1200字范文 > 工伤保险基金 Work Injury Insurance Fund英语短句 例句大全

工伤保险基金 Work Injury Insurance Fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-25 09:54:38


工伤保险基金 Work Injury Insurance Fund英语短句 例句大全

工伤保险基金,Work Injury Insurance Fund

1)Work Injury Insurance Fund工伤保险基金

1.Current Situation ofWork Injury Insurance Fund in Beijing and the Countermeasures;北京市工伤保险基金现状及对策研究


1.Current Situation of Work Injury Insurance Fund in Beijing and the Countermeasures;北京市工伤保险基金现状及对策研究

2.Analysis of the Payment of Occupational Injury Insurance Fund in Wuxi from to ;无锡市~工伤保险基金支付费用分析

3.Exploration and Study on Premium Rate of Casualty Insurance for Occupational Injury in Anshan Iron and Steel Corporation;鞍钢工伤保险基金收缴费率的探讨与研究

4.Research on Overall Balance Pattern in Industrial Insurance Fund Collection总体平衡模式工伤保险基金筹集模式的研究

5.Abstract: The national catalog of Basic Medical insurance and worker injury insurance has made a high requirement for drug management and fund management of medical insurance.《国家基本医疗保险和工伤保险药品目录》对医疗保险的药品管理和基金管理提出了更高的要求。

6.Employment Injury Insurance:A Good Way to Protect Miners" Right of Life and Health工伤保险:矿工生命健康权的基本保障

7.Discussion on function and control of workers and staff medical fund;浅谈职工医疗保险基金的功能和管理

8.An introduction to worker s injury insurance;工伤保险 第一讲 工伤保险的意义与作用

9.The Individual Account for Healthy and The Overall Fund for Risk个人账户保健康 社会统筹保风险——兼议职工医疗保险基金统账分割

10.Thinking about current situation of birth insurance fund of construction enterprise staff对施工企业职工生育保险基金现状的几点思考

11.Reflection on fund-functioning of employee s basic medical insurance in cities and towns;城镇职工基本医疗保险基金的运行与思考

12.If the injury is fatal, the family usually receives the resulting insurance money.如果工人受到的是致命的伤害,他的家庭通常可获得保险金。

13.If a government functionary or a staff member of the social insurance fund organization is found to have used the social insurance funds for other uses,国家工作人员和社会保险基金经办机构的工作人员挪用社会保险基金,

14.An Explorative Study on Risk Early-warning System of Fund in Basic Medical Insurance System for Urban Working People;城镇职工基本医疗保险统筹基金风险预警系统的探索性研究

15.Risk-Pooling Fund Risk Forecast and Countermeasures Research on Urban Employees Medical Insurance in Kunming;昆明市城镇职工基本医疗保险统筹基金风险预测及对策研究

16.On the Reason and Counterplan of the Aged Pension Indentation for Town Officers and Workers Endowment Insurance;浅议城镇职工养老保险基金缺口的原因及对策

17.The Centralized Managing System of Peasant-workers Social Endowment Insurance Funds农民工养老保险基金集中管理体制研究

18.Fund for the Protection of the War-wounded and War-disabled保护战争伤残者基金


industrial injury insurance工伤保险

1.Coalmine Explosion Safety Grade Assessment and Its Application in Mining Industrial Injury Insurance;煤矿爆炸安全分级评价及其在煤矿工伤保险中的应用

2.Industrial Injury Compensation Against a Background of Industrial Injury Insurance;工伤保险背景下的工伤损害赔偿

3.Concurrence between the Industrial Injury Insurance and the Personal Injury Compensation;工伤保险与人身损害赔偿之竞合

3)Employment Injury Insurance工伤保险

1.Research of the Application of Rate System aboutEmployment Injury Insurance;工伤保险费率机制的应用研究

2.The establishment of employment injury insurance system introduced the allocation of the consequence of employment injury, which to.工伤保险制度的出现,使工伤事故损害实现了社会化分担的后果,保障了劳动者的合法权益,但也给传统上对工伤损害采用侵权行为的民事赔偿方式带来了一定的影响。

3.The employment injury insurance, or industry accident insurance, is a social insurance system, when the worker is wounded (or contracts occupational disease), cripples, the de.工伤保险又称职业伤害保险,指劳动者在工作中或法定的特殊情况下发生意外事故,或因职业性有害因素危害,而负伤(或患职业病)、致残、死亡时,对其本人或供养亲属给予物质帮助和经济补偿的一项社会保险制度。

4)Injury insurance工伤保险

1.Research on Injury Insurance about Peasantry Worker in Construction Industry;建筑行业农民工工伤保险研究

2.The similarities and differences of industrial injury insurance and employers liability insurance工伤保险与雇主责任险的异同——从赔付规则角度谈的异同

3.[Objective]To analyse the payment of occupational injury insurance fund in Wuxi in order to estimate the social economic loss.[方法]通过对无锡市~工伤保险基金支付存档资料的分析,计算不同性别、年龄、受伤部位和性质、行业类别的工伤人数及费用支付。

5)occupational injury insurance工伤保险

1.Probe into evaluation of trade discrimination rate ofoccupational injury insurance;工伤保险行业差别费率确定方法探讨

2.This thesis mainly takes the "Occupational Injury Insurance for Peasantry Worker" as an object to summarize and analyze the defects inoccupational injury insurance system in current China.在对农民工工伤保险立法及其实施状况进行分析的基础上,指出当前的农民工工伤保险存在着诸如覆盖范围较窄、费率确定不尽合理、保险基金收支不平衡、重赔付轻预防等问题。

3.In this paper,the different premium rate ofoccupational injury insurance in several foreign countries is briefly introduced.简要介绍部分国家工伤保险差别费率情况;通过对相关数据的分析,提出我国工伤保险差别费率分类应以行业工伤事故死亡风险、重伤和轻伤风险、职业病风险和基金支出情况为指标和依据,尤其不能忽视行业轻伤和职业病风险指标;计算了我国近几年各行业工伤事故的个人死亡风险。

6)work injury insurance工伤保险

1.The union ofwork injury insurance and accident prevention is one of the basic functions ofwork injury insurance, which also is the basic requirement and the cardinal principle for carrying out this social insurance.工伤保险制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分,工伤预防是工伤保险制度的基本功能之一,也是落实这一社会保障制度的基本要求和重要原则。

2.The main function of government to safeguard work safety is perfecting legislation system of work safety, carrying out the national compulsory safe supervision and implementing thework injury insurance effectively.工伤保险是市场经济国家安全生产工作的三大支柱(立法、监察和工伤保险)之一[1]。


