1200字范文 > 私人物品 private goods英语短句 例句大全

私人物品 private goods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-03 07:55:11


私人物品 private goods英语短句 例句大全

私人物品,private goods

1)private goods私人物品

1.On basis of analyzing the quality of media products,this article discusses the corresponding management strategies of media industry,and draws some conclusions as follows:In terms of material form,broadcasting and wireless TV are public goods;Cable TV,digital TV and network are semi-public goods;Newspapers and magazines areprivate goods.在分析媒介产品属性的基础上,探讨了媒介产业相应的经营策略,得到了以下主要结论:在物质形态上,广播及无线电视是公共物品,有线电视、数字电视及网络媒体是准公共物品,报纸及杂志是私人物品,媒介产品承载的内容是公共物品,媒介产品集聚的“注意力资源”是私人物品;加快新闻信息的发布,增强新闻信息内容的独特性是所有媒体经营的策略、目标和方向。

2.Some news media are public goods,while more areprivate goods.新闻媒介大多数是私人物品。

3.In the information-intensive society,theelectronic information technical standard has appeared asprivate goods in the IT field.在信息社会中,信息产业领域已经出现了作为私人物品的电子信息技术标准。


1.You don"t have to pay any duty on personal belongings.你的私人物品不必上税。

2.small personal or clothing or sewing items.很小的私人物品或衣物或缝纫物。

3.Anything you want.Put your personals in the lockers.任何私人物品请放进个人置物柜里

4.The management refuses to accept responsibility for guests " personal belongings .管理部门对客人私人物品概不负责。

5.The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman.箱子里装有一个海员的私人物品。

6.You may list them under "personal belongings".您可以把他们列在“私人物品”栏内。

7.Passenger"s luggage and personal belongings shall not be included in the value for contribution.旅客的行李和私人物品,不分摊共同海损。

8.Economic Characteristics of Internet as both Private and Public Goods;因特网作为私人物品和公共物品的若干经济特性

9.On the Change of Public Goods Boundary and Private Provision of Public Goods;公共物品边界的变化与公共物品的私人供给

10.Feasibility Study of City Public Goods Provided by Private Sector;城市公共物品私人提供的可行性研究

11.those who illegally and directly buy from smugglers goods whose import has been banned by the state,或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品,数额较大的;

12.or to purchase directly and illegally from a smuggler other smuggled goods or articles in relatively large quantities或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品,数额较大的

13.No Customs personnel shall be allowed to purchase confiscated smuggled goods or articles.海关工作人员不得购买没收的走私货物、物品;

14."to search means of transport suspected of involvement in smuggling, and storage places suspected of concealing smuggled goods and articles, and to search persons suspected of smuggling"检查有走私嫌疑的运输工具和有藏匿走私货物、物品嫌疑的场所,检查走私嫌疑人的身体;

15.The Study on the Game of "Private Supply of Public Goods" in Constructing Agricultural Regional Brand农产品区域品牌建设中的“公共物品私人自愿供给”问题研究

16.to purchase directly and illegally from a smuggler articles which are prohibited by the State from being imported;直接向走私人非法收购国家禁止进口的物品的,

17.The following acts shall be regarded as smuggling offenses and punished according to the relevant provisions under this Section:直接向走私人非法收购国家禁止进口物品的,

18.An Analysis of the Game of "Private Supply of Public Goods" in Marketing Channels;营销渠道中“公共物品私人自愿供给”的博弈分析


private things私人物品

1.Mineral products belong toprivate things.矿产品是私人物品,采矿是营利性活动,作为采矿业生产要素投入的矿产资源产地也应属于私人物品,因此矿产勘查属于商业性活动。

3)Nothing but personal belongings.只有些私人物品。

4)I have only personal effects.我只有私人物品。

5)private goods私人产品

1.Education can beprivate goods and on the meanwhile can be public goods.教育的产品属性依赖于它被提供的方式 ,同一层次的教育既可能是公共产品 ,又可能是准公共产品 ,还可能是私人产品。

2.The incentives and behaviors of "green responsibility" are analyzed using game theory instruments under the assumptions that "green responsibility" effects as public goods or asprivate goods in a monopoly market.以博弈论为主要工具,分析了企业"绿色责任"行为效果作为"公共产品"及"私人产品"两种情形下,企业"绿色责任"行为的动因与行为规律。

3.The author s view is that Higher education is theprivate goods.本文从公共产品的特性以及公共产品的外部效应着手,对上述两种观点进行了剖析,并进而提出了作者观点:高等教育是私人产品。

6)Private product私人产品

1.Graduate education should charge tuition fee as it is a private product.研究生教育应当收取学费,学费定价与资助政策应建立在研究生教育是私人产品的基础上,学费是学校根据学生对研究生教育的需求以及劳动力市场需求所确定的市场化价格。


