1200字范文 > 师专升本院校 universities upgraded from normal colleges英语短句 例句大全

师专升本院校 universities upgraded from normal colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 02:10:32


师专升本院校 universities upgraded from normal colleges英语短句 例句大全

师专升本院校,universities upgraded from normal colleges

1)universities upgraded from normal colleges师专升本院校

1.At present,less attention to the practice and too much importance to the theory and knowledge teaching is a universal problem inuniversities upgraded from normal colleges.目前,师专升本院校普遍存在着重理论、轻实践,重知识、轻能力的倾向,以及实践教学形式单一,内容陈旧、体系缺陷等问题,这严重影响了实践教学的质量。

2.Atuniversities upgraded from normal colleges there exist such universal problems as single content and method,short time and informal assessment for teacher education practice,which severely affects the practice teaching quality.师专升本院校普遍存在着教师教育实习内容与方式单一化、时间仓促化、评价形式化等问题,严重影响了实践教学的质量。


1.Foreign Typical Teacher Education Practice Models and Their Enlightenment to Universities Upgraded from Normal Colleges国外典型教师教育实习模式及对师专升本院校的启示

2.Opimization of Practical Teaching in Teacher Education for Universities Upgraded from Normal Colleges--Based on Three Domestic Normal Universities;师专升本院校教师教育实践教学的优化与创新——基于国内3所师范大学经验的思考

3.On Associate Degree Promotion Program and Role Change of Teachers;论公安专科院校“升本”与教师角色转变

4.The Construction and Management of Teaching Staff in the Newly Promoted Colleges with Bachelor s Degree Program;“专升本”院校的教师队伍建设和管理

5.Need Analysis and Teaching of English Majors in Teachers Training Colleges;需求分析与师范类院校专升本英语专业教学

6.Study on the Test and Appraisal of the Teaching Efficiency of Teachers in Upgraded Colleges;专升本院校教师课堂教学质量测评研究

7.Revelation of Investigation of Graduates General Quality of Normal Colleges;专升本师范院校毕业生综合素质调查启示

8.On the Development of Innovation Competence of Physical Education Teachers in Academy-to-Undergraduate Universities;论专升本院校体育师资创新能力的培养

9.A Discussion on the Courses of Ancient Literature for Students from Junior Colleges to Colleges;师范院校专升本古代文学课程教学刍议

10.Study on the Professional Development of College English Teaching in Newly Built Universities新升本科院校大学英语教师专业化发展研究

11.ON the Challenges and Opportunities That the Teacher s Education Faces After Junior Teacher s Colleges Upgrading to Universities;论师专升格为本科院校后教师教育面临的挑战与机遇

12.Physical Education Specialty Faced with Problems and Strategy of Newly Undergraduate Teacher Colleges in Henan Province;河南省新升本科师范院校体育专业面临问题及对策研究

13.Primary Approach to the Project of Major Establishment and Curriculum of New Teachers Colleges;新升本科高师院校专业设置和课程设置方案初探

14.Studies on Teacher Resource s Substaintial Enhancement in the New Undergraduate Colleges of Hunan;湖南新建本科院校师资内涵升本研究

15.Exploration on the relief of the psychological pressure of teachers in newly-upgraded universities;调适新升本院校教师心理压力之探讨

16.On Teachers Team Building of Combination College for Undergraduate Education;“合并升本”院校教师队伍建设刍议

17.On the Law of Career Development of Teachers in Newly-promoted Undergraduate Universities;新升本科院校教师职业发展规律探析

18.Some Thoughts about the Construction of Majors in New Upgrade Undergraduate Course Colleges and Universities;新升格本科院校专业建设的一些思考


new normal universities in China专升本师院

1.As a main style institute of education set up by the means of incorporating,new normal universities in China not only are faced with the advantages of opportunity to develop but also the flinty challenges coming from many ways.作为合并建制高校的主要类型之一,专升本师院既有良好的发展机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战。

3)college-upgraded university专升本院校

1.This paper analyzes the present situation of and problems existing in the quality of the librarians ofcollege-upgraded university,and puts forward some paths and methods for improving the quality of the librarians.分析了专升本院校图书馆员素质的现状及存在问题,提出了提高图书馆员素质的途径和方法。

4)newly-upgraded college新专升本院校

1.This paper is intended to foster learner autonomy through enhancing metacognitive strategys training for the students in thenewly-upgraded colleges.文中探讨了在新专升本院校,通过精读课上的元认知策略培训来促进学生自主性学习能力的可行性。

2.Take students of non-English majors in anewly-upgraded college as trial objects,one year contrastive teaching experiment was carried out between multi-media and traditional college English teaching.文章以新专升本院校学生为实验对象,对大学英语多媒体实验班与传统课堂教学对照班两种教学模式进行了为期一年的教学实验。

5)Newly-risen undergraduate college专升本科院校

6)college from training school to regular college升本院校

1.Methods 138 impoverished students incollege from training school to regular college were investgated by SCL-90 and SSRS cherk up.目的:了解升本院校贫困生的心理健康状况及社会支持的情况。




