1200字范文 > 性罪错人员 Sexual delinquency英语短句 例句大全

性罪错人员 Sexual delinquency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-07 06:36:49


性罪错人员 Sexual delinquency英语短句 例句大全

性罪错人员,Sexual delinquency

1)Sexual delinquency性罪错人员

1.Conclusion:Sexual delinquency people are major contagiums.目的:了解海口市性罪错人员的社会、心理和行为及性病危险因素。


1.The risk factors of community,mentality and behavior in sexual delinquency性罪错人员的社会、心理和行为及性病危险因素研究

2.Object The aim of the study was to reveal any personality deviation of female sexual offender.目的 了解女性性罪错者有无人格偏移。

3.Studies on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of STDs and Status of Health Psychology in Prostitutes;女性性罪错人群STDs相关的KAP及健康心理学研究

4.Knowledge,Behavior and Personality Characteristics of Females with Sexual Wrong doings;性罪错女性的知识、行为及人格特征研究

parison of Personality between Violent and Non-violent Criminals;暴力与非暴力性财产犯罪人员人格特征评估

6.The problem of public functionaries" crimes by taking advantage of duty is a general problem in international criminology field.公职人员职务犯罪问题,是国际犯罪学领域一个具有普遍性的问题。

7.The structure of the criminal phenomenon of laid-off workers has its characteristics as follows: the crimes against property take the lead;下岗失业人员犯罪现象结构的特征是:财产性犯罪占主要地位;

8.Predictors of Lower Class Male Inmates on Property Crime低阶层男性服刑人员财产型犯罪影响因素研究

9.Both these errors are towering crimes, indistinguishable from those committed by the enemy and the traitors. You must correct them.这两种错误,都是滔天大罪的性质,都是和敌人汉奸毫无区别的,你们必须纠正这些错误。

10.On the Admissibility and Application of the Testimony from One-Room-Prison Inmates论同监在押人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人描述之转述的可采性及应用

11.Determination of the Criminal Pattern of Bribery Crime Committed By Employees of Enterprises;企业人员受贿罪犯罪形态的认定探讨

12.expose a criminal, an impostor, a culprit, etc揭露罪犯、 冒名顶替者、 犯错误的人等.

13.an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence.对某人有罪或犯错误的断言。

14.Three-dimensional personality of adult male violent criminals and its relationship with childhood trauma成年男性暴力犯罪人员的三维人格特征及其与童年期创伤的关系

15.Post economic crime occupies the important position among the national staff member"s malfeasance crime, the social harmfulness is the greatest too.职务经济犯罪在国家工作人员渎职犯罪中占有重要的地位,社会危害性也最大。

16.Screening Analysis of Female Criminer in Prison with Syphilis in Harbin from 1996 to 19981996~1998年哈尔滨市女性在押犯罪人员梅毒监测分析

17.On the Necessity of Establishing Regulations against the Economic Crimes Committed by NGO Officials;论设立非政府组织工作人员职务型经济犯罪规制条款之必要性

18.Protective Insulation to Drug Addicts-to Hold back the Drug Cri mes fromthe Origins;论对吸毒人员的保护性隔离——兼论我国毒品犯罪的源头遏制


Sexual misconduct性罪错人群

1.Analysis of Inflnential Factor on Syphilis of 5696Sexual misconduct in Shenzhen;目的:了解深圳市性罪错人群一般情况对梅毒感染的影响,为预防和控制梅毒的流行提供依据。

3)Male sex-related crim inals男性性罪错人群

4)Related offenders性罪错


1.A Preliminary Design ofCriminals Personality Questionnaire and Some Correlation Studies;犯罪人员人格特征问卷的编制及相关研究

6)sin of human nature人性原罪

1.The sin consciousness in western religions has some cultural rationalities ofsin of human nature,and has some learning values to overcome the various crises which the modern sci-tech civilization faces.由于西方宗教的原罪意识具有人性原罪的文化合理性,对于我们克服现代科技文明所面临的诸种危机具有一定的借鉴价值,因此本文从人性原罪角度反思当代科技文明的价值取向。


