1200字范文 > 法治瑕疵 flaws in rule of law英语短句 例句大全

法治瑕疵 flaws in rule of law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 20:01:46


法治瑕疵 flaws in rule of law英语短句 例句大全

法治瑕疵,flaws in rule of law

1)flaws in rule of law法治瑕疵

2)flaw"s cure瑕疵治愈

3)legal system flaws法制瑕疵

1.This paper suggests that there are five kinds oflegal system flaws existing in college students educational and administrant work ,including authority Exceeding, power abusing, procedure nonstandard, stipulation vague and management disorder etc.本文将目前高校学生教育管理工作中存在的法制瑕疵归纳为制度越权、权力滥用、程序瑕疵、规定模糊和管理失范等五种,结合近年来出现的具体案例进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。


1.The Research on the Legal System Flaws Existing in College Students Educationaland Administrant Work and Corresponding Countermeasures;高校学生教育管理工作中的法制瑕疵及其对策探讨

2.Study on the Improvement of Judicial Remedy System for Companies Resolution Flaw;论公司决议瑕疵司法救济制度的完善

3.Legal Regulation on Defective Establishment of a Corporation论我国公司瑕疵设立法律规制的完善

4.The Defects of Shareholder General Meeting s Resolutions and Their Legal Regulation;股东大会决议瑕疵及其法律规制之研究

5.Economic Analysis on Remedy System of Defective Establishment of Corporation;公司瑕疵设立救济机制选择的法经济分析

6.Analysis of Legal System Flaw Concerning Building Removal;我国城市房屋拆迁法律制度瑕疵之分析

7.Gewhrleistungshaftungen für Sachmngel im deutschen Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Schuldrechts;德国新买卖合同法中的瑕疵担保责任制度评析

8.The Problems and Suggestions in Legislation about Guarantee Liability about Blemish of Chinese Contract Law瑕疵担保责任在中国的立法取向和制度完善

9.The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw .美中无瑕疵,本身是瑕疵。

10.Nullity of company establishment is a law system to resolve formation with flaws.公司设立无效制度是一种处理公司瑕疵设立问题的法律制度。

11.On Problems of the liability for Warrant of Defects on the Objects in Application of Law物的瑕疵担保责任制度适用中的若干法律问题探讨

12.Research on the Legal Liability of the Shareholder with Defect in Capital Contribution and the Right Relief for the Shareholder Without Defect in Capital Contribution;出资瑕疵股东的法律责任及出资无瑕疵股东权利救济之研究

13.The Legal Theory of Company Defect Establishment and Denying the Right of Juridical Person;公司瑕疵设立与公司法人格否认法理

14.Sorting-machine rejects all defective specimens.精选机挑除一切有瑕疵的制品。

15.Study on the System of Litigation of Resolution Flaws of the General Meeting;股东大会决议瑕疵诉讼救济制度研究

16.On the Remedies before Litigation of Resolution Flaws of the General Meeting;股东大会决议瑕疵诉前救济制度建构

17.The Forms and Legal Liability of Sharehoders Slight Defect Investment;股东出资瑕疵的表现形式及法律责任

18.The Influence of the Flaw of Declaration of Intention to the Effectiveness of Legal Acts;意思表示瑕疵对法律行为效力的影响


flaw"s cure瑕疵治愈

3)legal system flaws法制瑕疵

1.This paper suggests that there are five kinds oflegal system flaws existing in college students educational and administrant work ,including authority Exceeding, power abusing, procedure nonstandard, stipulation vague and management disorder etc.本文将目前高校学生教育管理工作中存在的法制瑕疵归纳为制度越权、权力滥用、程序瑕疵、规定模糊和管理失范等五种,结合近年来出现的具体案例进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。

4)legal flaws法律瑕疵


1.Theblemish of sharehold s capital subscription is a normal occurance during the corporation s creation and operation.股东出资瑕疵是公司设立及运营过程中经常出现的情况,这极有可能对公司、其他已适当履行出资义务的股东、公司的债权人、公司高层经营管理者造成不同的损害,有效防范股东出资瑕疵的首要机制是对各相关利益主体设定明确的责任。

2.However, they still have theblemishes, such as infringing the legislative, offending the basic principle of the criminal law and the basic theory of the joint crime, differences existing among the judicial interpretation, and the inoperable and unreasonable aspects in the judicial interpretation itself.然而,它们仍然存在着侵犯立法权、违反刑法的基本原则、违反共同犯罪的基本理论、司法解释之间存在分歧以及司法解释本身的不可操作、不合理等方面的瑕疵。


1.Differences between productflaw guarantee responsibility and product responsibility;产品瑕疵担保责任与产品责任的区别

ments on Legal Remedies of Resolution Flaws of General Meeting of Shareholders;论股东大会决议瑕疵的法律救济

3.The Flaw of Company s Instauration Registration and Legal Relief;公司设立登记瑕疵及其法律救济


