1200字范文 > 高一英语模块一第二单元阅读教学案_高一英语教案


时间:2021-09-26 10:23:08



unit two (reading)一、 短语翻译1.对青少年很常见be common to teenagers2.调大音量turn up3.一次时间的浪费a waste of time4.和某人的一次不愉快的经历an unpleasant experience with sb.5.强迫某人做某事force sb to do sth6. 比预期的早一天a day earlier than expected7.be too hard on sb对某人太苛刻了8.等不及做can’t wait to do9.让某人掌管leave sb in charge10.期待某人的好的决定expect a good decision from sb.11.不受惩罚go unpunished12.把某人的双臂交叉着have one’s arms crossed13.给某人一个解释的机会give sb. a chance to explain14.值得知道真相deserve to know the truth15. 以…形式in the form of16. 给出…的理由give a reason for sth.17. 在某方面不同differ in /be different in18. 跟某人因为某事而争辩argue with sb. about sth.二、句型讲解:1. growing up can be difficult. (p21)成长不容易。 growing up是动名词短语作主语。1) sb.’s/sb. doing是动名词的复合结构,可在句中作主语或宾语。2) 动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。主语过长时,用it 做形式主语① finding a good place to live continues to be one of the man’s most urgent problems.(用continue适当形式填空)②tom’s returning so soon surprised me.(汤姆返回)③reading english is easier than speaking it. (读英语)④it is no use arguing with him. (和他辩论)补充词组:grow up成长,长大 grow into长成,发展成grow out of 产生自;戒掉2. do you have to turn up your music so loud? (p21)你非得把音乐声调得这么大吗? turn up 1)旋大;开大。turn the radio up a little. it"s too low. (把收音机声音开大点) 2)(人)露面,到;(物)被发现;① 他突然出现在会上。 he suddenly turned up at the meeting. ② 你丢掉的钢笔总有一天会出现的。 your lost pen will surely turn up one day.3.don"t you think this is a waste of time? (p21)难道你不认为这是浪费时间吗? 常用句型 a waste of …浪费……it"s a waste of …doing sth. 做某事是浪费……waste…on sth. 在……上浪费……waste…(in)doing sth. 浪费……做某事①it"s a waste of time waiting any longer. (再等下去)②much energy is wasted producing things that are thrown away.(生产扔掉的东西)③you"re wasting your time trying to persuade him. he"ll never join us. (想劝说他)④she wasted too much money on those books.(买那些书)4. when you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to? (p21) 当你有问题想跟人谈一谈时,你喜欢跟谁谈呢?choose v. 选择;决定;喜欢;宁愿①i had to choose between the two. (在两者间做选择)
