems at his best tonight .今晚他似乎处在最佳状态了。

10.An athlete must never get out of trim.运动员必须总是处于最佳竞技状态。

11.She"s been ill and hasn"t got back into top gear yet=is not yet at her best.她一直病着,身体还未恢复到最佳状态。

12.She was at her best in the freestyle competition.她在自由式泳赛中处于最佳状态。

13.in an optimal state of balance or equilibrium.处在平衡或者均衡的最佳状态。

14.After the holiday, the students were in A1 condition again.假日过后,同学们又恢复到了最佳状态。

15.Her genius was in full bloom, ie at its best or highest point.她才华横溢(处於最佳状态或颠峰时期)。

16.An adjustment, as of a motor or an engine, made to improve working order or efficiency.调整,调节调整,如马达或发动机,以便使其处于最佳工作状态或最高工作效率

17.Some people are at their best when working to a plan. Working quickly does not improve the quality of the work.一些人在按计划工作时是处于最佳工作状态的。工作太快不能改进工作质量。

18.A: I make an effort to get out of the office at a reasonable hour twice a week.你有发泄情感、从工作中获得休息,以便每天都能以新面貌出现且以最佳的状态去工作的方法吗?


active sideband optimum,ASO工作边带最佳状态

3)the best writing state最佳写作状态

4)peak performance最大生产率,最佳工作状态

5)optimum condition最佳状态

6)state of highest perfection;the best part最完美的状态;最佳部分


