1200字范文 > 局部应力分析 local stress analysis英语短句 例句大全

局部应力分析 local stress analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-21 03:21:18


局部应力分析 local stress analysis英语短句 例句大全

局部应力分析,local stress analysis

1)local stress analysis局部应力分析


1.Loca stress analysis of anchorage zone saddle of part cable-stayed bridge部分斜拉桥鞍座锚固区局部应力分析

2.Design and Local Stress Analysis of Arch Springs of Xinkai River Bridge新开河大桥拱脚设计及局部应力分析

3.Analysis on Localstress of Anchorages of T-Shaped Rigid-Framed Bridge Reinforced by External Prestressing Concrete;体外预应力加固T型刚构桥锚下局部应力分析

4.Local Stress Analysis of Anchorage Zones of Qin Bridge琴桥桥塔拉索锚下锚固区局部应力分析

5.The Local Stress in the Box Girder"s Main Web Caused by the Pressure of Trolley小车轮压作用处偏轨箱形梁局部应力分析

6.Analysis and Experimental Study on Local Stress in Anchorage Zone of Long Hua Bridge龙华箱梁桥锚固区局部应力分析与试验研究

7.Local Stress Analysis of Joint of New Arch Spring of a Composite Truss Arch Bridge某桁式组合拱桥新拱脚结点局部应力分析

8.Analysis on Local Stress of Steel-concrete Joining Sections of a Cable Stayed Bridge混合梁斜拉桥钢混结合段的局部应力分析

9.The local stress analysis about the bias-rail box girder based on elastic ground基于弹性地基梁的偏轨箱形梁局部应力分析

10.Analysis of the Local Stress in Cable-beam and Cable-tower Anchorage Zone of Cable-stayed Arch Combined Bridge斜拉-拱组合桥索梁及索塔锚固区局部应力分析

11.The Local Stress Analysis of Continuous PC Box Girder and Strut-and-Tie Design Method;预应力混凝土连续箱梁局部应力分析及拉—压杆设计

12.Numerical Analysis on the Local Stress and Local Deformation in Multi-point Stretch Forming多点拉形中局部应力与局部变形的数值分析

13.Local Stress Analysis of Concrete Around Cable Saddle in Short-Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge;矮塔斜拉桥索鞍局部混凝土应力分析

14.The Design of the Drilling String and the Casing String of the Stepped Horizontal Well;地应力有限元分析与局部套损机理研究

15.Finite Element Comparative Study of Ship Structural Detail;船舶结构局部应力有限元分析比较研究

16.Analysis of Strength of Whole Bus Frame and Local Stress Concentration;客车车身整体骨架强度与局部应力集中分析

17.The Local Simulation Analysis of Large Span Prestressedconcrete Cable Stayed Bridge;大跨度预应力混凝土斜拉桥局部仿真分析研究

18.Stress analysis of die for Ti-alloy rib-web component isothermal local loading forming钛合金筋板件等温局部加载模具应力分析


partial stress/strain fatigue analysis局部应力应变疲劳分析

1.The fatigue life analysis and estimation are done on the counter moment beam by means ofpartial stress/strain fatigue analysis,which is also an important method of the finite life design.采用局部应力应变疲劳分析的方法对斗轮驱动电机支承梁进行了疲劳寿命分析及预估,该方法也可作为有限寿命设计的重要手段。

3)local stress strain analysis局部应力应变分析

4)Local stress distribution局部应力分布

5)local analysis局部分析

1.On the basis of the strut-and-tie model for prestressed deep girder and on the principal oflocal analysis of structure,this paper makes a study of and proposes alocal analysis method of the strut-and-tie model for prestressed continuous girder with its local part equivalently transferred into the prestressed deep girder.在预应力深梁拉压杆模型的基础上,根据结构局部分析原理,研究提出了预应力连续梁局部等效转化成预应力深梁的局部拉压杆模型分析方法。

2.In this article thelocal analysis of steel-concrete combined sections in a composite cable stayed bridge with single tower and double cable plane is carried through as an example,which is the No.以西安浐灞河生态区大门桥梁工程2号桥——双索独塔混合梁斜拉桥钢混结合段为例进行局部分析,讲述了采用有限元模型进行准确分析的详细方法,并对局部分析结果与整体分析结果进行了对比。

3.According to the complexity and particularity of the project, this paper presents a finite element method of both global analysis andlocal analysis for the airport building of Beihai.以广西北海机场航站楼为工程实例 ,根据该工程的特殊性和复杂性 ,提出了整体分析和局部分析的有限元处理方法。

6)partial analysis局部分析

1.After analysising, presents a check method which is based on the "partial analysis", this method can accomplish the small dirt check very well.经过分析,本文提出了一种基于"局部分析"的检测方法,使其能够很好地完成对小块污渍的检测,并在VC++环境中进行了仿真分析,给出了实验结果。

2.In addition,establishment of finite element model for a complicate bridge,simplification for a longitudinal steel-box girder,disposal technique ofpartial analysis for complicated connection and .以中山一桥为研究对象,采用有限元方法,建立空间结构分析模型,得到了这种桥型的受力特性,并对复杂桥梁的有限元模型建立, 纵向箱形梁的简化,复杂节点局部分析的处理方法,系杆顶应力值的简化计算方法进行探讨,为类似桥梁的设计和分析提供参考。


