1200字范文 > Unit 1 Getting along with others单元复习学案_高二英语教案

Unit 1 Getting along with others单元复习学案_高二英语教案

时间:2022-03-02 22:12:55


Unit 1 Getting along with others单元复习学案_高二英语教案

unit 1getting along with others单元复习学案


1.kids get____________(难为情)if their mums kiss them in front of their friends.

2.there were no signs that the fire had been set____________(故意地).

3.she____________(发誓)that she hadn’t told anyone,but her friends still didn’t forgive her.

4.he’s still____________(犹豫)about joining the expedition.

5.his recent behavior____________(使困惑)me.

6.don’t be so m____________to your brother.give him some chocolates.

7.harry awkwardly a____________to the lady for stepping on her left foot.

8.i told him it was a bad idea,but dave’s so s____________that he just never listens.

9.my tooth hurts badly,and i want to see my d____________.

10.he was so a____________in thought that he didn’t hear what you said.

11.you are 18 years old and you should pay attention to your____________(behave).

12.he’s always____________(anxiety)about his mother’s health.




2.________________ 对……感到惭愧

3.________________ 因为某事向某人道歉

4.________________ 一次难以忘怀的经历

5.________________ 当众使某人尴尬

6.________________ 参加学校羽毛球队

7.________________ 对某人在某方面严格

8.________________ 等不及去做某事

9.________________ 对……有不同的态度

10.________________ 遭受严重的污染

11.________________ 导致,造成

12.________________ 由于某种原因

13.________________ 破坏友谊

14.________________ 与……一致

1.get along well with sb.2.be/feel ashamed of...3.apologize to sb.for(doing)sth./make an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.4.an unforgettable experience5.embarrass sb.in public6.join the school badminton team7.be strict with sb.in sth.8.can’t wait to do sth.9.have/take different attitudes towards...10.suffer from serious pollution11.lead to/result in/contribute to12.for one reason or another/for some reason13.ruin the friendship14.be consistent with...


1.(回归课本p2)________they must have laughed behind my back!他们在我背后想必是笑得合不拢嘴了!

2.(回归课本p2)i ________ ________ ________very proud of myself after the test,________loudly how easy it was and how i was sure to get a good mark.


3.(回归课本p2)i was so upset________i felt like________.
