1200字范文 > 外资人寿保险公司 Foreign life insurance company英语短句 例句大全

外资人寿保险公司 Foreign life insurance company英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-04 22:43:36


外资人寿保险公司 Foreign life insurance company英语短句 例句大全

外资人寿保险公司,Foreign life insurance company

1)Foreign life insurance company外资人寿保险公司

2)Foreign Invested Life Insurance Company外资寿险公司


1.Service & Marketing Strategy of Foreign Investment in Liaoning Life Insurance Market;辽宁市场外资寿险公司的服务营销策略

2.Research of Performance Evaluation on Field Personnel in Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Life Insurance Company;中外合资寿险公司外勤人员绩效考核的研究

3.Foreign life insurance companies are permitted to establish joint ventures immediately after China acquires WTO membership, with the ratio of foreign investment not exceeding 50 percent.对外国寿险公司,加入时允许在华设立合资公司,外资比例不超过50%;

4.Fund Investment and Risk Control for Domestic Life Insurance;中资寿险公司资金运用及其风险控制

5.The Assets and Liabilities of Life Insurance Company Measured on a Fair Value Basis;寿险公司资产与负债的公允价值计量

6.Asset-Liability Management in the Life Insurance Companies to Guarantee Insurance Solvency-Lessons from the Failure of Foreign Life Insurance;借鉴国外寿险业失败的经验运用资产负债管理确保寿险公司的偿付能力充足

7.The shares of a joint-equity life insurance company directly or indirectly held by a foreign insurance company shall not exceed the limit of proportion as stipulated in the preceding paragraph.外国保险公司直接或者间接持有的合资寿险公司股份,不得超过前款规定的比例限制。

8.Research on Dynamic Assets and Liabilities Management Technology in Chinese Life Insurance Company;寿险公司动态资产负债管理技术研究

9.Research on Asset Liability Management Model我国寿险公司资产负债管理模型研究

10.Reflection on Risk Security Mechanism of Life Insurance Investment of China s Life Insurance Companies;我国寿险公司寿险投资风险保障机制问题的再思考

11.Gansu Life Insurance Company Accident Insurance Product Marketing Strategy;甘肃人寿保险公司意外险产品营销策略

12.Study on Cause of Formation and Countermeasures of Investment Risk of the Life Insurance Corporations in China;中国寿险公司投资风险成因分析及对策研究

13.Discussion of Marketing & Sell Pattern for Abroad Life Insurance Company in ChengDu City;境外寿险公司在成都市场营销模式的探讨

14.The Application of MR Capital Allocation Model in Non-life Insurance Company Pricing;MR资本配置模型在非寿险公司定价中的运用

15.Professional Management of Agents in China Life Insurance;中资寿险公司代理人队伍的专业化管理

16.A Study of Minimum Sustain Capital Requirement for China s Non-life Insurers;我国非寿险公司最低持续资本要求的比较

17.Judicial Conviction of Securities Fraud;美国寿险公司资产配置的结构变迁及启示

18.Ideas about the Establishment of Asset Fluctuation Reserve in Life Insurance Companies of China;对我国寿险公司建立资产波动准备金的设想


Foreign Invested Life Insurance Company外资寿险公司

3)Life insurance company人寿保险公司

1.Research of Performance Evaluation on Field Personnel in Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Life Insurance Company;本文以人力资源学中的绩效理论为基点,围绕绩效考核这一主题,采用理论和实践相结合的方法,,以6月新开业的星光人寿保险公司为研究对象,分析绩效考核中存在的问题,对绩效考核在中外合资保险公司应用提出问题和改进意见,探讨如何通过绩效考核使保险公司与代理人共同达成目标。

4)TK Life Insurance CO.,LTDTK人寿保险公司

5)AA Life Insurance CompanyAA人寿保险公司

1.The Study of the Customer Service Potentiality forAA Life Insurance Company;AA人寿保险公司客户服务体系的潜力研究

6)PA life insurance companyPA人寿保险公司


