1200字范文 > What time do you go to school教案_七年级英语教案

What time do you go to school教案_七年级英语教案

时间:2021-08-11 10:06:06


What time do you go to school教案_七年级英语教案

what time do you go to school教案

unit 11 what time do you go to school?

topic unit 11 what time do you go to school? (the second period)

aims language to teach verbs describing everyday actions.

to teach certain verb collocations.

to teach present tense in what time questions and narrative forms including the present single tense.

to give practice in speaking and listening in the context of talking about one’s daily routine.

ability students can tell about their own daily routine.

students can ask about times and tell different times.

students can make a timetable by themselves.

target language what time do your get up?

i get up at six o’clock.

what time does rick get up?

he gets up at six o’clock.

key words get up, run, take a shower, go to school, eat breakfast, go home, do homework, go to bed, o’clock, what time

functions to express different times correctly.

to narrative daily routine clearly

teaching steps:


put students in pairs.

students tell each other the things they do every day.

students try to find the same things they do.

ask one or two pairs to report.


1. match the words with the pictures.

2. what time do you do these things?

step one: section a

(1) 1b ask students to listen and match the times and actions.

after listening, check the answers.

(2) 1c ask students to do pair work. one is rick, and the other is the interviewer.

(3) ask students to talk about rick’s daily activities.

step two: play a game.

there’re many kinds of fruit on the blackboard. students are encouraged to get them by answering the questions on the back of the fruits. the ways to answer them can be different.

step three: listening and speaking practice.

1.ask students to see a video and fill in the missing information about david’s daily routine.

david’s daily routine:

activity time

gets up 6:00 a.m.

has breakfast 7:00 a.m.

7:30 a.m.

gets to school

11:30 a.m.

goes home 4:30 p.m.

gets home

has dinner

10:00 p.m.

2. ask some students to say about david’s daily routine.

step four: fill in a form.

ask students to write down the information of their own.

ask students to do pair work and fill in their partners’ information.

ask some students to say two or three sentences about themselves and two or three sentences about their partners.


(yourself) activities time

(your partner)

get up

have breakfast
