1200字范文 > 皮尔逊法 Pearson Method英语短句 例句大全

皮尔逊法 Pearson Method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-14 09:36:02


皮尔逊法 Pearson Method英语短句 例句大全

皮尔逊法,Pearson Method

1)Pearson Method皮尔逊法

2)Pearson algorithm皮尔逊算法

3)Pearsonian correlation皮尔逊相关法

4)Karl Pearson皮尔逊

1.Karl Pearson s Researches on the History and Ideas of Historiography;皮尔逊的历史研究和编史学观念

2.Karl Pearson(1857-1936)is a famous philospher-scientist at the turn of the century.卡尔·皮尔逊是19和20世纪之交著名的哲人科学家。


1.Pearson air elutriator皮尔逊空气颗粒分级器

2.Pearson"s coefficient of meansquare contingency皮尔逊均方列联系数

3.Pearson product moment correlation coefficient皮尔逊积差相关系数

4.Pearson holiday detector皮尔逊绝缘层检漏计

5.Pearson method皮尔逊二氧化氯制法

6.If old Pearson isn"t complaining about one thing he is complaining about another老皮尔逊总是怨这怨那。

7.When Moore checked out, Pearson was appointed his successor.穆尔离职后,皮尔逊被委为继任人。

8.Mr Pearson is hat in hand to Mr Walton.皮尔逊先生对华尔顿先生十分恭敬。

9.Mr. Pearson"s income allows of no extravagance in his way of living.皮尔逊先生的收入不允许他生活奢侈。

10.In nineteen century, Enligh doctor Pearson came to Macao to spread the cowpox vaccination.到19世纪时,英国医师皮尔逊到澳门推广牛痘术。

11.In August the U.S. Navy Department set this criminal free with a verdict of "not guilty".同年八月,美国海军部宣布皮尔逊无罪释放。

12.Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.皮尔逊教授在新的阶梯讲堂发表了启用演说。

13.Mr. Pearson’s income allows of no extravagance in his way of living.皮尔逊先生的收入不允许他过奢侈的生活。

14.Skill in Developing Hydrologic Frequency Curve Soft of Pearson Type Ⅲ Distribution皮尔逊Ⅲ型频率曲线图解适线软件开发

15.Monte Carlo simulation of polychoric correlation and Pearson correlation coefficient多分格相关与皮尔逊相关的蒙特卡罗仿真

16.Relationships among Quantization Bits of Sensors under N-P Criterion奈曼-皮尔逊准则下传感器量化位数间的关系

17.the smug look of a toad breakfasting on fat marsh flies&b{William Pearson)像早餐吃到沼泽地胖苍蝇的蛤蟆那样得意忘形的表情(威廉皮尔逊)

18.Why not just begin by increasingly referring all personnel requests to John Pearson?为什么不先是逐步地把所有的人事问题交给约翰?皮尔逊处理?


Pearson algorithm皮尔逊算法

3)Pearsonian correlation皮尔逊相关法

4)Karl Pearson皮尔逊

1.Karl Pearson s Researches on the History and Ideas of Historiography;皮尔逊的历史研究和编史学观念

2.Karl Pearson(1857-1936)is a famous philospher-scientist at the turn of the century.卡尔·皮尔逊是19和20世纪之交著名的哲人科学家。

5)Pearsons chi-square test皮尔逊卡方检验法

1.the normality of experiment results are tested by using the methods of Kurtosis and Skewness test and thePearsons chi-square test.通过MatLab进行仿真和假设检验,使用偏度、峰值检验法和皮尔逊卡方检验法检验样本数据幂变换的正态性,对实验结果作出了合理的解释。



