1200字范文 > 项目投融资风险 risk of BOT project investment and financing英语短句 例句大全

项目投融资风险 risk of BOT project investment and financing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-26 13:26:02


项目投融资风险 risk of BOT project investment and financing英语短句 例句大全

项目投融资风险,risk of BOT project investment and financing

1)risk of BOT project investment and financing项目投融资风险


1.Risk Analyses of BOT Project Investment and Finance Based on VaR基于风险价值VAR的BOT项目投融资风险分析

2.Analysis and Prevents on the Research on the Risk of Investment and Financial in China"s Joint-venture Railway我国合资铁路项目投融资风险分析与防范

3.Research on Investment and Financing Risk of Municipal Infrastructure Construction in China;我国市政基础设施项目投融资风险研究

4.On Strategy of Improving Investing and Financing Risk Management of China s Infrastructure Project;提高我国基础设施项目投融资风险管理的对策

5.China"s Investment and Financing Infrastructure Projects Research in Risk Management Mechanism我国基础设施项目投融资风险管理机制研究

6.Analysis of project financing risk distribution Based on Investor;基于投资方角度的项目融资风险分配研究

7.The Grey Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Financing Risk in Real Estate Investment;房地产投资项目融资风险的灰色模糊评判研究

8.Optimization and Risk Analysis Modelof Project Investment and Financing;项目投资与融资方案优化及风险分析模型

9.The Study of the Comprehensive Valuation of Investment Risks of Venture Investment Projects;风险投资项目投资风险综合评价研究

10.Port Investment Risk Assessment and Control: The Case of Rizhao Port Financing Project港口项目投资风险评估及控制:日照港融资项目案例

prehensive Evaluation of Risks in Venture Investment Project Decision-making;风险投资项目决策中的风险综合评价

12.Study on the staged risk assessment of venture capital project;风险投资项目的分阶段风险评价研究


14.Research on A Comprehensive Method for Evaluating Risks of Venture Capital Projects风险投资项目风险综合评价方法研究

15.Study on the Termination Decision of Venture Capital Projects with ZBVC Venture Capital Corporate;ZBVC风险投资公司风险投资项目中止决策研究

16.Shandong Yongxing Investment Corporation Venture Capital Project Risk Analysis;山东永兴投资公司风险投资项目的风险分析

17.An Analysis of the Investment Strategy Selection of Venture Capitalists;风险投资家在风险项目上的投资策略选择分析

18.Risk Assessment of Venture Capital Program Based on Risk Matrix;基于风险矩阵的风险投资项目风险评估


project risk投资项目风险,项目风险

3)project financing risk项目融资风险

1.To appraise theproject financing risk of commercial real estate,it can use the method that AHP combines with fuzzy comprehensive appraisal.本文采用AHP与模糊综合评价相结合的方法对商业房地产项目融资风险进行评价,建立了商业房地产项目融资风险评价指标体系,运用AHP确定各因素相对于目标层的权重,从而用模糊综合评价的方法,对风险进行综合评价。

4)the Risks of Project Financing项目融资的风险

5)venture capital project风险投资项目

1.Study onventure capital project exit timing and approaches;风险投资项目退出的时机与方式选择研究

2.Study on the Termination Decision of Venture Capital Projects with ZBVC Venture Capital Corporate;ZBVC风险投资公司风险投资项目中止决策研究

3.According to the modern project management rules,this paper defines the contents of theventure capital project,builds up aventure capital project life cycle model consisting of six phases.本文依据现代项目管理规范 ,对风险投资项目的内涵进行了界定 ,建立了一个六阶段的风险投资项目寿命周期模型 ;给出了基于项目寿命周期的风险投资项目管理定义并就其特点展开了分析 ,归纳和分析了风险投资项目管理的一般性原则。

6)risk investment project风险投资项目

1.Based on Gray System theory, a risk evaluation index system forrisk investment projects is established, a comprehensive evaluation method is proposed, which integrates qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and a case adopting this method is cited in this paper.根据灰色系统理论 ,建立了风险投资项目风险评价指标体系 ,提出了一种定性分析和定量分析相结合的综合评价方法 ,并给出运用该方法的一个实

2.The article in the research overseas each kind of project evaluation target’s foundation,the union present our country investment market development’s present situation as well asrisk investment project own characteristic has designed a set of target system,and for each target d.在研究国外各种项目评估指标的基础上,结合目前我国投资市场发展的现状以及风险投资项目自身的特点设计了一套指标体系,并为每个指标确定权重。


