1200字范文 > 荷载预压试验 load precompressing test英语短句 例句大全

荷载预压试验 load precompressing test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-25 16:13:42


荷载预压试验 load precompressing test英语短句 例句大全

荷载预压试验,load precompressing test

1)load precompressing test荷载预压试验

1.0~022 of Contract I of the Main Bridge,Wuhan Tianxingzhou Changjiang River Rail-cum-Road Bridge as an example,this paper presents the assembling of the type of the movable shuttering form by the scaffolding method,control of pre-cambering and axis of the main beam of the form and also theload precompressing tests for the form.以武汉天兴洲公铁两用长江大桥正桥Ⅰ标段0~022号墩铁路简支箱梁40 m下行式移动模架拼装为例,对移动模架支架法拼装、主梁预拱度控制、主梁轴线控制及荷载预压试验等进行叙述,为今后同类型移动模架拼装提供参考。

2)site static loading test压板载荷试验

1.Thesite static loading test could figure out the bearing capacity more precisely for the deeper mixing piled and/or high pressure jet piled compound stratum.压板载荷试验能精确反映深层搅拌桩及高压旋喷桩复合地基的承载力。

3)test load试验载荷


1.A test load was applied to the girder.一个试验载荷作用于该梁上。

2.load input tensile tester输入载荷强力试验仪

3.Specification for static load test of rock and soil岩土静荷载试验规程

4.Research Report of Comparison Test for Quick and Slow Static Loading Test;静载荷试验快速法与慢速法对比试验

5.Simple supporting beam design loading and test loading calculation program简支梁设计活载及试验荷载计算程序

6.The loading translation of screw pile on pullout test under inclined loading斜向荷载抗拔螺旋桩桩土荷载传递特性试验

7.Analysis of Estimating Ultimate Loading and Static Test of Screw Pile Under Inclined Loading承压螺旋桩斜向荷载试验与极限荷载判定分析

8.The Design Disk-model Constant Load Material Tester and Research of Constant Load Test;圆盘式定载荷全息材料试验机及定载荷试验研究

9.Experimental Analysis on Strength Transfer Relationship in Point Load Test对点荷载试验强度转换关系的试验分析

10.Plastics doors--Vertical load testGB/T14154-1993塑料门垂直荷载试验方法

11.Load-bearing Experiment and Theory Analysis of a Large-scale Space Truss;某大型空间网架载荷试验与理论分析

12.Research on Complete Test of Steel Tubular Tied Rigid Bar Arch Bridge;下承式钢管混凝土拱桥荷载试验研究

13.Experimental Study on Load Transfer Mechanism of Reinforced Mixing Pile;劲性搅拌桩荷载传递规律的试验研究

14.Experiment Research on Cast-in-Place Concrete Slab s Non-Loaded Cracks;现浇混凝土楼板非荷载裂缝试验研究

15.Design of Load Control System on Temperature-Stress Test Machine;温度—应力试验机荷载控制系统的设计

16.Experimental Study on Vertical Load Distribution of High-stacked Culvert高填方涵洞竖向荷载分布的试验研究


18.Experimental Research on Load Character of Composite Piles in Foundation Engineering地基工程中组合桩荷载性质试验研究


site static loading test压板载荷试验

1.Thesite static loading test could figure out the bearing capacity more precisely for the deeper mixing piled and/or high pressure jet piled compound stratum.压板载荷试验能精确反映深层搅拌桩及高压旋喷桩复合地基的承载力。

3)test load试验载荷

4)loading test载荷试验

1.Numerical simulation ofloading test on composite foundation with single rigid pile;刚性单桩复合地基载荷试验数值仿真

2.The influencing factors of composite foundation s bearing capacity byloading test;载荷试验检测复合桩基承载力的影响因素

3.Analysis on safety monitoring result of rock-anchored bridge crane beamloading test;泰安抽蓄电站岩壁吊车梁桥机载荷试验安全监测成果分析

5)load test载荷试验

1.Effect of the anchor piles on the staticload test result;锚桩对静载荷试验成果的影响分析

2.Some problems of layerload test;垫层载荷试验应注意的几个问题

3.Static axialload test on manually excavated belled piles;人工挖孔扩底桩轴向静载荷试验研究

6)load experiment荷载试验

1.Detection andload experiment of the Kongque River Bridge in the national highway 314 in Kuerle;国道314线库尔勒孔雀河大桥检测与荷载试验

2.Analyses of recycling used hollow slab underload experiment;旧空心板二次利用荷载试验分析

3.It discovered that there are many kinds of cracks in bridge on the river gantaohe through appearance investigation,nondestructive test andload experiment.对甘陶河特大桥采取外观调查、无损检测、荷载试验等方法发现,该桥存在各种裂缝,采用压力化学灌缝术保护涂料封缝等措施对其进行治理,取得了良好的效果,值得推广使用。


预压法对软土地基预先加压,使大部分沉降在预压过程中完成,相应地提高了地基强度。预压法适用于淤泥质粘土、淤泥与人工冲填土等软弱地基。预压的方法有堆载预压和真空预压两种。堆载预压 在地基上堆放重物(水、土、砂、石等)进行预压。当堆载超过计划建造的建筑物荷载时,称为超载预压。为了防止堆载时压坏地基,需分级加载,即:在前一级荷载作用下地基基本固结后,再施加下一级荷载,直至达到设计荷载为止。预压所需时间的长短取决于地基土层的渗透特性、厚度和预压荷载的大小等因素。这些因素可以根据地基固结理论进行计算预计。施工时应监测地面沉降和土中孔隙水压力的消散情况,对预压加以控制。为了加速厚层软土的固结,缩短预压时间,应设法改善厚层软土的排水条件。最常用的排水的方法是在地基中按一定间距作孔,孔内填砂以形成砂井(图1)。然后在地面加铺砂垫层加以沟通。近年来,土工织物日益发展,已开始采用纤维编织的袋装砂井和在排水纸板上发展起来的塑料板排水。堆载预压早在50年代就广泛地应用于铁路、公路路堤、码头和岸坡的地基处理;还应用于土坝、水闸、房屋、冷藏库和油罐等工程的软基处理。如中国的苏北大浦和汉江杜家台两个大型水闸工程,经过预压后,大大减少了闸室和岸墩的沉降量;又如上海地区采用3万米3油罐充水预压改良地基,取得了显著效果。真空预压 以大气压作为预压荷载(图2),对地基土进行抽气,在土中造成一定的真空度,形成大气压力与真空压力的差值作用,将土中一部分水抽出,从而使地基土固结而加固。如果设置排水砂井,还可将孔隙内的水加速排出。此法首先由瑞典皇家地质学院于1952年提出。到80年代,中国也进行了室内外试验,并且已经开始在工程中应用。
