1200字范文 > 项目融资模式 project financing model英语短句 例句大全

项目融资模式 project financing model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-22 08:17:19


项目融资模式 project financing model英语短句 例句大全

项目融资模式,project financing model

1)project financing model项目融资模式

1.It s important for finishing the building of infrastructure project by selectingproject financing model appropriately.合理地选择项目融资模式对成功完成基础设施项目建设具有重要意义。

2.This article first combined the financing of infrastructure projects at home and abroad of the relevant literature and theory,primarily analyzed BOT and TOT model in-depth, and proposed means of financing both the advantages of two TBTproject financing model.在此基础上,文章探讨了应用TBT模式进行项目融资的操作步骤,TBT项目融资模式的应用范围界定,以及TBT模式的现金流情况等,最后结合案例对TBT模式的在我国基础设施建设中的具体操作,为TBT模式如何在项目融资中应用提供一些借鉴。


1.Application of BOT Fund-raising Pattern in Environmental Protection ProjectBOT项目融资模式在环保项目中的应用

2.Study on Comparison Project Finance Patterns and Application ABS Pattern;项目融资模式比较及ABS融资模式的应用研究

3.Legal Analysis on ABS in International Project Financing;资产证券化项目融资模式的法律诠释

4.Study on RCP Project Financing Mode and Its CompensationRCP项目融资模式及其补偿方式初探

5.On Pricing Decision Model of TOT Project Financing Mode;TOT项目融资模式的价格决策模型

6.Risk Allocation Optimizing Model in PPP Project Financing PatternPPP项目融资模式的风险分担优化模型

7.The Risk Management of Mining Project Financing;项目融资模式下的矿业项目风险管理研究

8.Research on the Model of the Infrastructure Project Financing of Beijing Olympics 北京奥运基础设施项目融资模式初探

9.Application Research on Infrastructure PPP Financing Model;基础设施PPP项目融资模式应用研究

10.Research on the Risks and Governance of BOT Project Financing Model;BOT项目融资模式风险及其治理研究

11.Research on the Application of BOT Financing Pattern in China;BOT项目融资模式在我国的应用研究

12.Project Financing Mode and Credit Guarantee Structure Study;项目融资模式与信用保证结构的研究

parison between Two Project Financing Methods--BOT & ABS and their Practice;BOT与ABS项目融资模式比较及实施初探

14.Analysis of Financing Patterns of Municipal Infrastructure Projects in our Country;我国城市基础设施项目融资模式浅析

15.Selection of financing patterns in the asset securitization of hydropower station;水电站项目资产证券化融资模式选择

16.Studies on Methods and Models of Financing of Scenic Spots Projects in China;我国景点建设项目融资的方式与模式

17.Project Risk Management for Public-Private Partnership Financing Mode;基于PPP融资模式的项目风险管理研究

18.A Study of BT Mode for Urban Mass Transit Infrastructure Project Financing;城市轨道交通项目融资BT模式研究


The financing pattern of railway item地铁项目融资模式

3)project finance项目融资方式

1.New methods forproject finance in water transportationinfrastructure construction in China;水路交通基础设施建设项目融资方式

4)Project Financing项目融资

1.RCP——a NewProject Financing Pattern;项目融资新模式——RCP

2.Study on the fuzzy synthetic evaluation method of project financing risk;项目融资风险的模糊综合评价方法研究

3.Application of project financing in water resources construction;项目融资在水利建设中的应用分析

5)project finance项目融资

1.Study on application of genetic algorithm inproject finance;遗传算法在项目融资(BOT)中的应用研究

2.A Risk Management Study on Project Finance in China Commercial Bank;我国商业银行项目融资风险管理研究

3.Research on Risk Management of Project Finance in China;项目融资风险的识别与管理

6)Item financing项目融资


