1200字范文 > Unit5 Theme parks reading学案_高一英语教案

Unit5 Theme parks reading学案_高一英语教案

时间:2018-10-28 07:06:03


Unit5 Theme parks reading学案_高一英语教案

unit5 theme parks reading学案

学习目标: 进一步提高阅读能力及运用不同的阅读技巧来浏览材料

学习重难点:掌握experience, advance, up-to-date等词的用法


step1 reading

1) what are three times and three places you can visit at futuroscope?

three times: ___________________________________________

three places: __________________________________________

2) what is the main topic of each paragraph in the passage ?

paragraph 1: ___________________________________________

paragraph 2: ___________________________________________

paragraph 3: ___________________________________________

3) true or false

①futuroscope is a theme park that uses the most advanced technology to take people out of the earth and the present time.

②futuroscope is a theme park that provides only fun and excitement for people.

③future theme parks allow people to see and do things without danger but with much money.

④futuroscope can provide people with up-to-date information and lot of fun and excitement. ⑤future theme parks are places for fun and excitement but not for learning.

⑥most of us will go to the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system.

step2 language points

1.then i took a trip to brail and experienced surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.

(a) 翻译 ______________________________________________________________________

(b) experience v. 经历,感受 n. 经验( );经历,阅历( )→_________ adj. 有经验的

(c) 拓展:be experienced at/in _________________________

have experience in sth./doing sth. _________________________

(d) 完成句子

①mr. smith was a captain with ________ experience, who told us about his ________ in the burning train.


②visiting paris was the greatest thrill i ever ________.


③mr. wang has much business ________. i know by ________ that this man can’t be trusted.

a. experience; experience b. experiences; experience

c. experience; experiences d. experiences; experiences
