1200字范文 > 外来直接投资 FDI英语短句 例句大全

外来直接投资 FDI英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 09:10:07


外来直接投资 FDI英语短句 例句大全



1.An Analysis of Negative Effects Derived fromFDI;外来直接投资(FDI)弊端及引资工作误区剖析

2.Recently, the change ofFDI(Foreign Direct Investment) between the Pearl River Delta and the Changjiang River Delta has given rise to the attention of Chinese people.近年来,外来直接投资在珠三角和长三角的游离变化引起了世人的关注。


1.The market value of the stock of inward direct investments amounted to $3,551.3 billion.外来直接投资的总市值达35,513亿元。

2.An Analysis of Negative Effects Derived from FDI;外来直接投资(FDI)弊端及引资工作误区剖析

3.The position of inward direct investment at market price amounted to $1,744 billion.按蒥值计算,外来直接投资总额达17,440亿元。

4.Service FDI:Development,Characteristics and Implications;服务业外来直接投资的发展、特点与影响

5.An Empirical Study on the Relations between Exchange Rate of Reminbi and Foreign Direct Investment;人民币汇率与外来直接投资关系的实证研究

6.contracted foreign direct investment直接外来投资合同金额

7.A Comparison of Foreign Direct Investment abroad in the 1990s between China and India;1990年代以来中印对外直接投资探析

8.The Development and Future of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment;中国对外直接投资的发展及未来趋势

9.Foreign direct investment by regio分地区外商直接投资

10.Foreign direct investment declines.外商直接投资下降。

11.Foreign direct investment increased steadily.外商直接投资稳步扩大。

12.China has maintained a good momentum in its FDI attraction since this year.今年以来,外商来华直接投资继续保持良好势头。

13.The Theory of Foreign Direct Investment and ForeignDirect Investment in China;对外直接投资理论与中国的对外直接投资

14.Analysis on Differences Between China s Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Outward Foreign Direct Investment;外商来华直接投资与中国企业对外投资的差异分析

15.Hong Kong has continued to be the largest source of external direct investment in the Mainland.香港仍然是内地最大的直接外来投资者。

OOC"s Foreign Direct Investment Development and Future Strategy Selection;中海油对外直接投资的发展与未来战略选择

17.The New Trends of FDI in China in Recent Years and Inspiration for China;近年来外商对华直接投资的新动向及启示

18.Characteristics of FDI to China since Reforming and Opening to the Outside World;改革开放以来外商对我国直接投资特征


foreign direct investment外来直接投资

1.The article analyses and comparas the determining factors,characteristics and the influence on regional economy byforeign direct investment in Europe and in China.本文分析和对比了外来直接投资在欧洲与中国的决定因素、特点以及对区位经济的影响。

3)foreign direct investment (FDI)外来直接投资(FDI)

4)China"s inward foreign direct investment外商来华直接投资(IFDI)

5)FDI from different country group不同来源体外商直接投资


1.An Empirical Study onFDI,Foreign Trade and Environment Pollution in China;外商直接投资、对外贸易与环境污染的实证研究

2.FDI impacts on our country"s environmental quality——co-integration analysis based on our country"s data from 1985 to ;外商直接投资对我国环境质量的影响——基于我国1985~数据的协整分析

3.Character Analysis ofFDI of Service Trade in Guangdong;广东省服务业外商直接投资的特征分析


