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人体自重 body weight英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 08:10:07


人体自重 body weight英语短句 例句大全

人体自重,body weight

1)body weight人体自重

1.Research and development of the multifunctional exercise machine withbody weight instead of counterweight system多功能人体自重康复健身器的研究与技术开发


1.Research and development of the multifunctional exercise machine with body weight instead of counterweight system多功能人体自重康复健身器的研究与技术开发

2.Each one should take care of his strength.人人都得保重自己的身体。

3.It reflects your personality, self-esteem, dignity and self-respect?它能体现你人格上的自尊、自重和自爱吗?

4.Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you .人必自重,而后人重之。

5.Effect and Evaluation of Stem Cell for Blood Flow Remodeling in Critical Limb Ischemia人自体干细胞移植在重症肢体缺血血流重建中的疗效与评价

6.Taoists respect freedom as well as stimulates individual"s internal potential.道家尊重个体自由,激励个人充分发挥内在潜力。

7.Subjectivity Reconstruction and New Relations Establishment Between Human and Nature;论主体性的重构与“人—自然”新关系的建立

8.A New Understanding of Marx s "Free men s Union";重新认识马克思所说的“自由人的联合体”

9.Research on Reconfigurable Strategy of Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robot Based on Crystal"s Crystallization Theory基于晶体结晶理论的模块化自重构机器人重构策略的研究

10.Improves your balance and allows you to transfer your body weight as client is moved to sitting position.* 改善护士身体平衡,便于病人移至坐位时转移自身体重。

11.The Political Philosophy Meaning of Marx"s Reconstructing Individual Property:To Be a Communism with Free Men马克思“重建个人所有制”的政治哲学含义:形成自由人联合体

12.Weight or heaviness, especially of a person.重量,尤指人的体重

13.If you don"t respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?自己不自重, 又怎能受到别人尊重呢?

14.he identifies himself with its centre of gravity,他把自身和物体重心、

15.not merely, explained.人们希望使自己的体重得到控制而不是光有解释。

16.Researchers have also proposed that gravitational pull from a nearby object might be another possible cause.研究人员还指出,来自附近的物体的重力吸引也可能是另一个原因。

17.Evaluation of Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulation under Various Gravitational Stresses in Humans;不同重力应激下人体心血管自主神经调节功能的评价

18.The Individual Self-governance Turn of the Effectiveness of Limitation of Action:From the Angle of both Substantive and Procedural Law;论我国诉讼时效效力的私人自治转向——实体与程序双重视角的观察


The dead weight of surrounding rockmass岩体自重

3)Larger weight成人体重

4)human body reconstruction人体重建

5)gravity center of human body人体重心

1.Research on the Dynamic Testing System of the Gravity Center of Human Body;人体重心动态测试系统的研究

2.Thegravity center of human body is one of the basic segment inertia parameters reflecting the structure of configuration and character of mass distribution of human body,which can offer references in the medical rehabilitation and the sports activity.人体重心是人体环节惯性参数中能够反映人体形态结构和质量分布特征的基本参数之一,可以为体育运动、医疗康复等领域提供参考依据。

3.The testing system ofgravity center of human body can judge the balance function through the variety of gravity center.人体重心测试系统就是利用人体重心的变化判断人的平衡能力。

6)Self weight body force自重体积力


