1200字范文 > 时间分辨克尔旋转谱 time-resolved Kerr rotation spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间分辨克尔旋转谱 time-resolved Kerr rotation spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-26 14:47:11


时间分辨克尔旋转谱 time-resolved Kerr rotation spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间分辨克尔旋转谱,time-resolved Kerr rotation spectrum

time-resolved Kerr spectroscopy时间分辨克尔光谱

3)Time-resolved optical Kerr effect时间分辨光克尔效应

4)Time-resolved spectrum时间分辨谱

1.We studied and compared InAs quantum dots and wetting layer by photoluminescence and time-resolved spectrum.采用光致发光谱及时间分辨谱对InAs量子点及浸润层开展研究和对比,分析了单层InAs量子点和浸润层中的载流子迁移过程,较好地解释了实验结果。

2.By microwave absorption and dielectric spectrum detection technique, the decay behaviors of photoelectrons in the reduction-sensitized silver halide emulsion have been measured, and the time-resolved spectrums of free photoelectrons and shallow-trapped photoelectrons have been obtained.本文利用微波吸收介电谱检测技术,系统检测了还原增感条件下的卤化银光电子衰减行为,同步获得了还原增感乳剂的自由光电子和浅束缚光电子的时间分辨谱信号。

5)time-resolved spectra时间分辨谱

1.Study oftime-resolved spectra for the ion-pair state of molecule iodine;碘分子离子对态的时间分辨谱

2.In this paper, the radiative decay andtime-resolved spectra were employed to investigate the transient photoluminescence of GaP_(1-x)N_x alloys with x=0.且该杂质带低能端载流子的寿命比高能端载流子的寿命长,导致了其时间分辨谱向低能端的移动。

6)time resolved spectra时间分辨谱

1.The fluorescence spectroscopy of the A 3Π 0→X 1Σ + transition has been obtained andtime resolved spectra were measured by laser induced fluorescence.采用激光诱导荧光技术对 In Cl分子 A3 Π0 → X1Σ+ 荧光光谱进行了分析和归属 ,并对A3 Π0 (ν′=1)→ X1Σ+ (ν"=1,2 ,3,4 ,5)的时间分辨谱进行了观测 ,得到 In Cl分子 A3 Π0 态无碰撞辐射寿命τ0 ≈ 370 ns,无碰撞弛豫速率常数 k Q ≈ 9。


