1200字范文 > 执政规律 the ruling law英语短句 例句大全

执政规律 the ruling law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 10:57:29


执政规律 the ruling law英语短句 例句大全

执政规律,the ruling law

1)the ruling law执政规律

1.On Deng xiao ping s exploration aboutthe ruling law of the Communist Party of China;浅谈邓小平关于中国共产党执政规律的探索

2.Research on the Ruling Law of the CPC Revealed by the Thought of Three Represents;论“三个代表”思想对中国共产党执政规律的揭示

3.The summation ofthe ruling law of the Communist Party experienced the historic development, which comes into being on the basis of the conclusion of revolutionary and constructing experiences.党的执政规律的总结经历了长期的历史发展,是在我们党革命和建设经验总结的基础上形成的,加强对这一问题的探讨具有一定的现实意义。


1.CPC s Exploration to the Ruling Regulation of the Ruling Party;中国共产党对执政党执政规律的探索

2.Probing the Laws of Governing for Consolidating Our Party s Ruling Position;探索执政规律 巩固党的执政地位

3.Strengthen Competence As Ruling Party, Explore Vigorously Patterns of Governance;加强党的执政能力建设 积极探索党的执政规律

4.Building the Party for the Interests of the People and Assuming Power for the People-Demanded Essentially by CPC in the Law and Abilities of Administration;立党为公 执政为民——中国共产党执政规律和执政能力的本质要求

5.The Important Thought of the "Three Represents" and the Laws of Governance by the Communist Party;“三个代表”重要思想与共产党执政规律

6.The Ideology of the "Three Representatives":A Centralized Embodiment in the Governing Law of the Communist Party;“三个代表”:共产党执政规律的集中体现

7.Historic Thinking Over the Ruling Law of the Communist Party;对中国共产党执政规律的历史性思考

8.Three Represents"and the rules of the CPC being in power;“三个代表”与中国共产党执政规律

9.A New Exploration of the Thought of"The Three Representatives" for the Laws of Holding Power of CCP;“三个代表”对共产党执政规律的新探索

10.A Study on the CPC"s Law of Ruling:Retrospect and Prospect中国共产党执政规律研究回顾与展望

11.Benevolent Government, Wise Government, Moral Rule;仁政·善政·德政——从政府施政深化对共产党执政规律的认识

12.The expenrience in power is the important theorerical achievement for the party to research the regularity in power;党的执政经验是党探索执政规律的重要理论成果

13.Exploring Regularity of Ruling and Enhancing Ability of Ruling;探索执政规律 提高执政能力——学习十六届四中全会精神的体会

14.Grasping Regularity and Keeping Progress--the thinking of the Communist Party′s reigning methods;把握规律性 保持先进性——对共产党执政规律的思考

15.The CPC s Exploration on Ruling Law and Its Historical Experienc;中国共产党对执政规律的探索及其历史经验

16.Research on the Ruling Law of the CPC Revealed by the Thought of Three Represents;论“三个代表”思想对中国共产党执政规律的揭示

17.Mao Zedong s Exploration on the Governance Law of the Communist Party before and after China s Foundation;建国前后毛泽东对共产党执政规律的探索

18.On the CPC Administration in a Socialist Society;社会主义时期中国共产党的基本执政规律浅议


ruling law执政规律

1.The party s governing ability refers to the ability of ruling parties to exercise state power,to follow theruling law,and to supervise and manage national affairs.党的执政能力,就是指执政党掌握和运用国家政权,遵循政党执政规律,领导、管理国家事务的本领和水平。

2.In university ideological and political theory classes the education of theruling law of the Communist Party of China should be strengthened and more attention should be paid to the research and scientific grasp of the meaning and content of the law.在高校思想政治理论课中加强党执政规律教育,要重视研究和科学把握中国共产党执政规律的涵义与内容,找准切入点,把党执政规律教育贯穿于"毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论"课程教学中,采用灵活多样的教学方式和手段,增强其教育的实效性。

3)governing laws执政规律

1.This dissertation makes some preliminary study on thegoverning laws of CPC, with the means of comparative analysis, of the dialectic, from general to special, of system and of unity between history and logic.本文运用比较分析法、一般与特殊相结合的方法、系统方法、历史与逻辑相统一的方法,对中国共产党执政规律进行了初步的研究。

4)governing law执政规律

1.In the political report of the 17th Congress of CPC,Hu Jintao points out that it is essential to further grasp thegoverning law of the Communist Party,the law of socialist construction,the law of the development of the human history,and raise the ability in analyzing and solving practical problems by using scientific theories.胡锦涛在党的十七大政治报告中提出,进一步把握共产党执政规律、社会主义建设规律、人类历史发展规律,提高运用科学理论分析和解决实际问题的能力。

5)governing rules执政规律

1.A Summary of Research on Governing Rules of the CPC;中国共产党执政规律研究综述

2.Chenyun is a great forerunner to probe into thegoverning rules followed by the CPC.陈云是探索中国共产党执政规律的开拓者之一。

6)ruling principle of a party in power执政党执政规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
