1200字范文 > 材质升级 selecting high grade material英语短句 例句大全

材质升级 selecting high grade material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 17:26:57


材质升级 selecting high grade material英语短句 例句大全

材质升级,selecting high grade material

1)selecting high grade material材质升级

1.Based on the practice experiences in our factory and other refineries in our country, the method ofselecting high grade material, the permeation of aluminum into carbon steel and the use of corrosion resisting agent can be used to slow the rate of corrosion occurred in equipment.介绍了加工高酸值原油面临的主要问题、腐蚀状况、腐蚀机理及防护措施,通过国内炼制高酸值原油炼厂和我厂的实际经验,采 用材质升级、碳钢渗铝、加注高温缓蚀剂和完善“一脱三注”等措施,可以有效缓解高酸值原油对设备的腐蚀问题。

2)material upgrading材料升级


1.Strength and Rigidity Simulating Analysis on Longitudinal Beam for Heavy Truck before and after Material Impoving重型卡车纵梁材料升级前后的强度及刚度模拟分析

2.However, the hydration degree of binder, as well as the adiabatic temperature rise for high strength concrete, will be obviously decreased due to the increase of initial casting temperature.但却会明显降低高强度等级混凝土所用胶凝材料的水化程度,使其绝热温升值下降。

3.Ceramic Composites Emerging as Advanced Structural Materials正在崛起的高级结构材料——陶瓷复合材料

4.The Model-Transfer Upgrading Are Basic Strategy of Development of Plastics Machinery转型升级是塑料机械发展的根本理念

5.continuous-action elevator and conveyor for goods or materials货物或材料用连续升降机及输送机

6.Ingredients :600g Pork ribs, 300ml Tsingtao beer, 2 slices Ginger.材料:肋排600克、青岛啤酒300毫升、姜2片。

7.Application of the Theory of Informativity to the Development of college English Materials;篇章信息级的升降与大学英语教材的编写

8.Classification on burning behaviour for building materialsGB8624-1997建筑材料燃烧性能分级方法

9.High precision welding materials pure tin lead alloy products.高级精密焊接纯锡铅合金材料制品。

10.How quickly can materials be crushed to the different grades?把材料粉碎到不同的等级有多快?

11.SAMPE (Science of Advanced Materials and Process Engineering)高级材料与加工工程科学

12.Engineering Application of Basic Level Materials of Red Mud High Level Pavement赤泥高等级路面基层材料的工程应用

13.Study of Porous Active Carbon Materials for Super-Capacitors;超级电容器用多孔活性炭材料的研究

14.The Research on Preparation of Carbon Electrode Materials by Microwave Radiation for Supercapacitors;超级电容器碳电极材料微波制备研究

15.Study on the Preparation Method of Electrode Materials in Electrochemical Supercapacitors;超级电容器电极材料的制备方法研究

16.Studies on Supercapacitor Electrode Materials of MnO_2;MnO_2超级电容器电极材料的研究

17.Multiscale Model and Algorithm for Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Composite Materials;复合材料弹塑性分析多级模型与算法

18.The Synthesis, Application and Development of the Hierarchical Nanostructure Material;多级纳米结构材料的合成,应用和发展


material upgrading材料升级

3)quality upgrading质量升级

1.In order to adapt to the need of gasolinequality upgrading, the technical measures to meet for the new standards of "unleaded moter gasoline" were used based on the current production conditions of unit as well as gasoline output and quality level.为适应汽油质量升级的需要 ,根据现有装置生产条件和汽油产量及质量水平 ,提出了汽油质量达到新的《车用无铅汽油》标准应采取的技术措施并对结果进行了预测。

2.The article analyzes problems facing oil productsquality upgrading in China s refining enterprisesand puts forward concrete countermeasures.分析了我国炼油企业油品质量升级面临的问题,并提出了具体的应对措施。

4)Quality Growth品质升级

1.The Measurement and Evaluation ofQuality Growth——The Analysis on Durable Goods in China s Transition Period;品质升级的衡量与评价——基于对转型时期我国耐用品的实证分析

2.Then, from the perspective of quality growth and intertemporal choice, this paper uses empirical study tools to find that how the quality growth\"s velocity and the intertemporal substitution influences consumer behavior and the accurate role.然后,分别从收入视角、品质升级视角和跨期选择视角利用计量工具实证研究收入、跨期替代弹性和品质升级速度对我国城镇居民消费行为的影响机理和作用力度的大小。

5)wooden board classification木质板材分级

6)quality grade of structural timber木材质量等级


《论逐步升级:比喻和假设情景》《论逐步升级:比喻和假设情景》On Escalation:Metaphors and ScenariosSheLun Zhubu Shengii:Biyu he JicQingling《论逐步升级:比喻和假设情景(On Escalation为U七八不召h脚wal耐scenari<美国的军事理论著作。纽约普雷格社1965年出版。作者H.康恩(19二1983),物理学家、军事理论家,灵应战略理论奠基人之一,曾担任美德逊研究所所长。该书是西方军事界研究危机管理、冲突控制和互动的重要理论著作。中译本由世界知版社1965年出版。全书共13章,中译本约24万字。内容有:①认为冲突与战争的过程,个讨价还价的过程,是双方逐渐增加风力的过程。在此过程中,双方激烈较量谁能承受更大的风险,坚持到最后。②把冲突和战争分为44个阶梯和6个门榴 版︸反赫术策出认刀s)七2舌到笋付只要一压看张全主是金,主,面核战争为最后也是最高的一个阶梯。{每升高一级,代表冲突或在强度上升高在地域上扩大,或在时间上延长;门{升高一级,则代表冲突性质的重大变化从常规战争到核战争,从打击对方军事一的有限核战争到打击对方城市目标的全}战争等。③批评了那种认为核威慑失败,可避免地导致全面核战争的观点,认为平与核大战之间的每一个阶梯都提供了}发生全面核战争的机会。即使在第一次}(偶然和非有意使用)核武器的第巧个队即在常规战争发展为核战争之后,仍然能避免全面核战争。④提出了“升级支概念,即在冲突升级过程中,谁最不’{级,谁在升级后仍然享有优势,谁在升l的对抗中受损最小,谁就掌握了“升级…权”,据有把战争进行下去、压对方就;资本。⑤主张美国要发展和保持每个阶)占优势的军事力量,拥有控制和打赢品包括核战争的能力。《论逐步升级:比喻和假设情景》}后,对美国和北大西洋条约组织的军二略曾产生较大影响。(姚云子梯或每如标核不和止用耘可了升后配的都犯介,监,刁习酥寄主且吏拐淞卜习两曰白曰及片、小巳︺弟浦版战l口曰片尹.兮」
