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城乡 urban and rural areas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-17 22:21:38


城乡 urban and rural areas英语短句 例句大全

城乡,urban and rural areas

1)urban and rural areas城乡

1.A survey of the prevalence of constipation and lifestyle among elderly people inurban and rural areas;城乡老年人便秘现状与不良生活习惯的研究

2.Hypertensive epidemiological survey and correlation factors analysis inurban and rural areas of Chongqing City in ;重庆市城乡高血压流行病学调查及相关因素分析

3.Overall planning the coordinated development ofurban and rural areas and building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits;统筹城乡协调发展 建设海峡西岸经济区


1.Small Towns in Traditional Chinese "Rural-urban Continuum"非城非乡、亦城亦乡、半城半乡——论中国城乡关系中的小城镇

2.Research on the Plan,Harmonious and Integration of the City and Countryside;城乡统筹、城乡和谐与胶东半岛城乡一体化研究

3.Bureau of Urban and Rural Construction城乡建设局(城建局)

4.Narrow the Gaps and Implement the Equivalence Between Rural and Urban Areas;缩小城乡差距 实现“城乡等值化”

5.Plan the Urban and Rural Construction Land under the Guidance of Urban and Rural Planning Act;切实以《城乡规划法》统筹城乡建设用地

6.An interpretation of urban-rural planning act;初读统领城乡协调发展的《城乡规划法》

7.Urban-rural Differences and the Rank of Priority between the City and the Country in the Coordinated Development;城乡差距和城乡统筹发展的优先次序

8.The Income Gap between Rural and Urban People and Unified Development of Urban and Rural Areas in Hebei;河北省城乡收入差距与统筹城乡发展

9.How to Narrow the Difference between Town and Country and Plan the Development of Them as a whole;缩小城乡差距统筹城乡发展问题研究

10.Shorting the Difference Lying in Harmonizing the Policy and System of City and Country;统筹城乡政策与制度 缩小城乡差距

11.Overall Planning of Development of Urban-rural Areas:A Policy Mechanism for Urban-rural Coordinated Growth;城乡统筹:城乡协调发展的政策机制

12.Strengthen Urban-rural Relating and Plan Urban-rural Economic and Social Development as a Whole;加强城乡关联 统筹城乡社会经济发展

13.On the Urban-Rural and Urbanism System;城乡一体化与乡村城市化双轨制探讨

14.On planning urban and rural construction and enhancing harmonious development between urban and rural统筹城乡规划建设 促进城乡和谐发展

15.City Periphery:Core and Primary Area of Rural-urban Integration;城市边缘区:城乡统筹、城乡一体化的核心部位

16.Differential Urban-Rural Effects of Urbanization and Coordinated Urban-Rural Development;城市化的城乡差别效应和城乡协调发展

17.How should developing countries change the backward economic situation in rural area caused by the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas?城乡二元结构包括城乡二元经济结构和城乡二元社会结构。

18.Urban-Rural Modernization and Urban-Rural Culture;城乡现代化与城乡文化──对城市与乡村文化发展的探讨


urban and rural城乡

1.Relations of Lag of Rural Economic Develpment and Information Gap of Urban and Rural;论农村经济发展滞后与城乡信息差距之关系

2.Consideration of Urban and rural Economy Exchange in Northeast China;东北地区城乡经济互动发展的思考

3.A Comparative Analysis and Research on the Physical Functions and Qualities of Urban and Rural Adults of Hui in Xinjiang;新疆回族成人身体机能、身体素质城乡对比分析与研究

3)City and country城乡

1.Evaluation of Effects about Different Education Models of Self-Management Training on Diabetes between the Community of City and Country;糖尿病自我管理方法不同教育模式在城乡社区应用的效果分析

2.The surveys of high serum level of lipid,glucose and uric acid in Quzhou city and country;衢州市城乡人群高血脂、高血糖、高尿酸血症的调查

3.There is a big income gap between the city and country in our country currently.我国目前存在较大的城乡收入差距。

4)City and countryside城乡

1.An analysis on the dual difference between city and countryside in west region in the aspect of tax revenue;西部城乡二元差异的税收分析

2.Construction of the Harmonious Society and the Public Service Equalization between the City and Countryside;构建和谐社会与城乡公共服务均等化

3.Aiming at building the labor market integrating urban and rural areas, capitalizing on the latestfindings, this paper explores and finds the deep reasons causing unbalance of labor market and puts forward thecountermeasures against the united allocation of labors in city and countryside from the perspective of unifyingtown and country by means of the descriptive positive analysis.为构建城乡统一的劳动力市场,文章从城乡一体化视角入手,借助最新研究成果,采用描述性实证分析方法,探究城乡劳动力市场供求失衡的深度原因,提出城乡劳动力一体化配置的对策建议,给政策的选择提供理论依据。

5)town and country城乡

1.Study on formaldehyde pollution and healthy effect in door air in the decorated rooms intown and country;城乡居室装潢室内空气甲醛污染与健康影响研究

2.A survey of the health condition and hospitalizing behavior among middle age and aged people living intown and country;城乡中老年人就医行为的现状研究

3.the integrity oftown and country industry is main part of the integrity oftown and country.城乡产业一体化是城乡一体化的重要内容。

6)Xiang Cheng乡城

1.The Origin and Transformation of Local Trabel Chiefs ofXiang Cheng and Dao Cheng in Ganzi Area;乡城、稻城土头统治的由来及其嬗变


