1200字范文 > 三维温度场分布 Three-dimensional temperature distribution英语短句 例句大全

三维温度场分布 Three-dimensional temperature distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-10 04:52:09


三维温度场分布 Three-dimensional temperature distribution英语短句 例句大全

三维温度场分布,Three-dimensional temperature distribution

1)Three-dimensional temperature distribution三维温度场分布

2)2D-temperature distribution二维温度场分布

3)3D temperature distributions三维温度分布

1.The technique to visualize3D temperature distributions serves as a basis for optimally controlling the3D temperature distributions in PC-fired furnace.炉膛燃烧三维温度分布可视化技术为实现炉内燃烧三维温度分布优化控制奠定了基础。


1.Research on Reconstruction of 3-D Temperature Profile in Pulverized Coal Flame and Its Utility in Combustion Diagnosis Technique;煤粉火焰三维温度分布重建及其在燃烧诊断技术中应用的研究


3.Two-dimensional distribution of rotational and vibrational temperatures at atmospheric pressure cold plasma jet大气压冷炬转动温度和振动温度二维分布研究

4.Three Dimension Finite Element Researches on Temperature Field and Thermal Stresses of Mass Concrete;大体积混凝土温度场温度应力三维有限元分析

5.Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Shaft Wall Temperature Stress;立井井壁温度应力三维数值模拟分析

6.Analysis and calculation of 3D temperature field of submersible motor rotor潜油电机转子三维温度场分析与计算

7.Three-dimensional bending analysis for simply supported functionally graded plate of arbitrary graded distribution任意梯度分布简支功能梯度板的三维弯曲分析

8.3-D FEM Analysis on Temperature Field and Thermal Creep Stresses Field in the Masonry Arc Dam;砌石拱坝温度场和温度徐变应力场三维有限元分析

9.Study of RC Beams Strengthened with CFRP on Temperature Field and Flexural Behaviors at Elevated Temperature;碳纤维布(CFRP)加固钢筋混凝土梁的温度场及高温受弯性能分析研究

10.Numerical Simulation and Uncertainty Analysis of 3D Temperature Field of Tongue;舌体三维温度场的数值模拟及不确定分析

11.Three Dimension Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of the Temperature Field and Creep Stress Field in Concrete Arch Dam;混凝土拱坝温度场、徐变应力场三维有限元分析

12.Analysis and Calculation of 3D Temperature Field in Steady State for the Rotor of Submersible Motor潜油电机转子三维稳态温度场的分析与计算

13.Analysis and research of three dimensional temperature field and thermal stress field of high speed engine brake disc准高速机车制动盘三维温度场及热应力场分析

14.3-D finite element analysis of melting temperature field in hield tunneling horizontal freezing reinforcing engineering盾构出洞水平冻结解冻温度场三维有限元分析

15.Coupled analysis on flow field-temperature distribution of aircraft-skin飞行器表面三维流场与固壁温度场的耦合分析

16.Analysis of coupled eddy current-thermal field for heavy current bus bar大电流母排三维涡流场-温度场耦合分析

17.Analysis of p-version Adaptive Finite Element Method for Three Dimensional Unsteady Temperature Field三维非稳定温度场的p型自适应有限元分析

18.3-D Finite Element Method Analysis of Temperature Field for the Cylinder Liner of S195 Diesel EngineS195柴油机气缸套温度场的三维有限元分析


2D-temperature distribution二维温度场分布

3)3D temperature distributions三维温度分布

1.The technique to visualize3D temperature distributions serves as a basis for optimally controlling the3D temperature distributions in PC-fired furnace.炉膛燃烧三维温度分布可视化技术为实现炉内燃烧三维温度分布优化控制奠定了基础。

