1200字范文 > BOT融资项目 BOT financing project英语短句 例句大全

BOT融资项目 BOT financing project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-12 00:45:28


BOT融资项目 BOT financing project英语短句 例句大全

BOT融资项目,BOT financing project

1)BOT financing projectBOT融资项目

1.From the point of view of the Government, this paper is a combination of theory and practice of sanitation characteristics ofBOT financing projects and status of analysis.本文从政府的角度出发,通过理论与实践相结合,对环卫BOT融资项目的特点和现状进行分析,在借鉴国内外项目管理和BOT项目实施的经验和教训基础上,指出并剖析环卫BOT融资项目监管过程存在的问题,提出加强政府监管的具体方法和措施,以便更好地履行监管职能。


1.The Research on Integrated Risk Management in Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) Project;BOT融资项目集成化风险管理研究

2.Application of BOT Fund-raising Pattern in Environmental Protection ProjectBOT项目融资模式在环保项目中的应用

3.The analysis of BOT investment project financing game behavior;BOT投资项目的融资博弈行为分析

4.A Study on Project Finance & Management Control of BOT in Engineering Construction;工程建设BOT项目融资及管理控制研究

5.Research on the Risks and Governance of BOT Project Financing Model;BOT项目融资模式风险及其治理研究

6.Research on the Application of BOT Financing Pattern in China;BOT项目融资模式在我国的应用研究

7.The Research of Project Risk Management Based on the Mode of BOT Financing;BOT融资模式下的项目风险管理研究

8.The Research on Risk Management of BOT Financing in Construction Project;工程建设项目BOT融资风险管理研究

9.Research on the Financing Mode of Highway Construction-BOT and ABS;高速公路项目融资方式——BOT与ABS探析

parison between BOT and PFI Financial Arrangement;项目融资BOT与PFI模式的比较

11.BOT A Model of Finacing Machanism Has Been Applied in Environment Protection Field;BOT融资模式在城市环保项目中的应用

parison between Two Project Financing Methods--BOT & ABS and their Practice;BOT与ABS项目融资模式比较及实施初探

13.Analyses of the Differences between Program Financing Modes of BOT and ABS;关于BOT与ABS项目融资方式的差异分析

14.Probing into the Mode of Finance-Construction on Consignment in China Based on BOT/ PFI;基于BOT/PFI的公共工程项目融资代建制

15.BOT Pattern and Risk Management in Project Financing;项目融资中的BOT模式及其风险管理

16.BOT Mode for Project Finance in Urban Infrastructure Construction;城市基础设施建设项目融资的BOT模式

17.Study on application of genetic algorithm in project finance;遗传算法在项目融资(BOT)中的应用研究

18.Risk Identification and Management of a BOT Project Financing;BOT项目融资中的风险识别与管理


BOT project financingBOT项目融资

1.BOT project financing is a new financing method comparatively appropriate to the educational industry.BOT项目融资是一种比较适合教育产业的新型的融资方式。

2.The contribution thatBOT project financing upon the construction of infrastructure has been proved by practices.BOT项目融资方式对基础设施建设的贡献已经被实践所证明,解决了基础设施制约经济发展的难题,尤其对于发展中国家。

3.To introduceBOT project financing is a way out to deal with this contradiction and push forward the construction of infrastructure in our country.采用BOT项目融资方式,是解决上述矛盾,加快我国基础设施建设的重要出路。

3)BOT Project financeBOT项目融资

1.BOT Project Finance is a new operational mode about investment on the infrastructure in many countries.目前国内学术界对BOT项目融资理论进行了很深入的研究,并且成功的BOT融资案例也很多,但绝大多数探讨的是高速公路、电厂、桥梁等工程类项目,以房地产基础设施项目为主要研究对象的成果并不多见。

4)BOT item financingBOT项目投融资

1.After analysing the advantages and disadvanges of the participation of private-owenr onterprises in the zoology reconstruction in Western China by SWOT analyse,this paper reaches a condusion thatBOT item financing will be an effective way for the participation.本文通过SWOT分析法分析民营企业参与西部生态重建的优劣势及面临的机会和威胁,找到民营企业参与西部生态重建的有效途径——BOT项目投融资方式。

5)the project investment and financing (BOT)项目投融资(BOT)

6)Project Financing项目融资

1.RCP——a NewProject Financing Pattern;项目融资新模式——RCP

2.Study on the fuzzy synthetic evaluation method of project financing risk;项目融资风险的模糊综合评价方法研究

3.Application of project financing in water resources construction;项目融资在水利建设中的应用分析


