1200字范文 > 基本乐理 basic music theory英语短句 例句大全

基本乐理 basic music theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 15:02:00


基本乐理 basic music theory英语短句 例句大全

基本乐理,basic music theory

1)basic music theory基本乐理

1.Considering unequal foundation and the separation of theory and practice existing in currentbasic music theory teaching at normal college.基本乐理是系统讲授有关音乐理论基础知识的课程,是学习音乐专业所接触的第一门理论课。


1.A course to be reconstructed: Some thoughts on the course of music rudiments;基本乐理:亟待加强建设的课程——关于基本乐理课程建设的思考

2.The Gap between Musical Reality and Theoretical Symbols--On the Relationship between Basic Music Theories and Realistic Sound;音乐现实与理论符号的差异——谈基本乐理与音响表达的关系

3.A Study on the Combinative Teaching Mode of Basic Music Theory and Solfeggio in Music Education at Normal Colleges;高师音乐教育中基本乐理与视唱练耳合并教学模式的研究

4.Period Development and Enlightenment in China for Textbooks of West Countries Basic Music Theory;西洋基本乐理教材在中国的阶段性衍变及其启示

5.Basic Conception of Yueji Music Philosophy and It s Relative Comparative Studies;《乐记》音乐哲学的基本理念及其相关比较研究

6.Book Review of Fundamentals of Music Theory;对《基本乐科教程·乐理卷》若干问题的讨论

7.A graduate student instructed the freshmen in the rudiments of music theory.一名研究生向新生教授音乐理论的基本原理。

8.Status-quo and prospects of the methodology of music psychology;音乐心理学研究方法的现状与基本取向

9.A Rustic Opinion of the Postulate of Forming Chinese Musical Aesthetic Psychology;刍议中华民族音乐审美心理形成的基本条件

10.Talking the joyful education in track - and - field teaching based on the fundamental of new course Standard;从《课标》的基本理念谈田径教学中的快乐教育

11.On the Sensation of Tone As a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music音乐理论的生理基础

12.On the Course Target of Basic Music Theory Subject in Advanced Music Teacher Training Schools;高等师范音乐院校基本乐科课程目标探究

13.The Confucian Views of Music and the Basic Features of the Traditional Chinese Music;儒家音乐观与中国传统音乐的基本特征

14.Basically, I like all kinds of music.基本上,所有类型的音乐我都喜欢。

15.There were two basic features of the system of rites and music in Zhou times:周代的礼乐制度有两条基本内容,

16.the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music.一段音乐的基本的韵律模式。

17.A Study of the Indigenization of Chinese Hymnody;基督教(新教)圣诗音乐中国本色化探研

18.ON the Basic Qualities of Music Teachers in Higher Vocational Institutions;谈高等职业院校音乐教师的基本素质


countries basic music theory西洋基本乐理

1.This text focuses on the textbooks of westcountries basic music theory, selecting the ones which are most representatively and powerfully to be analyzed and studied to reveal the development process and features of it in China.本文以西洋基本乐理教材为着眼点,选取各历史阶段中最有代表性和影响力的乐理教材进行分析研究,以深入揭示西洋基本音乐理论在我国的发展进程及其特点,以史鉴今,为当代乐理教材的发展与完善提供参考与借鉴作用。

3)the grammar of music音乐的基本原理

4)the basics of music基本乐理基础知识

1.This paper aims to explore how the teacher instructs students to understand staves when they choosethe basics of music as their elective course.提出了3点建议:(1)掌握扎实的基本乐理基础知识;(2)做讲练相应的读谱训练;(3)运用自如的识读五线谱。

5)Basic Music Theory and Solfeggio基本乐科

1.The teaching mode ofBasic Music Theory and Solfeggio based on rhythm in normal universities that can help students a new Look and grasp about studying of rhythm and the entireBasic Music Theory and Solfeggio, actively promote these two courses better integration of effective methods of teaching.基于节奏的高师基本乐科教学模式是一种帮助学生全新审视和把握节奏乃至整个基本乐科学习、积极促进高师乐理与视唱练耳课程教学优化整合的有效教学模式。

6)The Reflection on the Basic Music Theory Teaching基本乐理教学思考


