1200字范文 > 东海划界 demarcation of the East China Sea英语短句 例句大全

东海划界 demarcation of the East China Sea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-28 04:25:03


东海划界 demarcation of the East China Sea英语短句 例句大全

东海划界,demarcation of the East China Sea

1)demarcation of the East China Sea东海划界


1.The Principles of the International Ocean Delimitation and the Solution of the Dispute in East China Sea;国际海洋划界原则与中日东海划界争端的解决

2.Appraising the Different Principles of China and Japan in China East Sea Delimitation According to the Latest Maritime Delimitation Cases;从最新国际海洋划界案例看中日东海划界原则的适用

3.Legal Status of OKINAWA Trough:Key of Issues on Delimitation of East China Sea;中日东海划界问题之关键——冲绳海槽的法律地位

4.The Legal Analysis of East Sea Boundary Dispute between China and Japan and Solution of China;中日东海划界争端的法理分析及中国的对策

5.On the EEZ and Continental Shelf Regimes and the Delimitation in East China Sea;论大陆架和专属经济区两种制度及中日东海划界

6.The International Legal Basis on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf of East China Sea东海大陆架划界争端国际法依据辨证

7.Sion-Japan Diaoyu Islands Dispute and the Delimitation of East China Sea Continental Shelf中日钓鱼岛争端与东海大陆架划界

8.Study on Demarcation of Continental Shelf in East China Sea between China and Japan and Petroleum and Gas Resource in the East China Sea;东海油气资源及中国、日本在东海大陆架划界问题的研究

9.Key Aspects in the Continental Shelf Delimitation Between China and Japan;中日东海大陆架划界中的若干关键问题

10.Analysis and Selection of the Proposals on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary of the East China Sea between China and Japan;论澳巴海洋边界划分方法之特色及其对中日东海海域划界之借鉴意义

11.The Sino-Japanese Delimitation Issue in the East China Sea and Its Settlement论中日东海海域划界问题及其解决——从国际法角度的研究

12.On the Equitable Principles in the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf--with Reviewing the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf in the East Sea Based on Equitable Principle;论大陆架划界之公平原则——兼及东海大陆架划界问题在公平原则下的考察

13.East Asian Seas Action Plan region东亚海洋行动计划区域


15.Sea Legislations and their Practices by the Countries around the South China Sea;南海周边国家的海洋划界立法与实践

16.Research into the river-sea delimitations of some key estuaries in China我国重要入海河口河海界线划分探讨

17.The line drawn through Europe since 1945 has to be extended southeastwards into a line which protects the oil, producing Gulf.1945年以后在欧洲所划的界线,现在必须向东南延伸,以形成一条保护生产石油的海湾的防线。

18.The Significance of Natural Prolongation Principle in the East China Sea Dispute between China and Japan--Perspective from the Relationship between Institution of Right and Rule of Delimitation;中日东海争端中自然延伸原则的重要地位——基于权利和划界规则之间关系的视角


delimitation in the East China Sea东海海域划界

3)East sea boundary dispute东海划界争端

1.Under this background, theEast sea boundary dispute between China and Japan emerged the water surface, and became quite important and the thorny question.本文以中国的海洋权益为视角,介绍了海洋权益的概念和我国海洋权益的现状及面临的挑战,阐述了中日东海划界争端的由来,揭示了中日东海划界争端的实质。

4)Delimitation of East China Sea Continental Shelf东海大陆架划界

1.Sion-Japan Diaoyu Islands Dispute and theDelimitation of East China Sea Continental Shelf;中日钓鱼岛争端与东海大陆架划界

5)maritime boundary delimitation海域划界

1.This paper mainly analyzes the legal status of estoppels and its application in the international maritime delimitation as well as its significance for China smaritime boundary delimitation.在国际海洋划界领域,禁止反言原则包含在公平原则之中,其适用对我国海域划界具有重要意义。

2.Differences between the selected number of baseline points of the territorial sea and their spatial distribution have an important influence on the result ofmaritime boundary delimitation.领海基点的选取数量及其空间点位分布的不同,对海域划界结果有着重要的影响。

3.Due to complex geographic environments,internationalmaritime boundary delimitation has to involve many problems,including both legal and technical problems.适用于海域划界的国际法原则有多种 ,在这些海域划界原则指导下涉及了多种因素 ,并形成了多种划界方法 ,这样必将使划界工作变得异常复杂。

6)demarcation of the territorial waters领海划界

1.The Republic of China made great progress in thedemarcation of the territorial waters.领海划界问题在民国时期取得了较大的进步。


大东海旅游区大东海旅游区位于距三亚市区3公里的兔子尾和鹿回头两山之间。月牙形的海湾,辽阔的海面晶莹 如镜,只见白沙融融,阳光、碧水、沙滩、绿树构成了一幅美丽的热带风光图画。这里四季如春,水暖沙平,冬季水温18度,是冬泳避寒胜地和度假休闲者进行潜海观光、海水浴、阳光浴 的理想之地,被国家旅游局评为中国"四十佳"旅游景点之一。区内海滨度假旅游设施集中而配套,有嬉水乐园、旅游潜艇码头、潜水和跳水基地等,可常年进行多种水上活动和沙滩运动,是目前海南颇具规模的热带海滨旅游度假区。
