1200字范文 > 非寿险产品 Non-life insurance products英语短句 例句大全

非寿险产品 Non-life insurance products英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-22 04:29:57


非寿险产品 Non-life insurance products英语短句 例句大全

非寿险产品,Non-life insurance products

1)Non-life insurance products非寿险产品

2)life insurance products寿险产品

1.However,inadequatelife insurance products blaz new trails have been the bottle neck which restrains the efficient demand for life insurance.我国的保险业已经进入深度开放后过渡时期,而寿险产品创新不足已成为制约寿险有效需求的瓶颈。

2.The development oflife insurance products is from single to comprehensive, meeting various different levels of demands.自1982年我国正式恢复人身保险业务以来,寿险业保持了年均30%以上的增长速度,为社会公众提供了日益增多的、具备不同保障层次及满足各种投资理财需求的寿险产品,提高了寿险业在保险业乃至整个国民经济中的地位,但是尽管规模不断增大,却是一种粗放型的发展模式。

3.China slife insurance products have been developing quickly.寿险业是我国保险业的一个重要组成部分,我国寿险市场的需求潜力巨大,寿险产品在不断向前发展。


1.The Empirical Analysis for Pricing Risk in Insurance Company保险公司寿险产品定价风险实证研究

2.Insurance Innovation and Innovative Life Insurance──“Unit-Linked”;保险创新与创新型寿险产品──“基金连锁”

3.The Company introduced its Professional Association Group Life Insurance product.公司推出其专业协会团体寿险产品。

4.Research on the Investment-linked Life Insurance of China and the Strategy of Its Development我国投资型寿险产品及发展对策研究

5.The Strategy of Life Insurance Products under the Guidance of the Balance Sheet Managerial Skill;论资产负债管理技术指导下的寿险产品战略

6.The Effects to Surrender Rate of Life Insurance Product Caused by Risings of Interest Rate and Countermeasures Research;升息对寿险产品退保率的影响及其对策研究

7.On Diversification of Insurance Products and Services and Competitive Advantage;论寿险产品多样化、服务差异化及其竞争优势

8.An Experimental Analysis on Factors Affecting Demands for Investment Types of Insurance Products;我国投资型寿险产品需求影响因素的实证研究

9.An Analysis on Purchase Behavior of Individual life Insurance;国内居民个人寿险产品购买行为的规范分析

10.Information disclosure system for life insurance products in the United States and its inspiration to China美国寿险产品信息披露制度及其对中国的启示

11.Case study on data mining in life insurance sales数据挖掘技术在寿险产品销售中的案例分析

12.Accordingly, to birthday danger product, should break through of 2.5% book yield upper limit to still do not have a likelihood temporarily.因此,对于寿险产品而言,要突破2.5%的预定收益率上限暂时还无可能。

13.The Quantitative Analysis of the Influence of Chinese Life Table Update on the Life Insurance Premiums;生命表更新对我国寿险产品保费影响的定量分析

14.A Systematic Analysis of the Differential Pricing in the Innovation of the Life Insurance Products;在寿险产品创新中推行差异化定价法的系统分析

15.Thinking on the New life Insurance Products in China;关于我国寿险业产品推新的若干思考

16.Research on the Marketing Strategy of Personal Insurance Products for W Life Insurance Company Wentao Branch;W寿险公司文涛分公司个险产品营销策略研究

17.Gansu Life Insurance Company Accident Insurance Product Marketing Strategy;甘肃人寿保险公司意外险产品营销策略

18.The Product Design Study of Commecial Insurance Companies Dealing with Longevity Risk商业保险公司应对长寿风险的产品设计研究


life insurance products寿险产品

1.However,inadequatelife insurance products blaz new trails have been the bottle neck which restrains the efficient demand for life insurance.我国的保险业已经进入深度开放后过渡时期,而寿险产品创新不足已成为制约寿险有效需求的瓶颈。

2.The development oflife insurance products is from single to comprehensive, meeting various different levels of demands.自1982年我国正式恢复人身保险业务以来,寿险业保持了年均30%以上的增长速度,为社会公众提供了日益增多的、具备不同保障层次及满足各种投资理财需求的寿险产品,提高了寿险业在保险业乃至整个国民经济中的地位,但是尽管规模不断增大,却是一种粗放型的发展模式。

3.China slife insurance products have been developing quickly.寿险业是我国保险业的一个重要组成部分,我国寿险市场的需求潜力巨大,寿险产品在不断向前发展。

3)life insurance product寿险产品

1.The outcome shows that the mortality table update has great effect on the premiums oflife insurance products,the decrease rate of premiums of male term life and endowment are less than those of the female,and it is vice versa for life a.从起,我国寿险产品定价使用新的生命表,这将影响寿险产品保费计算的关键因素——死亡率。

2.Because the law is imperfect, the system is not perfected, the regulatory system is weakened, our country slife insurance products are basically interest rate-sensitive products.具体来说, 防范与化解利率风险的途径是, 加快寿险产品转型步伐; 加强资产负债匹配管理;建立自动调节机制; 设立专项准备金。

4)Non-Traditional Life Insurance非传统型寿险产品

5)investment type non-life insurance products非寿险投资型产品

1.A reflection on the development ofinvestment type non-life insurance products非寿险投资型产品的发展与思考

6)The Characteristic of Individual Life Insurance个人寿险产品