4)3-D temperature field三维温度场

1.Based on numerical simulation equations and their solution method for laminar and turbulent liquid metal flows during mold filling, solidification and cooling processes of casting, the programs were made for enmeshment of casting geometry, calculation of 3-D velocity field and3-D temperature field, as well as display of 2-D isothermal diagram, velocity vector diagram and3-D temperature fields .铸件充型凝固过程数值模拟软件SRIFCAST在确定了金属液在充型和凝固冷却过程中的湍流和层流流动模式以及三维速度场和温度场数值模拟计算方程及数值求解的基础上,编制了网格单元的剖分、三维速度场和温度场计算、二维等温线图、速度矢量图和三维温度场显示等程序;在 Window 9x操作平台上,设计了方便、快捷的各种鼠标操作主界面和分界面;建立了铸铁、铸钢、高温合金、铸造有色合金等金属材料,以及石英砂等造型材料的热物性参数数据库。

2.The method of dynamic internal heat resource is adopted to deal with the latent heat during FEM analysis of3-D temperature field of plastics thermoforming in this paper.对塑料板材热成形过程的三维温度场进行有限元分析时采用动态内部热源的方法对潜热进行了处理。

3.Based on Pennes equation it succeeds in reconfiguring and calculating of the3-D temperature field of the tongue under natural feature and real heat tra.依据生物体自然形态所进行的三维温度场建构与计算是近年来国内外生物传热研究中的焦点之一。

5)3D temperature field三维温度场

1.Development and application of3D temperature field mathematic model system for slab reheating furnace板坯加热炉三维温度场数学模型系统的开发及应用

2.The experimental research and numerical simulation of3D temperature field of human tongue has done by using the corrosion cast of real arterial tree.直接采用人舌血管铸型进行三维温度场的实验研究与数值计算。

3.Application results of a visible furnace combustion3D temperature field monitoring system to a 230(t/h) opposed firing boiler are being presented.介绍了炉膛燃烧三维温度场可视化监测系统在230 t/h对冲式燃烧锅炉上的应用效果。

6)Three dimensional temperature field三维温度场

1.A novel analyical model three dimensional temperature field;一种新型的GMAW三维温度场解析模型

2.A 300MW boiler is tested with real-time three dimensional temperature field monitoring technology.在一台300MW锅炉上采用12个火焰图像探测器和三维温度场监控系统进行了燃烧调整对炉内三维温度场分布影响的实验研究,结果表明:300MW和220MW的高温区域的温度相差约300K;总风量和层间燃料量的调整试验直接影响炉内沿高度方向的温度场分布。

3.A three dimensional temperature field model of hydroelectric generator stator is established in this paper.建立了发电机定子三维温度场计算的数学模型 ,以水轮发电机的半齿、半槽为计算区域 ,用有限元方法对5 5 0 0kW 64 71kVA灯泡贯流式发电机定子的温度场进行了求解 ,得到了发电机定子的温度场、各部件温度最高点及分布。


温度分布在给定时刻的空间某区域内温度随空间位置的变化。这是热量传递研究中要解决的主要问题之一。在换热器、反应器等化工设备中,由于两流体存在温差,或因反应具有热效应,因而形成温度分布。热量仅以热传导方式传递时,温度分布可由热传导方程解出,通常采用数值解方法。热量以对流传热方式传递时,若已知速度分布,则温度分布可通过能量方程求得。此外,温度分布也可由实验测得。温度分布一般可用解析法或图示法表述:①解析法。用某种函数表述在给定时刻温度与空间位置的关系。例如,定态固定床反应器简化为有均匀内热源的圆柱体后,热传导时的径向温度分布可用下式表述: 式中T和Tw分别为床层中任意点和壁面处的温度;r为任意点离轴线的距离;R 为圆柱体的半径;qi为内热源的发热率;λ 为固定床的有效热导率。②图示法。用线图表示温度或其相对值〔(Tw-T)/(Tw-Tf),Tf为管中心温度〕与空间位置(y/R,y为离开管壁的距离,R为管道半径)的关系(见图),此图表示在一定雷诺数Re条件下,普朗特数Hr对对流传热时圆管内无因次温度分布的影响。温度分布用于确定合理的工艺条件,例如根据催化剂床层中的最高温度点确定反应条件。此外,还可用于计算热量通量、传热分系数等。
